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Mirabilis Jalapa: Know how to grow and maintain

Tips to Grow and Take Care of Mirabilis Jalapa

Mirabilis Jalapa common name

The Mirabilis jalapa common name is 4 o’ clock or Marvel of Peru.

Mirabilis Jalapa: Why is it called 4’O clock?

Mirabilis Jalapa is known as a 4 o’ clock plant because its flowers bloom late in the afternoon by around 4 pm. These tubular-shaped flowers bloom in shades of white, pink, red, yellow and are also bi-colour like white and red and give strong fragrance and close by the next morning. The name of this plant is a mix of two names. In Latin, Mirabilis means amazing, and Jalapa is the capital city of Mexico’s Veracruz.

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How to grow Mirabilis Jalapa?

Mirabilis Jalapa can grow well if planted in your garden, or in an open area. Mirabilis Jalapa plant needs ample of sunlight for their growth and can be planted using seeds, or propagation by division of its roots. If you are using seeds to grow the plant, it’s a good idea to soak the seeds before sowing.

For planting Mirabilis Jalapa from seeds, take a pot with a small hole at the bottom for proper drainage.



Place the seeds in soil, add manure, and water and keep it under sunlight. They will start growing fast. Sown between the months of February and May, Mirabilis Jalapa seeds germinate quickly.

Mirabilisis Jalapa characteristics 

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Advantages of Mirabilis Jalapa


Is Mirabilis Jalapa an evergreen plant?

Mirabilis Jalapa is seasonal plant. During frost, it dies and starts growing again during late spring season when the weather becomes pleasant.


How much sunlight does Mirabilis Jalapa require?

Mirabilis Jalapa requires full sunlight and grows quickly.


How often do you water Mirabilis Jalapa?

Mirabilis Jalapa requires less water and can be watered once in a few days when the top layer starts drying.



Is Mirabilis Jalapa toxic to pets?

Yes, the black seeds of Mirabilis Jalapa are toxic and harmful if eaten by pets.

Which months are favourable for sowing Mirabilis Jalapa seeds?

Mirabilis Jalapa seeds are sown between February and May.

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