21-11-2020, 18:26
2 162

Lepidocephalichthys hasselti

Lepidocephalichthys hasselti naturally inhabits water bodies in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Laos, India and Cambodia. The fish can be found in shallow waters, quiet backwaters, rice paddies and areas densely overgrown with aquatic vegetation, where the bottom is covered with a thick layer of fallen tree leaves, branches and snags, and the substrate consists of sand and silt. The transparency of the water varies depending on the season. In general, the fish are not difficult to keep, but the aquarium must be a sandy substrate, because the fish burrow into the ground, and over its surface stick out only their eyes.

The Lepidocephalichthys hasselti is beige in colour. Rows of dark spots of varying size run along the entire surface of the body. The tail plumage is narrow, dotted with fine speckles, with a small black spot at the root. In contrast to females, males have enlarged dorsal and pectoral fins. The females are larger and have a spotted pattern on their flanks rather than a dark stripe. The maximum size of fish reaches 6 cm.

Hasselt's Gobitis (Lepidocephalichthys hasselti)

Lepidocephalichthys hasselti are peaceful fish, they coexist peacefully with each other as well as with other fish in the aquarium, although they may prey on fry and eat fish eggs. Fish feel most comfortable in a species aquarium in a group consisting of 4-6 fish. When keeping in a single aquarium in the neighbours to them to pick up fish occupying mainly the upper and middle layers of water.

As a substrate to use coarse-grained river sand, poured a layer of at least 5 cm. In the case of gravel, the fish may be injured by trying to bury themselves in it. Place a large number of shelters on the bottom, consisting of large boulders, snags and tree branches, forming many shaded areas. Plant a variety of plants around the perimeter of the aquarium, selecting species that can grow in low light.

Water parameters: temperature 23-26° C, hardness dH 2-10°, pH 55-7,5. Need filtration, aeration and weekly change of ¼ of the aquarium water with fresh. It is advisable to create a small water current in the aquarium. An aquarium cover is a must, as the fish often jump out of the water when startled.

The lighting is dim. If reducing the intensity of the light bulbs is problematic, floating plants may be placed around the water surface to act as natural light filters.

Hasselt's Gobitis (Lepidocephalichthys hasselti)

During feeding, Lepidocephalichthys hasselti sift the substrate through the gills, extracting small insect larvae, crustaceans and the like. Under aquarium conditions, fish are fed a variety of flakes and tablets, as well as live and frozen daphnia, artemia, chironomid, etc. The fish feed only from the bottom.


Under aquarium conditions Lepidocephalichthys hasselti does not breed. All fish that occasionally appear on the domestic market are imported from their natural habitat.

Hobithys hasselti (Lepidocephalichthys hasselti)

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