Water conflict study [2017]

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This Project is funded by European Union


STUDY 2017

Identification of water related conflicts linked to hydro power projects in Albania

The project partners of HELP-CSO are:

The project was implemented in the frame of ACHIEVE

Implemented by REC Albania

This Project is funded by European Union

ASSESSMENT STUDY Y Identification of water related conflicts linked to hydro power projects in Albania


Cover : Landscape with the Vjosa river's valley. © Eco Albania

Publisher: Date: Author:

Compiled and prepared:

©HELP-CSO February, 2017 Milieukontakt Albania renda exx F e erenda Le Eco A llbania bania

M.Sc. Elton Qendro

With contribution of: Valbona Mazreku, Arion Sauku, Besmir Beja, Odeta Jahaj, Olsi Nika, Besiana Guri, Agim Blloshmi, Erdiola Terziu, Daniel Bica, Robert Murataj. Contact: info @help-cso.net Design and layout: A. Hitoaliaj

DISCLAIMER “The content of this publication is the responsibility only of Milieukontakt Albania, Lex Ferenda and Eco Albania, as implementing partners and in in no way can be considered to reflect the views of the European Union and/ or REC Albania”. With respect to any information available from this publication, neither HELP-CSO, nor its employees or members make any warranty, express or implied, including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, nor does HELP-CSO assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed, nor does HELP-CSO represent that its use would not infringe upon privately owned rights.

CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 . INTR ODUCTION INTRODUCTION 1.1 Situation analysis 1.2 Objective and scope of the study 1.3 Research limitation 2. APPR OACH AND METHODOL OG Y APPRO METHODOLOG OGY 2.1 Methodology framework 2.2 Strategy of data collection 2.2.1 Data collection for the establishment of a baseline list of water -conflicts 2.2.2 Literature review. 2.2.3 Identification of case studies and key informants. 2.2.4 Fieldwork in the affected conflict communities. 2.2.5 Systematization, quality control, analysis and interpretation of results and editing of reports 3. ANAL YSIS OF THE RESUL TS ANALY RESULTS 3.1 Conflict causes 3.2 Conflict geography 3.3 Conflict mobilisation 3.4 Conflict impact 3.5 Conflict result 4. DISCUSSION OF RESUL TS RESULTS 5. CONCL USIONS AND RECCOMMEND ATIONS CONCLUSIONS RECCOMMENDA REFERENCES ANNEXES Annex 1: Database of water-related conflicts Annex 2: List of stakeholders consulted Annex 3: Photos taken from various hydro-power projects Annex 4: Factsheets of water related conflicts with hydro-power project.

Assessment Study 3

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania


Table of casualties and arrested people related with HP conflicts

Table 2:

Overview of Hydro Power Plants in Albania by category.

Table 3:

Questionnaire structure and statistics


Cyclical process of research areas

Figure 2:

Methodological steps for the study and evaluation of water conflicts

Figure 3:

What is the conflict cause

Figure 4:

The affected people

Figure 5:

The main supporters in conflict cases

Figure 6:

Hydropower conflict related map.

Figure 7:

The start of mobilisations

Figure 8:

The mobilised groups

Figure 9:

The form of community mobilisation

Figure 10:

Environmental impact of the conflict

Figure 11:

Health impact

Figure 12:

Socio-economic impact of water related conflicts

Figure 13:

The current project status

Figure 14:

The conflict status

Figure 15:

The success of environmental justice

4 Assessment Study


Albanian Civil Society for a European Environment


Environmental Justice Organization, Liabilities and Trade


European Union


Environmental Impact Assessment


Energy Regulatory Entity


Environmental Civil Society Organization


Horizontal Enforcement Legislation Promotion of Civil Society Organizations


Hydro Power Plant


Kilowatt hours


Ministry of Energy and Industry


Ministry of Environment


Mega Watts


National Environmental Agency


Not available


Environmental Impact Assessment


Civil Society Organization

Assessment Study 5

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania



his assessment has been prepared under the EU funded project Horizontal Enf or cement Legislation “Horizontal Enfor orcement Pr omo tion of Civil Socie ty Promo omotion Society Organizations (HELP-CSO), through ACHIEVE Programme, managed by Regional Environmental Centre and implemented by Milieukontakt Albania, Eco Albania and LexFerenda. The overall objective of the Project is to help environmental civil society organizations for a better implementation and monitoring of horizontal legislation in the country. The main objective of this report is to assess the water-related conflict cases linked with hydropower development in the country. The assessment is based on data gathered

HPP name HPP Gojan HPP Fangu HPP Cernaleva HPP Ternova HPP Vinjoll (Hurdhas 1,2,3) HPP Dragobi HPP Gurshpate 1,2 HEC Peshku HEC Kalivaç Total

using the Environmental Justice Organization, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) framework assessment model. The findings presented here are intended to provide supporting information for the detailed planning of the HELP-CSO project activities such as the interactive conflict map as well as to suppor t the local environmental organizations, local communities, engaged citizens, scientists, farmers and energy companies to improve the management of conflict cases regarding hydro-power projects in the country. The assessment study mapped 1 8 cer certain tain cases of hydro-power conflicts repor ted in

No.of people arrested/detained N/A 6 4 (3 women +1 minor) 8 2 2 8 (3 women) N/A 4 arrested 34

Table 1: Table of conflicts casualties and arrested people related with HP conflicts

6 Assessment Study

Casualties 1 (Wounded) 3 (Dead) N/A N/A 1 (Murdered) N/A N/A 1 (murder attempt) 5

Albania during the period 2012-2016. Overall, out of these conflicts 34 people have been detained and/or arrested among which 6 were women and 1 minor and 6 casualties have been registered in connection with hydro-power projects (4 work accidents and 1 conflict borne from HPP construction+ 1 murder attempt). (Table 1).The study found that the small hydro-power plants are the most conflict-ridden projects. In none of the cases the parties ( private concessionary companies, community and public authorities) reached the stage of formal cooperative agreements due to protests, contestation by local peoples. The conflicts had also significant impacts on the operations/ construction, since 1/3 of the 18 cases identified had to stop and/or delay the works of the completion due to the situations and suffered financial loss due to clashes with communities.1 In all the conflict cases analysed, the most ural communities, vulnerable groups are mostly rural small villages or communities whose lifestyle are inextricably linked to the water resources for their sustenance. The transformation and/or appropriation of their territory and ecosystem by new users (energy companies) displace and strip their traditional rights and openly threaten various aspects of their social structure and cohesion. Wat er sharing rights and irrigation water have ater been identified as the most serious threats/ causes to water related conflicts linked with hydropower development in Albania. Lack of inf ormation and public consultation information consultation, however have been recognized as a common cause in 21% of the conflict cases, followed by loss of landscape and sense of place. 52% of the respondents have stated that local communities/farmers and villagers are the most affected stakeholder group due to conflictual hydro-power projects. The respondents generally replied in 67% of the cases that the mobilisation started as reaction to project start when they saw the machineries digging the place. This strongly correlates with lack of information and public consultation in the vast

majority of hydro-power projects. The conflict impact is being manifested differently from the affected group of stakeholders with environmental civil society organizations focusedmainly in loss of landscape, biodiversity and flooding and the rural villages and communities on lack of irrigation water and agriculture in 54% of the cases. The affected stakeholders were not very optimistic on the conflict result where 64% of the respondents said the cases were not successful, however acknowledged as the main result a strengthening of public information and participation on the hydro-power development issue. The respondents made several recommendations for a deep analysis of the environmental impact and also local benefit to develop hydro-power projects and also stressed the need to strengthen the enforcement of the monitoring of the water use by the energy companies. It is the belief of the author that there is an urgent need for all the stakeholder groups, energy companies, local organizations and community groups to shift their strategy of result from a traditional win-lose situation towards a winwin situations. This would enable the improvement of the project in the construction phase, monitor water sharing during operation and avoid future conflicts being generated. The analysis in this report shows that the categorisation of the different conflictual hydropower cases is difficult when the assessment is referred by different people.This is related to the fact that the EJOT is a qualitative assessment methodology based on ‘expert judgment’ which is prone to errors and cognitive biases. This seems to be the case in particular with respect to the assessment of conflict geography and impact of the conflictual cases which were then translated into individual factsheets, despite the effort of the expert and HELP-CSO consortium to promote the use of quantitative data to the stakeholders. Therefore the results presented in this report need to be interpreted with caution, especially with respect to the analysis of the individual conflict factsheets.

1 HPP Gojan blown with explosives; HPP Vinjoll (Gallate) blown with explosion; HPP Ternova& HPP Cernaleva suffered asset damaged and stop of works.

Assessment Study 7

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania



1 .1 Situation analysis


lbania is hydroelectricity depended and currently is producing only 40-50% of its domestic production depending on the precipitation year. The rest is imported from the region thus making the country a net importer of electricity in the region. On the other side Albania has hydro potential and is exploiting only 45% of its capacity. (AKBN, 2016)2 In this situation, Albania has moved very fast in the last decade to license hydro-power projects through concessionary agreements. At the time of research there have been identified 183 Year of concession

# of concessions

# of HPPs

concessionary agreements signed by the Albanian government to construct 524 Hydro Power Plants. The vast majority are small hydro-power plants and they have been issued during the timeframe 20022016. Out of these numbers, 177 HPPS are in operation and commissioned by Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE); 43 HPPs are under construction and 364 HPPs are planned which have not started yet the construction.3 As shown in Table 2, the number of concessions issued in 2009 and 2013 has skyrocketed and it corresponds with parliamentary elections.

Operational HPPs

Under construction

Pla nned*

Contested HPPs 0



























































































17 5












Subtotal 1 2014 2015














Subtotal 2 Grand total







18 4






Table 2 Overview of Hydro Power Plants in Albania by category and status

*The author could not retrieve trusted disaggregated data by year.

Source: AKBN, MEI, EITI, ERE, KKU, MoE, 2016 2

National Agency for Natural Resources 2016; www.akbn.gov.al

Albania has a central public online register of hydropower plants managed by the National Agency of Natural Resources. However, the information in the database is not complete and fully up-to-date. In order to access the hydro project data, one needs to look into information scattered over the annual reports of the National Energy Regulator Entity (ERE), decisions and government rulings. Although a few additional official materials containing overviews of concessionaires and electricity production and trading licence holders have been published, the information is not provided in its entirety. It is often very difficult to identify elementary details about the plants such as the location, name of the plants or names of all the parties holding the concession. The figures provided refer to the National Agency for Natural Resources database which was accessed on 7 October 2016. 3

Assessment Study 9

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Much of the unexploited hydroelectric energy sites are located in environmentally and socially sensitive areas, many on natural protected areas and in land inhabited by local rural people. The negative social and environmental consequences have caused debate, contestation, conflicts, protests and lawsuits inAlbania regarding the hydro-power plants. The main reason rests with the fact that no sacred place, park or river has been lef t untouched of this outbreak of concessions. This research tries to investigate to the extent possible the contested projects, the cause of the contestation, the impact they create and the outcome of the conflict. In this report we adopt Ashton’s definition of water conflict: “[in] its simplest and broadest sense, the term ‘water conflict’ has been used to describe any disagreements contestation and dispute over or about water, where social, economic, legal, political or police intervention has been needed, or will be required, to resolve the problem”. (Ashton, 2000, p. 69-70)4 Evidence shows that local people bear disproportionate costs of many of these projects, which are of ten conducted without their consultation, depriving them of the possibility to influence outcomes, or without any compensation. The weak interactions of many local populations with state authoritiesincreases the risk of local peoples being left out of these negotiations. To advance knowledge of these issues, a mapping exercise was conducted to determine the characteristics of conflicts over water resources related to hydroelectricity that emerge between governments, private industrial users, and local peoples. Report of devastating consequences of energy companies on water ecosystems in sensitive environmental areas and those

inhabited by local people throughout the country suggest that hydro-power development projects have become of the greatest challenges to the exercise of people rights on consultation, influence outcome or receive compensation. The dependence on water and occasionally the “distinctive cultural” relationship with water, losing access to this resources has multiple impacts on local people. In a significant number of cases, tensions over local people’s water issues triggers conflicts, this escalates to very destructive stages, including loss of human lives.5 These conflicts can also have costs for the industry, in terms of reputation, costs to financing, constructing operations, breakdown of company’s social license to operate, and can lead to delays, renegotiations, and even cancellations of projects. This study allows visualizing the national trends of competing claims over water use, the type and geography of conflict, the effects and results that these conflicts have on local people, government and industry.

1.2 Objectiv e and scope Objective of the study This report has been prepared by the expert on behalf of the “Horizontal Enforcement Legislation Promotion CSO (HELP-CSO)” project partners consisting of LexFerenda, Milieukontakt Albania and EcoAlbania under the project “ACHIEVE” implemented by the Regional Environmental Centre in Albania and financed by the European Delegation in Albania. The overall objective of the Project is to support the CSOs to promote the implementation of horizontal legislation by raising their capacities through trainings, expertise, litigation assistance and advocacy.

