The International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), established in 1922,  proudly celebrates its centenary with 60 Member countries. IUPAP’s mission is to “To assist in the worldwide development of physics, to foster international cooperation in physics, and to help in the application of physics toward solving problems of concern to humanity.”  IUPAP coordinates international efforts in the different branches of science through 20 Commissions as well as a range of Affiliated Commissions and Working Groups.

The International Commission on Physics Education was created by a group of physicists in the late 1950s followed by a conference in 1960. A request submitted to IUPAP for an education related commission was granted before the end of the year.  The Commission on Physics Education is officially Commission C14: Physics Education under the umbrella of IUPAP.  The flagship conference of Commission C14 is the International Conference on Physics Education, ICPE.

ICPE 2022 follows the IUPAP policy on conferences.

You can find the full policy at the following link:

Free Circulation of Scientists: The principle of the Universality of Science is fundamental to scientific progress. This principle embodies freedom of movement, association, expression and communication for scientists, as well as equitable access to data, information and research materials. In pursuing its objectives with respect to the rights and responsibilities of scientists, the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) actively upholds this principle, and, in so doing, opposes any discrimination on the basis of such factors as ethnic origin, religion, citizenship, language, political stance, gender, or age. IUPAP should only sponsor conferences and events at institutions and in countries that uphold this principle. If scientists are excluded from attending IUPAP-sponsored international conferences by a host institution or country on the basis of any of these factors, IUPAP should register its concern at the highest level of that institution or country, and should not sponsor any future events in that country until such exclusions have been eliminated. (See Section 1 of

Harassment: It is the policy of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) that all participants at an IUPAP-supported Conference will enjoy a comfortable experience, and that they will treat each other with respect at all times. The conference organisers will appoint two advisors at the conference who will consult with those who have suffered from harassment and who will suggest ways of redressing their problems, and an advisor who will counsel those accused of harassment. (See Section 4 of

IUPAP resolution regarding international conferences in this time from the IUPAP Executive Council

IUPAP, during the darkest days of the cold war, apartheid and many other difficult political eras over the past 100 years, has always been able to do two things with care and responsibility:

i) Kept open the channels for scientific cooperation across all political and other divides in the hope and expectation that enhanced scientific collaborations are an important means to develop improved understandings between different peoples that contributes to world peace, and

ii) Expressed its concerns about any activity or intervention, including
war, that impacts negatively on our ability to engage scientifically on a global scale and hence impacting negatively on (i) above.

IUPAP has issued its statement on the Russian invasion of Ukraine ( 2022-03-01/) in accordance with (ii) above.

It will be inappropriate for IUPAP to bar any scientist, especially from a member nation, from any scientific activity in accordance with (i) above. So long as the work upholds the ethics and principles of science in its highest ideals, for example, does not contribute to weapons capabilities, IUPAP can see no reason to disallow Russian scientist participation in the affairs of the Union.

Possible IUPAP Affiliation

Physicists, and scientists more generally including students, from any country around the world who feel excluded from participating in IUPAP-related conferences, workshops, meetings, etc, based on their affiliation, country of origin may formally apply to the IUPAP via the organizer of the IUPAP-related activity to use the IUPAP as their affiliation only for that specific activity. The applicant will need to sign a declaration that they are not actively supporting war and are committed to democratic principles for resolving disagreements and conflicts.

IUPAP Commisions