quiet down

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Related to quiet down: keep quiet
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quiet down

1. To become calm, quiet, and relaxed; to stop being so noisy and boisterous. Often used as an imperative. A small amount of television after dinner is actually a good way of helping kids quiet down before bed time. It takes the engine a minute to quiet down after you turn it off. OK, everyone, quiet down. No talking during the movie.
2. To cause, compel, or instruct someone or something to become less noisy and boisterous. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "quiet" and "down." A last-minute goal by the visiting team quieted the crowd down almost instantly. It can be a real chore trying to quiet the students down first thing in the morning.
See also: down, quiet
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

quiet (someone or an animal) down

to make someone or an animal more quiet. Please go and quiet the children down. Try to quiet down the children. Please quiet that dog down.
See also: down, quiet

quiet down

to become quiet; to become less noisy. Please quiet down. Ask them to quiet down.
See also: down, quiet
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

quiet down

1. To become less noisy or more relaxed; calm down: When the class quiets down, we can proceed. Quiet down now.
2. To cause someone or something to become less noisy or more relaxed: Please quiet down those children or you will have to leave. We need to quiet the dogs down.
See also: down, quiet
The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Officials ordered him removed because he refused to stop arguing and quiet down during a discussion about a senior citizens housing project.
BEIRUT: Although things never really seem to quiet down in Beirut when it comes to nightlife, some neighborhoods that were previously known as hubs for partygoers have recently suffered as a result of the turbulence the country continues to face.
Nicholas wants to go to bed, but his house and neighborhood are so noisy that he packs a snack, puts on his space suit, and blasts off for the moon until things quiet down. Simple cartoon illustrations carry, viewers from a familiar domestic setting to the moon's rugged, butter-colored surface and back.
"Obviously there are far more AFI attendees at night: Things quiet down in the evenings at AFM, and we're just getting going at 6 p.m."
So I ask: Have you given up on meditation because your brain won't quiet down and you feel silly fighting with it?
Apparently disgruntled about Scott's recent break-up with him, Ybarra became loud enough that Fitts motioned to him to quiet down so that his neighbors would not hear the yelling.
The hen was very upset and didn't quiet down for some time.
Instead, adults often get caught in a cycle of focusing on the things that children are doing wrong: "Put that back," "Stop it," "Quiet down," "Knock it off!" Of course, it is often necessary to correct children's behavior in this manner, but it is much more effective to give praise and privileges to those children who are doing what you want them to do, rather than only penalizing those who are doing what you don't want them to do.
She had to stop several times to get the audience to quiet down.
During the Florida recount in 2000, she complained to her Republican colleagues, "We're bending over and taking it from the Democrats" When a colleague objected to this formulation, she said, "Quiet down or you'll get a spanking"
There's something about Mary that makes Martha quiet down, and she whispers, "The master is asking for you." Mary goes out to meet Jesus, and when he sees her weeping, he begins to weep.
After the moans quiet down, I put the spool into the sewing drawer.
"Woody became very serene, and he started to smile and quiet down," recalls Colby, "and he calmly and peacefully walked out on stage and proceeded to bomb.