4 According to Ashton (2000) water is a “common good” because it flows naturally from one place to another which makes it difficult to establish “ownership” over it. The best management of this “common good” then is achieved through collaborative efforts among the various water users. However, an increase in competition over water due to population increase and/or human activities can result in tensions and disputes among water users or stakeholders, who From Ashton ’s (2000) discussion and others (UNESCO and Green Cross International, and Swart, 1996), instability, tension and disputes among water users are the key conditions for “water conflicts.” 5

The case of HPP Gojan that was blown through use of explosives or HPP in Vinjoll.

10 Assessment Study

The study identification of water related conflicts is one of the activities of the project which will result in the preparation of a water conflict database and a list of contested hydro power project factsheets. This will then serve for the HELP-CSO to prepare a conflict interactive map for public access. The study will be based on the environmental justice tool (EJOLT) methodology.

1 .3 R esear Resear esearcch limitation The research does not pretend to provide a complete picture of all contested and conflictual hydro-power projects in the country, but to the best

of the expert’s knowledge it provides a first publicly available resource which attempts to bring together data from several sources regarding water-related conflicts on hydro power development in Albania. The author had a limited days of work and faced lot of gaps due to lack of official data, inaccurate and contradictory data, duplications of projects names, different names for the same projects, contradictory information about whether hydro-power plants are in protected areas. Nevertheless, the author tried to capture the situation as accurately as possible, and believes that the database and Project factsheets give a picture of the main conflicts trends.

Assessment Study 11

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania



2. 1 Me thodology frame wor k 2.1 Methodology framew ork


he research methodology was guided by the Environmental Justice Organization, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) model, prepared by a group of 23 universities, established in the frame of an Seventh Framework Programme supported by European Commission that ran from 2011-2015.6 The EJOLT approach is based on the principle of underlying the causes of increasing ecological distribution conflicts at different scales and how to turn such conflicts for environmental sustainability.7 It follows a cyclical process with 5 stages or

conflict to understand the triggers, groups involved, supporters and their reaction to conflict. pact phase is associated The outcome or the im impact with the economic damage, environmental impact and social and health effects. The process is closed with the conflict result which is focused on the status and consequences of the conflict history. Overall, the research methodology aims at establishing a feedback loop among the a) open –source information collection on all water-related conflict cases, b) the desk research work to

Figure 1: Cyclical process of research areas


CONFLICT Geography


phases as shown in Figure 1. The process begins with the understanding the cause of the conflict, its triggers and reasons, the engaged stakeholders and the supporters. Then it progresses with the geograph geographyy of conflict to understand the proper location of the conflict, nature of communities involved, origin of investor or shareholders and the river basin. The approach then follows with the form of mobilization in the



establish the research questions of the study, c) questionnaire preparation, delivery and filling of the questionnaire from environmental civil society groups, d) interview guide to interview key informants on the cases selected, e) quality control to reconcile all the information collected, f) producing the report and respective conflict cases factsheets. The scheme below illustrates those methodological steps.

EJOLT supports the work of Environmental Justice Organisations, uniting scientists, activist organisations, think-tanks, policy-makers from the fields of environmental law, environmental health, political ecology, ecological economics, to talk about issues related to Ecological Distribution. Central concepts are Ecological Debts (or Environmental Liabilities) and Ecologically Unequal Exchange. http://www.ejolt.org/project/ 6



Assessment Study 13

AS SES S MEN T S TU DY Open-source


Literature review Desk research

Unearth the truth

Quality control

METHODOLOGICAL steps for the study and evaluation of water conflicts


Challenge the assumptions -

Reconcile the information




Desk research


05 -

Produce report


Conflict factsheets -



2.2 S trat egy of data collection Strat trategy Through desk research, questionnaire distribution, in-depth interviews and empirical case analysis, the study seeks to explore an understanding of the conflict cause – the negative impacts of the conflict typologies and mobilization of local communities. In this context, the data collection was performed through the use of both qualitative (questionnaire, field visits) and quantitative (desk research, literature review) research instruments. The rationale for the implementation of several data-collection methodologies lied within the aim to achieve a full understanding of the problems at hand and overcome the challenges identified in collecting the needed information.

2.2.1Data collection for the establishment of a baseline list of water –conflicts. The expert started the data collection process with monitoring of the written and electronic media outlets, various investigative repor tsand statepolice press communications in order to establish a baseline list of water related conflicts. (Please see annex 1). The mapping of waterrelated conflicts was based on event data obtained from open source information. These data led to the identification of a baseline reference list that was then translated into the preliminary water conflict cases database.

2.2.2 Literature review. The literature review on water related conflicts benefited from a previous work such as the “Environmental alternatives of small hydro-power projects in Albania”, developed by a group of

Water-related conflict Question # phases Causes 10,11,12 Geography 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Mobilization 13,14,15 Impact 16,17,18 Result 19,20,21,22,23 Total 23

experts, including the author. [Qendro, E.,M.S.c, Shumka S., Profet.al; 2015]8 The literature review was undertaken with the view to understand what institutional learnings the stakeholders in water conflicts (farmers, CSO, private industries, government) can draw on, that could lead to changes to address the issues raised. At the same time, the literature review intended to identify whether there were any links between the causes of conflicts, and new ideas for adaptation for the conflicts similar in other situations in other localities. Therefore, the expert established broadinformation that helped to develop the conceptual framework of the study.

2.2.3 Identification of case studies and key informants. This was the most challenging and crucial element. The rational for opting for a water related conflict for this study was done following a clear definition of what makes a conflict over water as explained by Ashton. (Ashton, 2000, p. 69-70) In order to identify the right conflict cases, the expert prepared a questionnaireconsisting of five (5) main sections according to the five (5) research areas which was the core instrument to identify the conflict-cases.In each of the sections a certain number of probing questions were listed aiming to address the information gap from the desk research and the confusing project data coming from open source and media reporting, as collected from section 2.2.1. Detailed statistical information regarding the questionnaire is presented in Table 2.

Total # of % of the total # of questions questions 3 13% 9 39.3% 3 13% 3 13% 5 21.7% 23 100%

Table 3 Questionnaire structure and statistics.

Qendro, E., M.S.c, Shumka, S., Prof, Leskoviku, A., Mazreku, V., Cela, E., &Buzi, B. (n.d.)., 2015 - Environmental alternative of small hydro-power in Albania, Regional Environmental Centre (REC) Albania, Tirana, September 2015 8

Assessment Study 15

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

The questionnaire was pre-tested to address any mismatching or conflictual questions and then distributed via e-mail to 40 environmental civil society organizations (ECSOs), environmental experts and active citizens in the field. In addition, the questionnaire was posted online9 for a period of 3 months from 1st of July till September 30th, in order to collect relevant information on contested projects. The author, through the help of HELPCSO project par tners provided printed questionnaire during the organization of 3 roundtable workshops organized in the frame of the HELP-CSO project in Permet, in Librazhd and in Kukes. The author noticed a low participation of ECSOs and citizens filling the questionnaire online. Only 15 online filled questionnaires were collected and27 (offline) filled printed questionnaires out of 40 delivered during workshops. Out of 42received filled (printed& online) questionnaires, there were identified 25 water-related conflicts.. After the field work and extensive field verification (2.2.4) the exper t finalised 18 waterrelatedconflicts which are presented in the Annexes as Factsheets.

2.2.4 Fieldwork in the affected conflict communities. This aspect of the methodology followed naturally from the case studies approach. To understand the full picture of the learnings left as the legacy of conflict eventsidentified in section 2.2.3, at various localities across the country, required an in-depth qualitative investigation that sought to elucidate the after-the-conflict thoughts of the various stakeholders. The fieldwork allowed the expert to carry observations in specific localities and finding key informants and stakeholders, whose narratives and personal and organizational histories would provide the necessary data base from which lessons could be drawn to inform institutional adaptations/ recommendations. Furthermore, the fieldwork allowed the preparation of individual factsheets for each of the conflict cases collected which can be found under the Annexes of the report.



16 Assessment Study

2.2.5 Systematization, quality control, analysis and interpretation of results and editing of reports. The learnings from the open source collection, general literature review on water conflicts converged with the learnings from the analysis of the unique historical, geographic and ecological situations as lived and experienced by the stakeholders in the conflicts—whose experiences were validated by comparing them with learnings from other cases. The systematization and analysis of the data through the conceptual framework developed for this study guided toward specific conclusions and recommendations.

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania



Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania


3.1 Conflict causes

his section of the report presents the findings of the 42 questionnaires collected by the respondents and the field work observations carried out by the expert in the frame of the project. The questionnaire was carried out by the expert with a view to identify the contested cases related to hydro-power development in the country and the reasons which stand behind these contestations.

This section of the study “conflict cause” focuses in more detail on the source of the water related conflicts, affected communities, the main supporters and the dynamic of the conflict.


The questionnaire which was conducted on-line and through direct fillings andfield interviews was carried out from 18th June to 30th of September and 2nd of December to 28th of December.In total 42 individuals and ECSOs were interviewed. Of the total sample, 16 respondents were civil society organizations, 18 local citizens, 5 researcher and 3hydropower business operators.

In the figure 4, the respondents were asked to er identify the main triggers of the conflict and wat ater rights staysas the main cause of water-related conflicts in 36% of the cases, linked with hydropower plants. Indeed, during the field visits and ground work conducted by the expert, water sharing specifically linked with irrigation and agriculture crops was on the top of the reasons for hydropower contestations in the respective localities. Following,environmental destruction and lack of information and consultation remain as the main causes with 29% and 21% of the responses.

Figure 3: The conflict cause

What is the conflict cause? Q#10 21%

Lack of information& consultation

Water contamination



Water rights


Environmental destruction

Dam and construction works

18 Assessment Study


In a follow up question, (Figure 4)to identify the actors and their interest/position in the conflict,almost half of the respondents 52% stated that rural communities are the ones which suffer the most. The local tourism was identified as a major affected stakeholder group due to hydropower development which occupied 24% of

or in Bença village, and in Dragobi of Tropoja. oups and the However, the community gr groups scientists occupy a considerable part as the supports of the contested cases. 19% of the cases have been raised by local communities such as the case inKlos municipality against the development of Mat 1 HPP with an 8-9 KM of

Who are the direct affected people? Q#11

Others (recreational users, relegious groups, community groups)




Local tourism/enterpreneurs


Rural community/farmers

Figure 4: The affected people


the responses. The local organizations organizationsare the main supporters for the rural communities in the conflict as identified by 33% of the respondents. This could be connected with the proximity of the local organizations to the conflict generation centres such as the ones in Polis village in Librazhd area,

derivation tunnel which will dry up the river bed in Klos municipality as stated by the local mayor. (See factsheet # 15). An important supporter group are the scientists/professors/researchers who have taken a lead in the discussion against various hydropower development in the country through op-eds and articles.

Who are the main supporters? Q#12







Community groups

International organizations

Local organizations




Figure 5: The main supporters in conflict cases

Assessment Study 19

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

3.2 Conflict geography This section of the report “conflict geography” focuses in more detail on the locations of the conflict cases, the origin of the developers who are constructing the projects, the population involved and the stretch of the conflict. The Figure 6, shows the distribution of the conflict across the country which is in symmetry with the distribution of the hydropower licenses. Despite the fact that the conflict is generated at rural areas where the water rights are threatened, the conflict location has been manifested in numerous urban areas where the institutions are located. Quite often, Tirana has been the epicentre of various anti-hydropower protests from civic

groups. panies which In regard to the origin of the com companies are involved in the conflict, most of the respondents had no information of the companies. However, the rural communities were connecting various hydropower projects with the names of high-level politicians, state officials which were seen on site during the conflict cases.10 From the desk-research phase related with the ownership of the hydro-power plants, theexpert has notedthat there are no “good or bad” companies based on origin. In all the conflict cases the developers vary from Italy, Austria, Turkey and domestic companies. The only difference is linked with the magnitude of the conflict when local domestic companies are involved thus trying to “forcefully” solvethe conflict through intimidation, community

Figure 6 Hydropower conflict related map. (Source: Prepared by the author, 2016)

20 Assessment Study

division, and influential individual bribing.11 Overall, the companies have avoided good practices in doing business and in many cases their own corporative business codes have not been respected even though the investment has been ensured through various international bank loans and/or equities such as European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, IFC, Austrian Development Bank, KfW, and Green for Growth Fund.12

3.3 Conflict mobilisation In the category of “conflict mobilisation”, it will be analysed the linkage of conflict triggers as regards timing, groups and form of mobilisation. The author identified 3 main questions under this

categor y in order to understand when the mobilisation started, the groups which were mobilised in the conflict and what the mobilisation reaction was. Under the question related to the start of the mobilisation Figure 7, the respondents generallyreplied in 67% of the cases that the o pr oject star mobilisation started as reaction tto project startt when they saw the machineries digging the place. However, in 10% of the cases the respondents e resistance when they have reacted as pre prevventiv entive first learned for the project being planned. Indeed, these were the cases of hydropower plants in Valbona Valley, hydropower plants in Mati River from Mat Hydropower and Poçem hydropower plant.

When did the mobilisation start? Q#13



Mobilization for reparation once the impacts have been felt


Preventive resistence


No visible organizing


Figure 7 7:: The start of mobilisations

As reaction to project start










During the groundwork the expert met with local farmers from Polis, Gurshpate, Bençe, Nivice, Gusmar, Vinjoll, Bulqize, Valikardhe villages who mentioned various politicians, Members of Parliament connected with the hydropower projects. The expert checked and analysed the claimed HPPs in the Business Registration Centre (QKR) but did not find any such names. However, this does not dismiss the fact that the registered companies could be cover-ups. 10

The local inhabitants have reported many cases where company people have been engaged in corruptive practices by paying influential community leaders to ease tension. This has led in many cases in community division, or internal community conflicts such as in Vinjoll village, Kurbin district. 11

Sikorova, K., Gallop, P., (2015), “Financing for Hydropower in protected areas in SEE”, CEE Bankwatch Network for Euro Natur and River Watch For December 2015 12

Assessment Study 21

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Regrettably, almost all the cases of mobilisation have occurred after the approval the hydropower project and in only onecase the mobilisation occurred as a preventive measure toward the planning authoritywhen issuing the concession (HPP Poçem). The main stakeholder groups which were mobilized (Q#14) during the contested cases of hydropower plants are the local organizations, scientists, community groups, farmers, media and local government. As shown in Figure 8, the local organizations are the main group which has engaged in conflict mobilisation in 31% of the cases. The reason could be the proximity with the conflict generation centre and the better connection to the community groups. This could reasonably argue the counter-fact whether the

directly impacted due to lack of irrigation water or the fear to lose it, have occupied 17% of the cases. The cases of Polis, Gurshpate, Vinjoll, Valikardhe, Gojan are directly connected with the water sharing rights as described in sections above. However, a positive role plays the scientists community (professors, researchers) who have been identified as the main mobilizers in 21% of the cases. It must be noted that the international organizations such as River Watch, Euro Nature, World Wild Fund, and Bank watch, have played a considerable role in the mobilizations of various international and national campaigns. When asked about the form of mobilisation, otests have as it is shown in Figure 9, stree streett pr pro been the main manifestation of mobilisations occupying 35% of the responses. The reason is

Which are the mobilised groups? Q#14 Other groups/women groups




Community groups


Local government


International organziations


Local organizations





17% 0%








Figure 8 8: The mobilised groups

mobilisation is led by local organizations or from the real need of the people. In 14% of the cases the community gr groups oups has been the one to be mobilised directly in the conflictual cases, whereas the farmer armerss which are

22 Assessment Study

closely connected with the argument examined in Q#13, with the timing of information and reaction after the project had already started. In addition, involvement of national and international organizations has been an important form of mobilisation with 13% followed by public

What is the form of mobilisation? Q#15 Refusal of compensation






Protests/street marching




Local referenda


Public campaign


Complaint letter/Petition


Objection t EIA


Media based activism


Law suit/court cases


Involvement of national and international organizations


Collective actions


Alternative reports Boycott of official procedures Blockades

5% 0% 6%

Figure 9 9: The form of community mobilisation

campaigns with 10%. Regrettably, lawsuits and appeals remain very low as legitimate means of mobilisations with only 2-3% of the cases. The reasons are both lack of trust in the judicial process and at the same time lack of knowledge and experience in litigation.13 However, the respondents have considered petitions and objections to EIA as another influential instrument which occupy 8% of the cases.

3.4 Conflict impact Under the category of “conflict impact” the author developed 3 main areas to check the environmental impact of conflictual cases, the health consequences and socio-economic impact. The respondents had the option to select three (3) alternatives developed regarding the impact of the conflict: documented or observed one,

potential or uncertain and no data option. Under the question (Q#16) related to the environmental impact, the respondents identified in 19% of the cases as documented impact the loss of landscape landscape, followed by loss of biodiversity 15% and then deforestation and reduced ecological/hydrological connectivity with 12% of the cases. When it comes to potential or uncer tain impact, the respondents chose sur f ace w at er pollution with 15%, f ood wat ater insecurity with 11%, flooding with 12% and loss of biodiversity with 12%. In addition, the respondents chose no data alternative in many of the environmental impacts related to hydropower conflictual cases. The respondents were not feeling very sure in identifying the conflict environmental impact apart from the aesthetic and visible one linked with landscape and deforestation.

During the delivery of 3 training workshops organized in the frame of HELP-CSO project the local participants had lack of understanding in judicial or litigation experiences as shown by the Skill Gap Analyses prepared in the frame of the project. 13

Assessment Study 23

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

What is the environmental impact? Q#16 6%

Other environmental impacts


4% 2%

Reduced ecological/hydrological connectivity


Large scale disturbance of hydro and geological systems



Surface water pollution (physico‐ chemical, biological)

9% 9% 8%


5% 2%

Deforestation and loss of vegetaion



Soil pollution

8% 8%

Potential or uncertain Observed or documented


Air pollution



Loss of landscape





Food insecurity


8% 4%

Flooding (river, lakes, coastal)


4% 5%

Loss of biodiversity (flora & fauna) 0%



No data





Figure 1 0: 10 Environmental impact of the conflict


10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%

Whereas, on the health consequences/impact of conflict cases related to hydropower plants, the respondents were asked regarding accidents, mental and stress problems, occupational diseases and accidents or other environmental problems (Figure 11). Only 12 responses of documented/observed cases were reported as such; and 6 other environmental related cases. The majority of respondents had no data on the

health impact as result of conflict cases linked with hydropower. Apart from 2 work-related accidents in HPP Gojan, HEC Gjegjan (see Annex) the rest of the health impact cases is linked with arrested inhabitants due to street protests specifically in Polis, Vinjoll, Valikardhe, Cernaleve. Again, the respondents have no data what could be the health impact due to the hydropower related conflicts.

What is the health impact? Q#17 No data

Potential or uncertain

Observed or documented

31 Others

0 0

26 Other environmental related diseases

10 6

8 Occupational disease and accidents

3 2

22 Mental problems including stress, depression and suicide

8 12

12 8

Accidents 3

24 Assessment Study

Figure 1 1: 11 Health impact

Regarding the question on socio-economic impact (Q#18), more than half of the respondents 54% have identified as observed or documented at er the impact on agriculture and irrigation w wat ater er. It is of interest too that the other observed impact is tourism development with 21% of the responses, which demonstrates the strong economic impact link with the tourism po pottential ential. Another interesting and important impact is increase in corruption which is assessed with 15% of the cases and sense of place equals with loss of landscape/sense place. The author was able to identify that in three (3) contested hydropower plants the elders of the village where the hydropower was built were employed by the concessionary companies (Vinjolle, Gurshpate, and Bença). It is of interest the fact that in 10% of the cases the respondents selected displacement as a potential socio-economic impact. This is closely linked and a derivative of the agriculture impact

if no irrigation water will be left alone. On 17 December, the inhabitants of Klos municipality turned a supposed hearing session of Mati Hydropower into a large community protest arguing that the construction of hydropower plants would leave them with no water, thus causing a compulsory displacement. Indeed, the author witnessed the same fear of displacement in many places where hydropower was built without the social license of the people. The conflict impact is been understood and manifested differently from different groups of stakeholders. While the environmental impact of hydro-power development in sensitive areas is more based on expert judgments which is a domain for local organizations and scientists, the local communities, farmers and fishermen ties it with direct economic impact on irrigation, agriculture, sense of place as traditional water users. Figure 12 12: Socio-economic impact of water related conflicts

What is the socio‐economic impact? Q#18 12%

Other socio‐economic impacts

1% 0% 6%

Loss of landscape/sense of place

3% 15% 2%

Lack of tourism development

5% 21% No data


Agriculture/irrigation access

Potential or uncertain

5% 54%

Loss of traditional knowledge/practices/cultures

Observed or documented

5% 3% 5% 4%


10% 4%

Increase in Corruption

2% 4% 15%

Assessment Study 25

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

What is the current proejct status? Q#19 Unknown





In operation


Under construction


Planned (decision to go ahead eg EIA undertaken, etc)



Figure 1 3: 13: The current project status

3.5 Conflict result Under the category of "conflict result", the author developed 5 main questions (Q#19-23), with the aim to understand the project status, the conflict results and whether it has been a successful or unsuccessful conflict case. On the question of current project statusFigure 13, 48% of the respondents indicated the project is under operation and producing energy. Following, the respondents revealed that 24% of the conflict cases are under construction and 19% in the planning phase to receive the respective licenses. Regrettably, only in 2% of the cases which correspondents to only 2 conflict case in Bença and Kalivaç, the project was stopped. However, from the author investigations the local community revealed that the real reason was due to lack of company funds rather than outcome of their protests. 26 Assessment Study

Regarding the question of the conflict result Figure 14, the respondents said in 24% of the cases the conflict result was strengthening of participation of local communities, or general public on the issue. Interestingly 12% of the respondents said that the result was corruptive practices of people and authorities involved. However, 12% of the respondents said that result was negotiation of alternatives. Indeed, from the investigation of the author during the ground work it was revealed that the local communities in Klos, Poçem, and Bença have demanded project alternatives during the street protests. The author did not find any positive compensation case that could be counted due to conflict result. Regrettably, only one (1) case has ended up in the court (Poçem HPP) which is considered a result of the conflict raised by local authorities and communities.

What is the conflict result? Q#20 2%



New EIA study


Violent targeting of activists 5%

Under negotiation


Technical solutions to improve resource …


Strengthening of participation 5%

Legislation improvements


Negotiation of alternatives 5%

Project stopped Moratorium

0% 5%

Court decision (undecided Court decision (failure of activists)


Court decision (victory for environmental justice)


Institutional changes

0% 7%

Environmental … 5%

Criminalisation of activists


Corruption Compensation

Table 1 4: 14: Environmental impact of the conflict.


The respondents stated that 64% of the conflict cases have been unsuccessful ones. Still 33% think they are not sure of the impact of the conflict. This might be explained with the fact that many of the cases are ongoing or are in the planning phase which could be turned either positively or not. Unfortunately, the local organizations and local communities consider a success case only the cancellation of the project and all their energies are invested towards that direction. The failure and disappointment in achieving that explains the lack of interest in improving the project, asking for compensations or requesting further EIA studies. Do you consider this a success of environmental justice? Q#22



Yes No Not sure 64%

Figure 1 5 15 The success of environmental justice

Assessment Study 27

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania




n the guidance note for using the Environmental Justice Organization, Liabilities and Trade (EJOLT) model, the authors acknowledge that the whole concept is to track all environmental justice cases, however the information and progress of cases is fraught with difficulties and possibilities for distortion. Bearing this in mind, the analysis presented in this section focuses mostly on the five elements of the EJOLTconflict cause, conflict geograph pact geographyy, conflict mobilisation, conflict im impact and result result.. On the other hand, as presented in the section 1.2 (Objective and Scope of the study), this report aims to help the discussion on sustainable hydropower development in the country with a special er relat ed cases link ed with emphasis on the wat ater related linked hydr o-po wer de devvelopment elopment. To this end, the most ydro-po o-pow relevant outcome of the report is the preparation of 18 separate factsheets for each of the most sound water conflict cases related with hydropower development presented in the form of annexes attached to this report. However it is useful to present some general observations before the results are discussed in detail in the following sections.

The development of hydro-power projects of economic importance including the ones with dams in rivers, cannot be viewed and understood only as projects for the country energy security, and economic benefit. The construction of these projects also set in motion forces that accentuate tensions and contradictions among social, ecological, cultural and economic values and interests, which in turn reflect potential conflicts.Overall, 34 people were detained, arrested or issued arrest warrant and other 6 casualties were reported during the field work.14 Among the arrested people 6 were women and 1 minor. To address water and environmental conflicts, different social groups and communities face different levels of difficulty in accessing, controlling or maintaining their cultural values associated with water. In all the conflict cases analysed, the most vulnerable groups are mostly rural communities, small villages or communities whose lifestyle are inextricably linked to the water resources for their sustenance. The transformation and appropriation of their territory and ecosystem by new users (energy companies) displace and strip their traditional rights and openly threatens various aspects of their social structure and cohesion.

The statistics collected by the author based on official communication form Albanian State Police; 02 April 2016; 25 May 2016;17 November 2014; https://www.asp.gov.al/arkiva 14

Assessment Study 29

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Causes “Causes” is the first element in the EJOLT framework that provides the context and the roots in which the conflict was generated. In the questionnaire form this element was presented with 3 main questions. In their comments, the wat er rights was the respondents selected thatw ater main cause of the conflict in 36% of the cases and 52% of the affected stakeholders were local farmer s/communities armers/communities s/communities. The main supporters in the conflict were local organizations with 33% of the cases followed by local communities and scientists. However, the expert noted that political investment was a main supporter in 3 of the cases.The expert also noted that in the conflicts identified, mostly reflect conflict of losing control and /or rights of access and use of water resources when there is perception by the community of exposure to change of their system of production (agriculture products, hay for animal breeding, sense of place).

Geography “Geography” was the second element of the framework, which had most of the questions aiming to identify the main actors involved, conflict star t and end, companies and investors. Regrettably, the “geography” element was the most unanswered due to lack of data from the respondents, including the local organizations, communities, citizens and authorities. No companies from all origins did make an exception and all were involved in a conflict such as Turkish, Austrian, Italian, and Albanian ones. The expert however noted the magnitude of the conflict when Albanian companies were involved was harsher, setting petty corruptive practices within the community representatives which established the premises for future conflicts.

procedure as the most productive form of mobilisation. At the moment of report writing, there is only one case brought to court by Eco Albania NGO regarding Poçem HPP. The expert, has noted though that the local environmental groups have increased their mobilisations related to EIA appeals, of ficials request and complaints. However, the local communities, farmers and most affected people do not consider these forms adequate. During a meeting in Polis village on 3 December 2016, BeqirShato stated that “We tried all forms of petitions and requests with the elder of the village, Mayor and Member of Parliament…but none was heard and protest was our only solution”.

Impact “Impact” is the fourth element of the EJOLT framework assessment which consists of 3 main questions to measure environmental, health and socio-economic impact of the conflict. The respondents identified in 19% of the cases as documented impact of the conflict cases the loss of landscape landscape, followed by loss of biodiversity 15% and then deforestation and reduced ecological/ hydrological connectivity with 12% of the cases. When it comes to potential or uncertain impact, at er pollution the respondents chose sur surfface w wat ater with 15%, food insecurity with 11%, flooding with 12% and loss of biodiversity with 12%.


The respondents were not feeling very sure in identifying the conflict health impact. When it comes to economic impact 54% of the respondents identified agriculture and irrigation water followed by tourism impact with 15%.Losing sense of place and corruption were also considered potential impacts of the hydro-power conflicts.The lack of proper studies and information campaigns among the local organization, citizens, farmers and local decisionmakers on the environmental impact of hydropower plants rests among the main justification for such assessment.

“Mobilisation” is the third element represented with 3 main questions with an interest on timing, groups and form of mobilisations. In 67% of the cases the respondents said that the conflict o pr oject star t . The star ted as a reaction tto project statistics explain a strong correlation to the reaction form, which is mostly manifested with stree otests in 35% of the cases. Hardly do the streett pr pro stakeholders consider judicial and appeal

The author noticed such a gap also during direct conversations with environmental CSOs, local authorities and citizens during various field visits. Additionally, the fact that in many conflict cases which have been terminated once the hydropower has been operational shows that there has been no follow-up or real monitoring of the HPP performance on the water use, and contract respect.

30 Assessment Study

Result “Result” is the fifth element of the framework assessment which consisted of 5 main questions mainly to analyse the status of the project, conflict results and whether the conflict resulted successful or not. 64% of the respondents said the conflict was not successful and the result was mainly the strengthening of the participation scored with 24% of the cases. However, the expert noted that the definition of success was mainly linked with “construction” or “stopping” of the hydro-power project where 48% of the conflict cases was in operation and 24% under construction and only 1 project had been stopped, due to financial circumstances. The expert believes that the stakeholders need to better define conflict result to optimise the benefit not just with physical construction of a project but its performance while its built through continuous monitoring of water sharing and intake data.

Assessment Study 31

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania




his assessment study was able to map 18 water related conflicts linked with the development of hydro-power in Albania. In addition, 18 conflict factsheets were prepared thus presenting for the first time a study which will be translated into an interactive conflict map for public access, researchers, local authorities and wide public. Water sharing rights and irrigation water have been identified as the most serious threats/ causes to water related conflicts linked with hydropower development in Albania. Lack of information and public consultation, however have been recognized as a common cause in 21% of the conflict cases, followed by loss of landscape and sense of place. 52% of the respondents have stated that local communities/farmers and villagers are the most affected stakeholder group due to conflictual hydro-power projects. The conflict impact is being manifested differently from the affected group of stakeholders with ECSOs focussed on mainly in loss of landscape, biodiversity and flooding and the rural villages and communities on lack of irrigation water and agriculture in 54% of the cases. The affected stakeholders were not very optimistic on the conflict result where 64% of the respondents said the cases were not successful, however acknowledged as the main result a strengthening of public information and participation on the hydro-power development issue. Regrettably, the expert did not identify and/or possess any case or document where the parties reached formal agreement of compensation or approval on the contested project. It was however, mentioned in 2 cases (Vinjoll and Polis) of an informal agreement of irrigation water sharing during summer time after several protests. The local stakeholders referred a new phenomenon, which was witnessed by the expert during on-site visits of the so-called “land colonialization”. The energy companies were usurping the land and territory in a large area encompassing the power house, intake and other project components without any document, or

permit to do that. The fencing of the territory physically and defended by the “private security” forces demonstrates the consequence of the unresolved conflictual situations in many locations that need to be addressed instantly. One interesting phenomena that the expert noted during the field work was the intimidation and “divide and conquer” approach used by companies through the elders of the village. In various cases the elder of the village was employed as bodyguard in the hydro-power plants, thus causing internal community fights, and shifting the conflict only in time. (Gurshpate 1, 2; Vinjoll). In the field visits the local authorities proposed an innovative idea to reduce conflictual situations related to small hydro-power projects where the municipalities could become the developers of hydro-power plants and translate the generated profit into community development projects. Thebusiness example used by the Albanian Autocephalous Or thodox Church with the construction of hydro power plant Rrapun 3&4 is a live example that could be replicated. However, itshould be noted that it is not the form of business rather the way of doing business who defines a successful project case.15 The affected stakeholders, local organizations and scientists groups should consider preventive measures toward the planning authority through mobilization before the issuance of the concession at the Ministry of Energy and Industry. This would give them more advantage for the planning process, check the plans and projects and have adequate time to provide alternatives and improve the project. Lastly, all the stakeholder groups, energy companies, local organizations and community groups should really consider to shift their strategy of result related to the conflictual cases from a traditional win-lose situation towardsa win-win situations. This would enable the improvement of the project in the construction phase, monitor water sharing during operation and avoid future conflicts being generated.

1HPP Rrapun 3&4 is part of the contested projects and is very poorly rated by the CSOs because of its environmental impact. 15

Assessment Study 33

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania


Barber, M., and Jackson, S. (2014). Autonomy and the intercultural: interpreting the history of Australian Aboriginal water management in the Roper River Catchment, Northern Territory. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 20, 670-693. Qendro, E., M.S.c, Shumka, S., Prof, Leskoviku, A., Mazreku, V., Cela, E., &Buzi, B. (n.d.)., 2015 – Environmental alternative of small hydro-power in Albania, Regional Environmental (REC) Albania, Tirana, September 2015. Peña, F. (2004).Pueblo’sindígenas y manejo de recursoshídricosen México.Revista MAD, 11, 20-29. EITI 2015, - “Report for 2013 and 2014 of the Extractive Industries in Albania, pg.249-257 UNDP 2016, “Baseline Report on Drini River Basin” UNDP 2016, “Baseline Report on Mati River Basin”; Zela G. (2015), Final Report on the identification of impacts from HPP constructions in Librazhd District, Ekolevizja Project, May-August 2015. Sikorova, K., Gallop, P., (2015), “Financing for Hydropower in protected areas in SEE”, CEE Bank watch Network for Euro Natur and River Watch.

34 Assessment Study

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania


1 2 3 4

Place of Conflict Valikardhe, Zerqan Administrative Unit

Name of HPP HPP Ternova

Company Name TEODOR 2003 SHPK

NUIS Number K42301006L

Cause of conflict Water use for irrigation (2,000 ha land unirrigated) due to lack of water. In addition the water is taken from Black Lake using a series of channels from the lake to the HPP.

Form of mobi Protest and by burning th 8 persons violence was

Shareholders: [ Societe General Group & EBRD & Teodor Koka 18.500.000 EUR 2

Valbone, Tropoje

HPP Dragobia HPP Cerem

Dragobia Energy SHPK Shareholder: GENER 2 100% 175.5 Mill EUR


Landscape destruction, impact, biodiversity loss.


Petitions, international several reque


Valbone, Tropoja

HPP T-Plan

T-PLAN shpk Owner Flamur Bucpapaj


Landscape destruction, impact, biodiversity


Petitions, international requests to g


Cernaleve, Zapod commune

HPP Cernaleve


Destruction of landscape and the pasture land. Lack of information and lack of profit sharing.

Civil protests which 2 were



HPP Mat 1, 2, 3

HIDRO ALBANIA ENERGY (Hydro Albania 27% +G.P.G.Company 66% + Instituti Dekliada 7 %) MATI HYDROPOWER


CMD decided the issuance of the permit and Municipal Council has opposed the decision calling it an overuse of the water sources. Local government is against.

Street protes and project c

Conflict for t HPP busines owner of the allegedly con Conflict wi imprisonmen accidents.

Shareholders: [Enso Hydro Energy 90% + Riviera (10%)]


Kraste, Bulqize

HPP Peshku

Koka & Ergi Energy Peshku” shpk 5.5 M EUR


Conflict on water supply and irrigation water with the local farmers. Ownership conflict.


Qafë Mollë/Mirditë

HPP: Fangu


Explosion and damage of the houses. Loss of water sources. Work condition: 3 people died.



HPP Gojan

AYEN AS Energji sha Shareholders (AYEN ENERJI ANONIM SIRKETI 82% + Ayel Elektrik Uretim Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi 8% + AS ENERGY + 1% Fahrettin Amir Arman) Investment: 100 Million EUR 110.54 MW AS Energy shpk Owner S.L


Conflict over water use rights

Habitants kid explode the H

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

36 Assessment Study

# 1


Place of Conflict

Name of HPP

Company Name

NUIS Number

Cause of conflict

Form of mobi


Vinjolle, Kurbin

HPP Hurdhas 1,2,3



Land ownership of the HPP road

Murder of 1 ownership la Street protes


Polis, Librazhd

HEC Gurshpat 1 &2



HEC Rrapun 1&2, 3&4


Togez, Librazhd


Poçem, Mallakaster

HPP Rrapun 3&4 HPP Poçem

Assessment Study 37



HPP Lengarica


Kalivaç Tepelene

HPP Kalivac


Bença, Tepelene

HPP Bença & Tepelene


Nivice, Tepelene

HPP Driza 1


Kacinar, Mirdite

HPP Lusa Lusen,1&2&3,4

Owners: (Michael Morciniec 49% + Filip Lala 51%) STGC CORP inc Gurshpate Energy Shpk K91425017O Shareholders (51%) MAR ENERGY & ARJANA-C" SHPK C& S Construction Energy shpk


Water use; reduce of water resources for agriculture and local consumption

Street pro imprisonmen and 5 man)


Management of ecological water, landscape destruction, lack of public consultation, national park

Violence, boy proceedings.

C&S Energy


"Cinar-San Tiran Branch"

L 22124014S

Land ownership, flooded area, lack of proper consultation

Ayen Enerji Şirketi Anonymous" and "Çinar-San Hafriyat Nakliyat Turizm Insaat San Ve Tic Ltd.Sti Lengarica & Energy Shareholders: Hasi Energy & Enso Hydro Energy

Street prote media cover appeal.


Damage of protected area. Lack of consultation and damage of thermal waters.

Street protes national m international


Payment and lack of contract respect Eco-tourism impact, landscape, public participation

Civil protests Media campa requests

Loss of flora and fauna, tourism threatening, sense of place Block of road due to HP construction

Articles, insti and request S

EnergyShpk., HEC Kalivac, KALIVAC GREEN ENERGY SHPK Bashkim i perkohshem i shoqerive "Ferar" sh.p.k, "Alfa Projekt 2006" sh.p.k Kendrevic Energy Shperdhaza-Energji SHPK Owner KOMP ENERGJI" E "STGC CORP" Inc

Annex 1:


L39610501A L01829004H

Database of water-related conflicts

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Annex 2:

Database of water-related conflicts Stakeholders Group

1. Local community

2. Institution and state agencies

3. Researchers and environmental agencies

4. Local media/journalist/NGOs

5. Business community/Developers

38 Assessment Study

Name of stakeholder (institution name or individuals)

Place and date of meeting

Polis village

Beqir Shato

Polis Village

Artan Shato

Polis, 2 December 2016

Polis village Gurshpate village

Behar Bufi Haki Guberi

Polis, 2 December 2016 Gurshpate, 2 December 2016

Gurshpate village

Nexhmije Guberi

Gurshpate, 2 December 2016

Gusmar village

Luan Gjoni

Progonat village

Dritan Qendro

Progonat, 18 December 2016

Progonat village

Florian Haska,

Progonat, 18 December 2016

Bença village

Gezim Shehu

Bença, 17 December 2016

Bença village

Laver Shehu

Benca, 17 December 2016

Vinjoll village

Islam Sinani

Laç, 27 December 2016

Vinjoll village

Lad Neziri

Laç, 27 December 2016

Gallate village

Isuf Xhaferi

Laç, 27 December 2016

Mayor of Tepelena

Mr. Termet Peci

Mayor of Klos

Mr. Basir Cupa

Municipality, 17 December 2016 Klos, 28 December 2016

National Agency for Natural Resources ADZM Kukes

Mr. Artan Leskoviku

Tirana, 22 November 2016

Researcher on energy acquis EIA researcher EIA expert and trainer Egnatia NGO

Dr. Lorenc Gordani

Tirana, 18 November 2016

Klodian Aliu Scott Crossett

Tirana, 9 January 2017 Tirana, 14 December 2016

Mr. Agim Blloshmi

Librazhd, 2 December 2016


Ms. Ediola Terziu Mr. Danjel Bica

Librazhd, 2 December 2016 Bulqize, 27 December 2016

Eco Albania

Mr. Olsi Nika

Lex Ferenda

Ms. Odeta Jahaj

Mileukontakt Albania

Ms. Rrezarta Ago

Milieukontakt Abania

Ms. Valbona Mazreku

Pro Bono

Mr. Anteo Papa

Agri En Aarhus Centre Vlora

Mr. Isuf Dervishi Mr. Robert Murataj


Mr. Islam Islamaj

Selenice Gusmar Energy sh.p.k

Mr.Mitat Brahimi Mr. Siro Sinani, Administrator

Private Investor

Daut Gjokola Administrator

Private Investor

Hazis Lika

Lefter Gjana

Polis, 2 December 2016

Gusmar, 17 December 2016


Poçem, 3 December 2016 Tirana, 14 September 2016 Tirana, October 2016 Tirana, December 2016 Tirana, 21 July 2016 Librazhd, 15 September 2016 Tiranë, 9 December 2016 Selenice, 17 January 2017 Selenice, 17 January 2017. Gusmar, 17 December 2016 Tokez, 2 December 2016 Laç, 27 December 2016

Annex 3:

Photos taken from various hydro-power projects and protest actions

Assessment Study 39

HPP Bença - Bença valley, 17 December 2016; Photo taken by E.Qendro

HPP Bença – 17 December 2016; © Andrew Blurr

Protest against HPPs constructions in Vjosa River; © Andrew Burr, 2016

Protest against HPPs construction in Valbona valley. Photo courtesy of Eco Albania.

HPP Tervoli – Photo courtesy of D.Bica; 2013

HPP Tervoli - Bulqiza, 2013; Courtesy of Teodor 2003 Ltd

HPP Rrapun 2 - Photo courtesy of A.Blloshmi; 3 December 2016

HEC Gojan - Photo courtesy of C. Volmer; 28 May 2016

River bed in Rrapun, 3 December 2016; Photo taken by E.Qendro

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Annex 4: Factsheets of water related conflicts with hydro-power project

Factsheet 1:

Community opposition to the EBRD-financed Ternove small hydropower plant in Albania

Factsheet 2:

The fight for the Blue Heart of Albanian Alps: Valbona Valley

Factsheet 3:

HEC Valbona (Tplani) deviates project design and faced with protests

Factsheet 4:

HPP Cernaleve dries up water mills and deepens poverty of Cernalev people

Factsheet 5:

HPP Mati 1, 2, 3 –Local habitants against hydropower; it threatens agriculture

Factsheet 6:

HPP Peshku conflict on property with local habitants

Factsheet 7:

HPP Fani faced with local community clashes and protests over land appropriation

Factsheet 8:

HPP Vinjoll: Conflict over water use escalates in casualties

Factsheet 9:

Gurshpate HPP tops the list of protests due to sharing water rights

Factsheet 10:

4Rrapun 1&2 HPPs: Land usurpation and high erosion

Factsheet 11:

Rrapun 3, 3A&4 HPPs: Cascade development: Water lost in steel pipes

Factsheet 12:

Kalivaç HPP an entrenched conflict of a failed governance system

Factsheet 13:

Pocem HPP goes to court

Factsheet 14:

Lengarica HPP endangers the Lengarica Canyon natural monument and a national

park Factsheet 15:

HPP Bence & Tepelena: Cultural and environmental heritage threatened

Factsheet 16:

Nivica Canyons and tourism potential threatened from unplanned development

40 Assessment Study

Factsheet 1: Community opposition to the EBRD-financed Ternove small hydropower plant in Albania Description

Basic data

In 2012 the EBRD approved EUR 6 million in financing for the 8.3 MW Ternove hydropower plant in Albania. The scheme diverts runoff water from four mountain lakes that have served for irrigation purposes and as a source of drinking water for the local villages. The communities learned about the planned project only when the company brought in the machinery and initiated clearing of the forest in 2013. Prior to commencing the works, the project promoter Teodori 2003 shpk had not consulted the local population despite the fact that the hydropower scheme limits the community's access to water and reduces their use of the grazing and forested lands upon which they base their live hoods. Such steps contradict the environmental and social requirements of the EBRD. The villages have complained about the depletion of the water resources to the local authorities, Ministries and the Ombudsman, demanding the works on the hydropower plant be halted. In response they were told the project progressed to such an advanced stage that no major changes to the design could be made. In 2014, the communities staged a series of protests that escalated into the construction site occupation and police arrests of protestors. In the light of cost overruns and delays on the project the investor has been seeking ways how to engage better with the local villages. Yet, the lack of timely consultations has seriously undermined the trust of the affected people. Teodor 2003shpk Installed capacity 8,385 KWh and expected production 56,935,350 kWh. Project water flow to be exploited is 1m3/s.The project was approved with CMD no.556, dated 1.08.2003 and revised with CMD no.123, dated14.03.2007 which changed from 6 HPPs into only 1 HPP.

Source of conflict

Water sharing -1st level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

Environmental impact - 2nd level conflict The HPP Ternova is owned by Faik Teodori (30%), Shefikat Ngjela (35%)and Albania Hydro Investment Holding (30%) and TEODOR 5%. The project is located in Valikardhe village, in Zerqan area, Bulqize.

The conflict and mobilization

18.500.000 EUR Street protest, road blockage, police confrontation, petition to government, arrested people.

Conflict impact

Conflict outcome Sources and materials/References

Documented Water sharing; environmental impact; loss of landscape; black lake water diversion. Potential Lack of irrigation water; social-economic impact. Constructed No institutional changes Not successful as the project was constructed. o http://balkanrivers.net o http://shqiptarja.com/aktualitet/2731/kunder-hec-banoret-sulmojne-kompanine-200mije-euro-dem-219098.html o NUIS K42301006L, Historical extract from the Business Registration Centre.

Assessment Study 41

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 2: The fight for the Blue Heart of Albanian Alps: Valbona Valley Description

In January 2016, a local NGO Toka in Valbona valley learns of a hydro-power project that will be developed in the National Park of Valbona. After research and queries the local population and NGO-s learned of plans to begin construction of 2 cascade plants (Ceremi and Dragobi, which together are referred to as Dragobia HPP) which will have a total capacity of 22.7 MW. In February 2016, it became known that this project was part of a bigger 4 HPP/51 MW scheme concession. In March 2016, after being told by National Environmental Agency (NEA) that there were no further projects, the locals learned of the “Valbona Project Company” which holds a license for an additional 9 HPP on Valbona River, 3 of which are wholly within the protected area. In addition, another third company T-Planishpk is developing another HPP named T-Plani HPP, using a former existing HPP. In total, the GoA had issued 3 concessions for the development of 14 HPPs. T-Plan HPP started construction in 2013. Whereas, Dragobia Energy shpk., which owns Dragobia HPP and Ceremi HPP started the construction works on 21 September 2016 amid protests and complaints by CSOs, activists, scientists, media and international professors and naturelovers and international community. The CSOs and citizens have done a thoroughly review of all project documents, licenses, permits and environmental studies and found the EIA as: • Poor project design and planning; • Biodiversity not properly assessed; • Development did not meet legal deadlines; • Public consultation inadequate and ineffective; • No consultation with neighbouring countries.

Basic data

Dragobia Energy Shpk Installed capacity 22.7 MW and expected production is 26.900 KWh. Project water flow to be exploited is 7.15m3/s and will be used 150 days/year. The project is a run-of-river scheme, which means that there is no water storage, no dams, and the production of energy depends on the seasonal water flows. The project is comprised of two small hydropower plants. One is on the Ceremi stream, which is a tributary of the Valbona River, and the other is on the Valbona River itself, near the village of Dragobia. The penstock which will take the water from the tunnels to the powerhouses will also be underground, making most of the project virtually invisible. The water will be diverted for 3090m in Ceremi HPP and 271m in Dragobia HPP. The water will then be returned to the river which will continue its normal flow.

Source of conflict

Environmental impact and national park -1st level of conflict; Landscape and tourism impact - 2nd level conflict; Water diversion - 3rd level of conflict.

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment The main actors engaged in the conflict:

The Concessionary Company Dragobia Energy shpk which manages the HPP Dragobia is fully owned by GENER-2 shpk. 17.5 Mill EUR of private investment. ‐ NGO TOKA; ‐ “Protect the Rivers” NGO consortium, composed of (INCA, Mileukontakt Albania, EcoAlbania, REC Albania, EDEN, Ekolëvizja, Association for Organic Agriculture, 1; Institute for Environmental Policy, Network for the Protection of Nature, Illyria)16 ‐ International NGOs (WWF, River watch, EuroNatur, Leeway Collective, Patagonia); ‐ Scientists and professors community; ‐ Local citizens.

42 Assessment Study

Factsheet 2: The fight for the Blue Heart of Albanian Alps: Valbona Valley The conflict and mobilization

On 11 April, citizen’s protest in front of town hall asking for cancellation of hydroplants and focus on tourism and protection of Valbona Valley. April 2016, position paper by WWF Adria on “Hydropower development in Valbona National park, Albania; On 8 May, kayakers paddling Valbona to protest against dams tsunami threatening Balkan rivers and Valbona led by the Slovenian Olympic athlete RokRozman. On 20 May in Tirana protest in front of Prime Minister Office to cancel all HPPs licenses in Vjosa and in Valbona; Online petition collection of more than 1, 870 signatures; On 25 June 2016, the local people protested in front of the Prime Minister Office. The local community form Vjosa River supported the protest too. 18 requests sent by the group “Protect the River”; One local expert review of EIA report for Dragobia HPP; On 21 September 2016, the starts of construction works for Dragobia HPP; On 29 October, a Protest Concert in Valbona for the protection of Valbona valley with famous singers Elina Duni, Elda Zari and many activists. On 19 December, a protest in Tirana in front of the Ministry of Energy was organized by “Protect the Rivers” consortium, asking for information which HPP-s will be cancelled under the motto “Have you decided to destroy Valbona”.

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Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, biodiversity loss, water diversion. Potential Social –economic impact: tourism decrease.

Conflict outcome

1 have been cancelled, whereas three HPPs 9 HPPs of Valbona Energy Company allegedly17 will go forward, a public statement of the PM Rama says so, but no official information was given from the Ministry of Energy. The battle is still ongoing for the cancellation of the remaining 3 HPPs through strong diplomatic efforts with Government of Albania and possible litigation measures.

Sources and materials/References

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Elba shpk, “Feasibility study of HPPs in Valbona River: Environmental Impact Assessment report”; WWF, Position paper: “Hydropower development in Valbona National Park, Albania”; JiříDusík and Martin Smutný (2016), “Review of environmental impact assessment report for hydropower plants on the Dragobia cascade in Tropoja district”, WWF Adria. http://gener2.al/business-lines/qarrishta-and-dragobia-hydropower-plant-2/ NGO Toka documents; EIA http://www.journeytovalbona.com/good/river-initiatives/ http://www.reporter.al/lufta-per-zemren-blu-te-alpeve-shqiptare http://www.balkanweb.com/site/masakra-ne-valbone-11-hec-e-ne-25-km/


PM Rama stated publicly from the Assembly Plenary that out of 12 HPPs issued in Valbona only 2 of them would go forward: Dragobia &Ceremi and Valbona (Tplani) HPPs. 17

Assessment Study 43

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 3: HEC Valbona (Tplani) deviates project design and faced with protests Description

In January 2016, a local NGO Toka in Valbona valley learns of a hydro-power project that will be developed in the National Park of Valbona. In March 2016, after questioning and several requests with respective Government agencies ( the National Environmental Agency (NEA), National Protected Areas Agency) the local NGO Toka supported by the 1 learnt of another company T-Planishpk who is consortium “Protect the Rivers”18 developing another HPP named HPP Valbona (T-Plani named after the same village allegedly using a former existing HPP built in 1969. Local NGO Toka supported by a group of other national environmental NGOs has opposed the developments of such HPPs arguing that the company has built new concrete channel, expanded the volume of water it takes thus rejecting the name of being built on the same foots of the previous HPP. Valbona HPP started construction in 2013 and has almost finalised the works. The protests and complaints by CSOs, activists, scientists, media and international professors and nature-lovers and international community have been staged as part of the fight for the protection of the whole Valbona Valley without splitting among the various HPPs that are being planned in the valley. The civil society has demanded permits and project documents for HPP Valbona from the National Environmental Agency which has resulted unsuccessful due to lack of documents for the project. A complaint was registered by Lex Ferenda on 22.12.2016 with Prot.No.1435 with the Commissioner of Information demanding the concessionary contract for HPP Valbona together with 10 other concessionary contracts on HPPs. The contract is still pending at the reporting time.

Basic data

T-PlaniShpk Installed capacity 2-4 MW. The project is a run-of-river scheme, which means that there is no water storage, no dams, and the production of energy depends on the seasonal water flows. The project is comprised of one penstock which will take the water from the Vabona River through a diversion channel and down to the power house.

Source of conflict

Environmental impact and national park -1st level of conflict; Landscape and tourism impact - 2nd level conflict; Water diversion - 3rd level of conflict.

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment The mainactors engaged in the conflict:

The Concessionary Company T-planishpk fully managed by FlamurBucpapaj ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

44 Assessment Study

NGO Toka; Protect the Rivers” NGO consortium, composed of (INCA, Mileukontakt Albania, EcoAlbania, REC Albania, EDEN, Ekolëvizja, Association for Organic Agriculture, 2; Institute for Environmental Policy, Network for the Protection of Nature, Illyria)19 International NGOs (WWF, River watch, EuroNatur, Leeway Collective, Patagonia; Scientists and professors.

Factsheet 3: HEC Valbona (Tplani) deviates project design and faced with protests The conflict and mobilization

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Conflict impact

On 11 April, citizen’s protest in front of town hall asking for cancellation of hydro-plants and focus on tourism and protection of Valbona Valley; April 2016, position paper by WWF Adria on “Hydropower development in Valbona National park, Albania; On 8 May, kayakers paddling Valbona to protest against dams tsunami threatening Balkan rivers and Valbona led by the Slovenian Olympic athlete RokRozman; On 20 May in Tirana protest in front of Prime Minister Office to cancel all HPPs licenses in Vjosa and in Valbona; Online petition collection of more than 1, 870 signatures; On 25 June 2016, the local people protested in front of the Prime Minister Office. The local community form Vjosa River supported the protest too; 18 requests sent by the group “Protect the River”; One local expert review of EIA report for Dragobia HPP; On 21 September 2016, the starts of construction works for Dragobia HPP; On 29 October, a Protest Concert in Valbona for the protection of Valbona valley with famous singers Elina Duni, Elda Zari and many activists; On 19 December, a protest in Tirana in front of the Ministry of Energy was organized by “Protect the Rivers” consortium, asking for information which HPP-s will be cancelled under the motto “Have you decided to destroy Valbona”.

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, biodiversity loss, water diversion. Potential Social –economic impact: tourism decrease.

Conflict outcome

9 HPPs of Valbona Energy Company have been allegedly cancelled, whereas three HPPs will go forward. The battle is still ongoing for the cancellation of the remaining 3 HPPs through strong diplomatic efforts with Government of Albania and possible litigation measures.

Sources and materials/References

- www.journeytovalbona.com/good/river-initiatives/ - www.reporter.al/lufta-per-zemren-blu-te-alpeve-shqiptare - radionacional.al/sqarim-lidhur-me-ndertmin-e-tplani-hec-valbonanga-xaje-sinani

Assessment Study 45

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 4: HPP Cernaleve dries up water mills and deepens poverty of Cernaleve people Description

On 30 April 2009, the Ministry of Energy signed the concessionary agreement No.1447 rep.nr.166 kol, for the construction of 4 hydro-power plants: HPP Borje, HPP Oreshke, and HPP Cernaleve & HPP Cernaleve 1. All the HPPs are located in Kukes District. HPP Cernaleve 1 exploits the water of Borje torrent, in Kukes District, that actually is put in operation with a capacity of 400 kW and after that it is predicted to work with an installed capacity of 2,950 kW. When the construction started the local habitants did not know about the project, were not informed or asked about the development. This led to several protests of the Cernaleve locals claiming that the use of their properties, pasture lands and forests by the company was done without consulting at all the people. On 12 December 2012, the local village staged another protest which led to the destruction of company assets and the arrestment of 3 women and one 15 years old boy. The local inhabitants complain that the company has taken all the water and the water mill of the village is not functioning to fill their local needs.

Basic data

Hidro Albania Energjishpk Installed capacity 6.73 MW and production 14,784 MW in 2014. The project was approved with the concessionary contract no.1447 rep.no.166 kol, dated 30.04.2009. It includes HPP Borje, HPP Oreshke, HPP Cernaleve and HPP Cernaleve 1. The projects are planned as diversion ones, deviating the water through channels and then to the power house.

Source of conflict

Water sharing -1st level of conflict Pasture and agriculture destruction. - 2nd level conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

HYDROALBANIA 27% and G.P.G Company 66%,InstitutiDekliada 7 %) Project value 7, 79 Million ALL. The project is located in Cernaleve village in Zapod commune of Kukes. Local habitants of Cernaleva village, local media.

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, road blockage, police confrontation, petition to government, 4 arrested people (3 women +1minor).

Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact; loss of landscape; pasture and forestry are destruction. Documented Social-economic impact. Water sharing; Lack of irrigation water.

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

46 Assessment Study

Constructed No institutional changes Not successful as the project was constructed without taking into consideration local needs. o o o

http://telegrafi.com/shishtavec-konflikt-per-ndertimin-e-hec-it/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrI6edh6N0c NUIS K98420202O - Extract from the NRC on the historic register of the subject “Hidro Albania Energjishpk.

Factsheet 5: HPP Mati 1, 2, 3 -Local habitants against hydropower; it threatens agriculture Description

On 21 September 2012, the Ministry of Energy signed a concessionary agreement with Prot.No. 375, Rep No.203 Col., with a group of companies (Riviera ltd; Energy Projekt ltd; EHW ltd; and AtlantikJStc) for the construction of 8 hydropower plants in Mati River. However, the concession was sold to Enso Hydro Energy group (90% of the shares) and on 14 May 2016, the company established for the implementation of the concession contract (Mati Hydropower ltd) requested a contract amendment asking for renewal of time schedules due to delays in receiving all respective licenses and amending the project implementation study from 8 HPPs to only 3 HPPs namely Mati 1, Mati 2 and Mati 3. Mat Hydropower company is in the process of receiving licenses however they have been faced with strong rejection from local community in Klos municipality for the construction of the HPPs. The first public consultation scheduled for 16 December 2016 was turned into a strong community street protest with inhabitants arguing that the HPPs would dry up the rivers, threaten agriculture production, and thus would force their displacement. The local mayor has publically stated that the voice of local citizens is clear which will guide his decisions regarding the HPPs development. The local mayor has demanded to the company to change the project design and avoid tunnel construction and derivation channel due to the impact for the local community.

Basic data

Mati Hydropower sh.p.k The cascade along the Mati River consists of 3 hydroelectric power plants and is situated in Mati river close to Klos municipality. It utilizes a section of the river at 350m to 166.5m above sea level with a catchment area of about 500.7km2. The cascade comprises one power plant at intermediate pressure stage with a drop height of approximately 90m and 2 power plants at low-pressure stages conceived as diversion plants. The planned annual production amounts to 130 GWh with a total installed capacity of around 30 MW.

Source of conflict

Water management -1st level of conflict Water diversion - 2nd level conflict Environmental impact - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

Mati Hydropower shpk Owned 90% by Enso Hydro Energy Local habitants; local media.

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, official complaint letter to the Ministry of Energy and Industry; National Agency of Environment;

Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, biodiversity loss, water diversion, Potential Social –economic impact: agriculture production threatened; in contradiction with tourism local plans;

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

In licensing phase No institutional changes Unknown. o



http://www.ikub.al/ligje_category/16/08/04/per-miratimin-e-kontrates-shtesete-koncesionit-per-disa-ndryshime-dhe-shtesa-ne0160.aspx?cookiesenabled=false TV Bulqiza, “Protest of Klos inhabitants regarding Mat Hydropower company plans for HPP construction; 17 December 2016; http://www.tvbulqiza.al/klosbanoret-ne-proteste-kunder-ndertimit-te-hece-ve http://www.oranews.tv/vendi/banoret-e-klosit-kunder-ndertimit-te-hec-evebllokuan-rrugen/

Assessment Study 47

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 6: HPP Peshku conflict on property with local habitants


The company “Koka” shpk has started the procedures for applying for construction of HPP Peshk since in 2003 and in 2007 selected as its partner the company “Shijaku” shpk to continue together the investment for construction of hydropower “Peshk”. HPP “Peshk”, was constructed in northern Albania in the south of the village Krasta, between the villages of Peshk and Gjon. However, on 15 February 2016, during the testimony of K.P related to aeminent gang’s criminal activity, it was revealed a murder order by the administrator of a hydro power company linked with KokaSHpk. The conflict was related to property issues with a local owner where the HPP Peshku was being built. Based on local media reporting the testimony was verified by a recount filed in 2010 by the land owner 1 accusing the same people of the HPP company.20

Basic data

Koka&Ergi Energy Peshku” shpk The project is 3.6 MW and is expected to produce 17.95 GWh. The project will produce electricity by using the waters of Mat river between quota 709 m and 590 m by a derivation in a length of about 2.2 km, which traces on the right bank of the river. The water intake is placed on the bridge of the “Peshk” village to the point where two branches of Lena Creek and Thekna Creek meet to form Mat River. The powerhouse will be built on the right bank facing the point where Xixull brook is met with Mat River. The project will be used 185 days in dry years up to 236 days in wet years.

Source of conflict

Property conflict -1st level of conflict Water management - 2nd level conflict Water diversion - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

HEC Peshku is owned by Kokashpk 51% and Shijakushpk 49%

The conflict and mobilization

Murder attempt of land owner.

Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact – No data

The total investment amount is 5,500,000 euro. “Koka&Ergi Energy Peshk” shpk is registered in the National Registration Center (QKR) date 27.06.2008 with identification number (NUIS) K88027901B.

Potential Social –economic impact: Property issues. Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Constructed No institutional changes Operational since 2012 o o o


NUIS K88027901B - Historical extract from National Registration Centre; http://www.mapo.al/2016/02/biznesmeni-50-mije-euro-per-vrasjen-e-njepronari-tokash/1 http://koka-shpk.com/web/energjitike/h-peshk/

The case of HPP Gojanthat was blown through use of explosives or HPP in Vinjoll.

48 Assessment Study

Factshee actsheett 7 7:: HPP Fangu faced with local community clashes and protests over land appropriation Description

In 2009, the Albanian government tendered the concession of Fani i Madh & Fani i Vogel in Puke and Mirdite districts for exploitation of hydro energy capabilities. On 2 May 2011, Ayen AS Energji signed the Building Operation Transfer (BOT) contract No.5446 rep and No.1944 Kol with the Albanian Ministry of Economy, Trade and Energy for the construction and operation of three run-off river and one dam storage hydropower plants through a concession period of 35 years and preliminary costs of 142.5 million Euros. On 20 December 2012, the National Council of Territory Regulation approved the construction of the Hydro Power plants on FaniiMadh and Fanii Vogel rivers. The construction works started in 2013 and are expected to finish in mid-2017. The local community in QafeMolla, Mirdita district have protested against the construction of the HPP without prior compensation of their legitimate land. They have smashed the company construction site, blocked the Company’s worker enter the site and clashed with police special forces several times. 6 people have been arrested due to the protests. On 30 July 2014, due to an accident inside the tunnel, 3 workers died (2 Albanians +1 Turkish) due to demolition of the tunnel. Following, all 200 workers supported by the locals protested on the works safety and conditions. In addition, the local habitants of Gojan village in Puka have been facing conflicts with the AS –Energy (Albanian partner S.L) which led to setting in explosion the HPP in Gojan thus causing a damage of 3 EUR millions according to the company declarations. Police communications stated that two unidentified people tied up the HPP security guard and set the explosives.

Basic data

“Ayen AS Energji” is a joint-stock company owned by the Turkish companies AyenEnerji Co. Inc, AyelElektrikÜretimSanayiVeTicaret A.Ş., Fahrettin Amir and partners and Albanian company AS Energy with 82, 8, 1 and 9% shares, respectively. The first two hydropower plants (Gojan, Gjegjan) will utilize the upper stream of Fan iMadh River. The other two (Peshqesh, Ura e Fanit/Fangu) will utilize the hydropower capacities of both Fan iMadh and Fan i Vogel Rivers. The Fan i Vogel River deviates to Fan iMadh near Shkoret village, in Orosh commune. The first three power plants FHP1, FHP2, FHP3 are run-off-river power plants, meanwhile the fourth one is Dam Storage based power plant. With a total installed capacity of 110.56 MW, FaniiMadh and Fanii Vogel Cascade project will supply an estimated energy output of 367 640 MWh, equivalent to 7 % of the Albanian Active generation capacity and to 8 % of the supplied energy for 2012. Eight Francis turbines will be utilized together with three phases synchronous generators.

Graphic taken from Ayen. Company website for study purposes.

Source of conflict

Land appropriation -1st level of conflict Local employment - 2nd level conflict Environmental an water sources - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

Ayen AS Energji 13,600,000,000 –142.5 million Euros.

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, lawsuit, clashes, media appearances, requests and petitions.

Mirdita district Local habitants from Qafe-Molla village; Local media.

Assessment Study 49

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factshee actsheett 7 7:: HPP Fangu faced with local community clashes and protests over land appropriation Conflict impact

Observed and/or Potential Environmental impact: forest and water resources, landscape loss, water diversion, Observed Social –economic impact: Land appropriation, Water share, irrigation of land.

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Partly constructed; under construction No institutional changes Not sure; The project is under construction. o

o o

50 Assessment Study

https://www.asp.gov.al/index.php/17-shqip/lajmet-e-fundit/9329-nga-seksioniper-hetimin-dhe-parandalimin-e-krimeve-u-arrestuan-ne-flagrance-2-shtetasgjeneralitetet-e-te-cileve-per-arsye-hetimi-nuk-jepen-per-vepen-penaleshkaterrimit-te-prones-me-eksploziv-kryer-ne-bashkepunim; http://www.ayenas.al/project-description; http://24-ore.com/?p=8631 http://shqiptarja.com/aktualitet/2731/puk--shp-rthim-tritoli-n--hec-in-e-gjegjanitautor-t-lidh-n-rojen-357845.html Extract of AS Energy company from the National Licensing Centre.

Factsheet 8: HPP Vinjoll: Conflict over water use escalates in casualties Description

On 2 August 2009, the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Energy signed a concessionary contract with Komp Energy Shpk for the construction of hydro-power plants (HPPs) Vinjoll, Hurdhas 1, Hurdhas 2, Hurdhas 3. The HPPs are located in Vinjoll, Kurbin region. The construction works started in 2012 and the local habitants have complaint for the construction of the HPP in Vinjoll due to lack of water for agriculture and irrigation used by the same water spring. Several protests were organized in June 2014 by the villagers contesting the construction works arguing that water diversion would impact their family economies based on agriculture. Earlier, on 24 March 2014 an explosion took place in HPP in Gallate village (close to Vinjoll) linked with a conflict on property rights between the concessionary company and a local habitant. On 2 April 2016, the father of the HPP owner murdered a local villager from Vinjoll village due to the protracted conflict related to HPP property land. Indeed, the conflicts registered in Kurbin District Court related to the above mentioned HPP are regular, such as the one on 2.01.2015 where a local habitant has diverted the water from the HPP and punished for doing justice himself justice. The company is using the springs of Gurra e Vinjollit, and then diverting it through steel pipes into the several HPPs. Local habitants are frustrated with the situation and in constant tension due to the HPP construction and water management.

Basic data

Komp Energy Shpk Installed capacity 4.6 MW and expected production 13.3 GWh. Komp Energy shpk is owned by FitimLala (51%), a local habitant who lives in New York. 49% are shared with Michal Morciniec (Swiss citizen).

Source of conflict

Water diversion -1st level of conflict Water management - 2nd level conflict Property rights- 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

The project of HPP Vinjoll, Hurdhas 1,2,3 is 1.459.854 EUR.

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, lawsuit, Vengeance

Conflict impact

Documented Environmental impact: water diversion, water sharing rights.

Vinjoll habitants

Potential Social –economic impact: Agriculture impact. Conflict outcome

Constructed No institutional changes Not successful as the project was constructed.

Sources and materials/References

Historical extract from National Registration Centre. http://www.panorama.com.al/konflikti-per-rrugen-e-hec-it-te-vinjollit-plumba-50-vjecaritne-kurbinhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oufp1egjauhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ufmgzq3mxu https://www.asp.gov.al/index.php/17-shqip/lajmet-e-fundit/8962-mbi-vrasjen-e-ndodhurne-kurbin.

Assessment Study 51

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 9: Gurshpate HPP tops the list of protests due to sharing water rights Description

In 2009, Gurshpate Energy was established to manage a concessionary contract for the construction of HPP Gurshpate 1& 2 signed with Ministry of Economy and Industry in 2008. The environmental declaration was approved in 2010 and the works of the project started in 2012. The local habitants in Gurshpate and in Polis village, Librazhd have complained of the fact they didn’t know, or attend any information regarding the HPP construction. The local habitants have constantly complaint of lack of irrigation water from the company but not never taken into consideration. As consequence, a series of protests have been organized since 2013. On November 17, 2014, 8 people were charged with the attack against police during the July protests of 2014, in the village of Polis (Librazhd) against the local police forces. The protesters called for halting the construction of Gurshpate 1 HPP that has taken away drinking water and water for irrigation. The village has no running water and uses wells. On August 10, 2013 around 600 citizens of Polis and other villages protested against the construction of the second Gurshpate 2 HPP complaining the project will take away the water supply for subsistence agriculture. They also complained they had not been informed of the concession and the planned developments. Overall, the local habitants have organized 180 protests from 2013 till 2015 related to Gurshpate 1&2 hydro-power plants. On 20 December 2013, the habitants filed a suit at the district prosecution office for breach of contract obligation from the company but not actions taken. The local farmers have been supported by local NGOs Egnatia and the network entitled “ECIM” (Ekolevizja, Egnatia, Milieukontakt, Together for life and AJMI” who have met with Prefect and other local authorities to raise their concern for destruction of national park of ShebenikJabllanca due to large number of HPPs issued in Librazhd (95). Gurshpate 1 was approved by the Municipality in 2006 under the condition that the project moves 15 meters from the irrigation channel. HPP Gurshpate 1 has affected fishermen as it leaves little water in the basin. Allegedly, the Gurshpate 2 was not approved by the Municipal council. The villagers accused of protest organization against HPP Gurshpate 2 were left in jail for months without standing a trial, they were beaten and emerged bloodied from prison.

Basic data

Gurshpate Energy SHPk - (NUIS No K91425017O) The concessionary company was established to manage the concessionary contract "BOT" no. rep 349 col 50, dated 03.02.2009. The shareholders are MAR ENERGY (51%) and 1 Both companies are owned by the same people. Gurshpate 1&2 have a ARJANA C (49%).21 capacity of 1.67 MW.

Source of conflict

Water diversion -1st level of conflict Water management - 2nd level conflict Environmental impact - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area

The contract value was 176.738.773 All, (EUR 1.3 Million) signed on 26.03.2009. Local citizens; local and national NGOs; local media; professors;

Level of investment 21

Originally the shareholders were ITALPRO KHTS &Arjana-C, but later Italpro KHTS sold its shares to Mar Energy.

52 Assessment Study

Factsheet 9: Gurshpate HPP tops the list of protests due to sharing water rights The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, lawsuit, petitions, police clashes, arrested people, Blockage of company assets.

Conflict impact

Observed/Documented Environmental impact: landscape loss, biodiversity loss, water diversion, Observed/Documented Social –economic impact: agriculture impact, land possession;

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Constructed No institutional changes Not successful as the project was constructed. - http://www.forum-al.com/showthread.php?t=33009 - http://www.klsh.org.al/web/pub/ministrin_e_ekonomis_441_1.pdf - http://www.arkivalajmeve.com/Nje-HEC-i-dyte-ne-perroin-e-Gur-Shpatit-protestojnebanoret-Ska-uje.1047421181/; - http://investigim.al/en/hec-et-e-librazhdit-qe-futen-ne-lufte-banoret-me-shtetin/

Assessment Study 53

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 10: Rrapun 1&2 HPPs: Land usurpation and high erosion Description

The concession rights of HPPs Rrapun 1 and Rrapun 2 were taken by “C & S Construction Energy” company, under Council of Ministers Decision No. 717, dated 14.05.2008. The hydro-power plants are using the waters of Rrapun river through diversion methodology taking the water in pipes and then back to the river. The construction of the HPPs in Rrapun river has been associated with protests from local habitants of Darez commune in Togez village. The habitants have raised many concerns for the destruction of Rrapun river taking all the water of the river through pipes, causing loss of fauna, erosion of land, and property issues. The habitants of Togez village were the ones to first initiate protests in Librazhd area addressing the local authorities, MPs and Government due to the threat imposed to their local economies from the HPPs development. A petition of 118 signatories has been delivered to Vice Prefect MehemtBicaku on 12.12.2013, case filed with district prosecution office and a property related issue (D.Gj) is registered in the district court. Further, the company has blocked the road pass for the villagers through an unlicensed guard, with no ID badge and authority. The local NGOs, media and local habitants are questioned before they pass the public road otherwise blocked trespassing. Such a practice has turned out a normal phenomenon in Librazhd area in various HPPs.

Basic data

C&S Construction Energy The company established for the management of the BOT concessionary contract. The concession of Rrapun 1 and Rrapun 2 was granted to the company “C&S Construction” under Council of Ministers Decision no.717, dated 14.05.2008. The intensity placed is 8,250 KW, whereas the power is 44,650,000 kwh. The company is administered by Arjan Cukaj based on NLC.

54 Assessment Study

Factsheet 10: Rrapun 1&2 HPPs: Land usurpation and high erosion Source of conflict

Environmental impact and national park -1st level of conflict Water diversion - 2nd level conflict Water management - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

HPP Rrapun 1&2 are owned by C&S Construction company administered by ArjanCukaj. The investments amount of these two HPPs is 6.140.000 EUR Togez village, local farmers; local NGO Egnatia, Ekolevizja; ECIM consortium.

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest; Lawsuit; Complaint letters; Petitions to Prefect, Minister of Environment, MPs, Prime Minister.

Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, fish and water fauna loss, destruction of river bad and erosion of lands. Potential Social –economic impact: tourism, irrigation system and sense of rive belonging to local people.

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Constructed No institutional changes Not successful. o o o o o o o o

NUIS - K81914029T, extract from National Licensing Centre of C&S Construction Company; http://investigim.al/en/abuzimet-me-lejet-e-hec-eve-koncesionet-qe-poshkaterrojne-lumenjte/ Zela G, “Raporti final per projektin me Ekolevizjen per evidentimin e ndikimevengandertimii HEC-ve ne Rrethin e Librazhdit”, Gusht 2015 http://www.gazetatema.net/web/2016/08/02/janullatos-peruron-nje-hec-neelbasan-financim-i-kishes-orthodokse/ http://energjia.al/tag/banoret/page/2/ http://www.gazetatema.net/web/2016/08/02/janullatos-peruron-nje-hec-neelbasan-financim-i-kishes-orthodokse/ http://energjia.al/tag/banoret/page/2/ Field visits during December 2016 and meetings with local NGOs.

Assessment Study 55

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 11: Rrapun 3, 3A&4 HPPs: Cascade development: Water lost in steel pipes Description

On 11.09.2009 the Council of Ministers decided to grant the concession of Rrapun 3, 3A & 4 to the joint consortium of “C&S Construction”, Ferrar ltd and Gjiknuria ltd (winner of concessionary). After changes in the ownership of the concessionary, the shares were transferred to C&S Construction (2%) and Ekovepra ltd. (98%) On 5.05.2015 the consortium registered for the management of the concession the C&S Energy ltd, received the construction permit from the NTC. Indeed, Ekovepra ltd is fully owned by EnergjaEkologjike ltd and the latter is fully owned by the Albanian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. The local habitants are referring it as the “Janullatos hydro-power plants”, linked with the inauguration ceremony where the Archbishop himself attended the event on 2 August 2016. The construction of the HPPs 3&4 in Rrapun were initially planned as run-off-river without much impact, but later changed and introduced a dam in the middle of Rrapun river and then a diversion pipe long 2.4 Km from the dam to the powerhouse Rrapun 4. The project has been associated with protests from local habitants of Darez commune in Togez village. The habitants have raised many concerns for the destruction of Rrapun river taking all the water of the river through pipes, causing loss of fauna, erosion of land, earthquakes during tunnel explosion and property issues. The habitants of Togez village were the ones to first initiate protests in Librazhd area addressing the local authorities, MPs and Government due to the threat imposed to their local economies from the HPPs development. A petition of 118 signatories has been delivered to Vice Prefect MehemtBicaku on 12.12.2013, case filed with district prosecution office and a property related issue (D.Gj) is registered in the district court. Local environmental organizations, such as Egnatia are regularly monitoring the situation in the ground and it results that there is no biological or ecological water left in the river. There is no fish pass and the flora is destroyed. Soil erosion has already started to appear, witnessed also during a field visit on 3 December 2016. Company was working with 1/3 of its capacity in December 2016, where it is supposed to work in full power. Basically there is no water and the company is collecting water from more than one river as contract is stating in Qarrishta but also Gurakuq and Lunik Creeks.

Basic data

C&S Energy The company established for the management of the BOT concessionary contract No.. 2854 rep, nr. 383 Kol, date 11 September 2009. The shareholders are “Ekovepra” lts and C&S construction energy lts. Ekovepra results to be under the possession of EnergjiaEkologjike and the later are possessed by the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania. The installed capacity is 9.9 MW and an expected output of 42.9 GWh. The project has built a dam with a height of 10m over Rrapun river with 4 gates and with volume of 60 thousands m3 of water. It gets water through 1 The power house has 3 pipes from Qarrishta river directly from the power house of Rrapun 2.22 Francis turbines’ 3.3 MW each and the company has declared they did 411.850 m3 of excavations and soil filling.

Source of conflict

Water diversion -1st level of conflict Property issues and earthquakes from tunnel explosions - 2nd level conflict Environmental management - 3rd level of conflict

56 Assessment Study

Factsheet 11: Rrapun 3, 3A&4 HPPs: Cascade development: Water lost in steel pipes Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

HPP Rrapun 3, 3A&4 are owned by the Albanian Autocephalous Church and the investment is 790,361,249 All. ‐ Togez village, local farmers; ‐ Local Association Egnatia; ‐ Ekolevizja Movement; ‐ “Protect the Rivers” Movement

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, lawsuit, complaint letters, petitions to Prefect, Minister of Environment, MPs, Prime Minister.

Conflict impact

Documented Environmental impact: landscape loss, fish and water fauna loss, destruction of river bad and erosion of lands. Potential Social –economic impact: tourism, irrigation system and sense of rive belonging to local people.

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Constructed No institutional changes Not successful as the project was constructed without considering any community alternatives. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

NUIS - K92402005Q, extract from the National Licensing Centre of C&S Energy Company. http://investigim.al/en/abuzimet-me-lejet-e-hec-eve-koncesionet-qe-po-shkaterrojnelumenjte Zela G, “Raporti final per projektin me Ekolevizjen per evidentimin e ndikimevengandertimii HEC-ve ne Rrethin e Librazhdit:, Gusht 2015 http://www.gazetatema.net/web/2016/08/02/janullatos-peruron-nje-hec-ne-elbasanfinancim-i-kishes-orthodokse/ http://energjia.al/tag/banoret/page/2/ http://www.gazetatema.net/web/2016/08/02/janullatos-peruron-nje-hec-ne-elbasanfinancim-i-kishes-orthodokse/ http://energjia.al/tag/banoret/page/2/ Field visits and meetings with local NGOs in December 2016. Egantia Association team meeting on 3 December 2016.

HPP Rrapun 2 belongs to another concessionary agreement and owned by the same shareholder C&S Construction Company who actually owns 2% of C&S Energy. 22

Assessment Study 57

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 12: Kalivaç HPP an entrenched conflict of a failed governance system Description

In 1997 the Government of Albania signed a Built-Operate-Transfer concession with Becchetti Energy Group (BEG SPA) for the construction of Kalivaç Hydro Power Plant over Vjosa River for a period of 30 years. The HPP Kalivac was supposed to have a 100 MW capacity and would generate 350 GWh. The project was supposed to be finalised in 2000 and has been inaugurated and at the same time delayed government after government. The concessionary agreement was changed in 2000 and in 2007 when Deutsche Bank AG bought 45% of the project shares. However, few years later the GoA and Deutsche Bank opened a court case against the Becchetti Group for contract infringements. Currently, construction works are on hold once again (which they have been for the past 4 years), and the level of completion is still only at 30%. However according to the plans of the Ministry of Energy, HPP Kalivaç is only one out of 8 large dams (Ministry of Trade and Energy of Albania, 2008) to be built along the Vjosa River. The works needed a long precautionary study about the morphological features of the area and an environmental impact assessment executed by ERM Italia according to the World Bank standards. ERM carefully analysed the flora, the wildlife and the ichthyic situation of the area and conducted surveys and interviews in order to bring the least possible impact on the local population. The HPP Kalivaç has established several payment problems with local sub-contractors and the local employees who have staggered several street protests. Three protests on 4 October, on 9 October and 13 November 2013 have been organized and 4 citizens were arrested by local police.

Basic data

Becchetti Energy Group (BEG SPA The project is 100 MW and is supposed to generate 350 GWh of electricity. Kalivaç is a dam lake style, two turbines and will flood a considerable plot of land in the vicinity of the villages along the Vjosa valley. This is an all-Italian operation, which will involve the entire productive system and some of the most important national companies in this field. To date, 40% of the works have been completed.

Source of conflict

Environmental impact -1st level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

235 Million EUR.

The conflict and mobilization

-On 8 May 2014 press conference/protest organized by NGO-s (Save the Blue Heart of Europe). media articles Street protest, road blockage, petitions, requests.

Conflict impact

Documented Environmental impact: landscape loss, biodiversity loss, water management.

Water management - 2nd level conflict

Local residents, local workers

Potential Social –economic impact: Flooding of lands, Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

58 Assessment Study

Stopped No institutional changes Not sure. The project is halted due to company lack of financial resources. ‐

Historical extract of the company at the National Registration Centre.

http://shqiptarja.com/mobile/artikull_old.php?IDNotizia=189821&NomeCategoria=&Tit olo=hec-i-kaliva-it-pun-tor-t-n--protest--se-s--39-u-paguan-4-n-arrest&IDCategoria=1&reply=372295

Factsheet 13: Poçem HPP goes to court Description

On May 2016, the Albanian government has given a concession to a union of two Turkish companies "AyenEnerjiŞirketi Anonymous" and "Çinar-San HafriyatNakliyatTurizmInsaat San Ve Tic Ltd.Sti" to build a large dam on the Vjosa. According to Eco Albania’s studies, there are 38 HPPs foreseen in the whole Vjosa catchment where 6 new dams projected on the Greek side of the catchment while there is only one existing, the Pigai large dam. 31 HPPs are planned for the Albanian territory: 8 dams are planned along the Vjosa itself while 23 addition HPPs on its tributaries, 4 of which are already finished and are operational, while other 4 are under construction. The project “Poçem” is part of this large plan, and it features a 50 meter high dam that would not only directly affect one of the most valuable sections of the Vjosa due to flooding, it would also have serious downstream effects. The legal procedure is currently ongoing, however, is to be highlighted that the information regarding the EIA, Environmental Permit and Public Hearing regarding this particular project was continuously hidden for more than 7 months, according to the local CSOs. After receiving a copy of the EIA in September 2016, a group of local experts are preparing an analytical report of the EIA which is still ongoing. The local NGO Eco Albania supported by international organizations such as Riverwatch, Euronatur, are advocating for the declaration of Vjosa River as a “No go area”, and thus opposing the construction plans in the river. Some 7 protests and more than 70 media articles, press items have been produced for the whole Vjosa river including Poçem HPP. According to official information, the EIA report was presented to the public on 28 February 2015 in Fieri, but the local community and local government affected by this hydropower project is not even informed about this projects while they have protested against the construction.

Basic data

AyenEnerjiŞirketi Anonymous" and "Çinar-San HafriyatNakliyatTurizmInsaat San Ve Tic Ltd.Sti Installed capacity 102.2 MW and expected production is 3,668 GWH. The project dam will be 50m high and its length 200 m. Dam size will be 23,5 km2 of submerged area.

Source of conflict

Environmental impact -1st level of conflict Landscape - 2nd level conflict Dam construction - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

160.1 Million EUR Eco Albania, local citizens, local administrators, elders of villages, local media, international NGOs scientists, farmers.

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, EIA alternative study, media engagement, researchers and professional peerreview; lawsuit. Conflict chronology: ‐ On 5 February 2016 CSO-s protesting against the Poçem HPP, after the bid was opened by the Ministry of Energy and Industry;. ‐ On 10 February 2016 CSO-s protesting at Hydro Tech Albania Conference against the Poçem HPP and HPPs planned to be built in Vjosa River. ‐ On 13 May 2016, in the frame of the Balkan Rivers Tour, 500 odd people from Europe paddling in protest action on the Vjosa Valley. The tour was led by RokRozman, organized in the frame of the “Save the Blue Heart of Europe” campaign in 16 rivers in 6 countries in 35 days. ‐ On 18 May 2016, a Flotilla protest organized in Qesarat, near Kalivaç HPP. Kayakers, EP member Ms. Ulrike Lunacek and EU Delegation in Albania paddled from Qesarat to Poçem Bridge (potential dam site). Local community and CSO-s protested too. ‐ On 20 May 2016 a protest was held in Tirana in front of Prime Minister Office to cancel all HPPs licenses in Vjosa and in Valbona; ‐ On 8 June 2016 national and international scientists signed a memorandum asking a 3 year moratorium on the Vjosa Valley and a proper EIA for Poçem HPP. ‐ On 14 June 2016 local people from Kutë village blocked the national road LevanTepelenë ‐ On 25 June 2016 local people from Kutë village protested together with the local people from Valbona at the PM office in Tirana. ‐ On 8 September 2016 some Slovenian activists protested in Slovenia while PM Rama was invited in an event. ‐ In November 2016, 2,000 local people from Kutë commune signed a petition addressed to PM Rama asking cancellation of Pocem HPP. ‐ On 4 November 2016 local people from Kutë and Sevaster (affected communes on both sides of the river), protested together with CSO-s, local government and Parliamentary Members. A blocking of the national road was organized too. ‐ On 2 December 2016 local people, national NGO EcoAlbania and international NGO-s RiverWatch and EuroNatur filed the lawsuit at Administrative Court of Tirana.

Assessment Study 59

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 13: Poçem HPP goes to court Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, biodiversity loss, flooding. Potential Social –economic impact: tourism decrease.

Conflict outcome

Licensed No institutional changes Ongoing

Sources and materials/References

60 Assessment Study

‐ http://balkanrivers.net ‐ Poçem Hydro Power Plant Factsheet, prepared by Euronatur, River Watch, Eco Albania 2016. ‐ http://balkanrivers.net/sites/default/files/Prominent%20Supporters.pdf ‐ http://www.ecoalbania.org/228-scientists-from-33-countries-support-europes-last-wildriver/ ‐ http://everything.plus/HEC_pocem/CqycP-fDj34.video ‐ Plaintiff lawsuit prepared for Poçem HPP filed at the Tirana Administrative Court;

Factsheet 14: Lengarica HPP endangers the Lengarica Canyon natural monument and a national park Description

The Hydro Power Plant (HPP) Lengarica & Energy sh.p.k is a Run-Of-River type Hydropower Plant, which was built at the lower part of the Lengarica River basin in Permet district, Gjirokastra Prefecture. It is situated in a hilly and mountainous terrain, in Banja’s Canyon zone at the elevation of 410m above sea level, about 7 km from Vjosa River. The project is co-financed by Green for Growth Fund Technical Facility Fund (Lender) and IFC (20% - 6 Mill EUR). The project has been controversial being situated inside the Hotova and Dangelli National park (declared with DCM no.1631, dated 17.12.2008). The Lengarica River is characterized by an impressive canyon 7 kilometres in length and 80 meter in depth, which was designated as natural monument in the 1970s. Due to its low water temperature and its river bed rich in gravel, the Lengarica serves as spawning ground for many fish species. Furthermore, 8 thermal springs are located along the river, attracting hundreds of tourists each year. The construction of the third hydropower plant caused the springs to temporarily run dry in the beginning of October 2014. As a result, dozens of people took to the streets in Tirana demanding a stop to construction. At the time, the Minister of the Environment promised to appoint a working group as a reaction to the protest. For this reason the Ministry of Environment rejected firstly the environmental permit on 4 October 2011 but then issued an environmental permit on 24 January 2012. The CSOs and environmental activists have protested in various forms regarding the project and appealed all the governmental instances (Ministry of Environment, Energy and Prime Minister Office). In addition, many national and international organizations have been mobilized to declare the Vjosa river a national water park free of dams. Constructions were finalised in 2015.

Basic data

Lengarica & Energy Shpk Installed capacity 8,900 KW and expected production 28.4 GWh. Project water flow to be exploited is 7.15m3/s and will be used 137 days/year. The project consists of a regular (side intake type, opening for ecological flow, about 13m height and 60 m length). About 4 km tunnel (concrete lining 2.4m width, 4m height), a forebay (concrete basin to collect the water coming from the tunnel), about 3.7 km penstock (6 river crossings), a powerhouse (8.9 MW), and about 6.5 km 35KW transmission line to Përmet substation. The powerhouse is located in the north of the village of Petran about, 2 Km from river Vjosa.

Source of conflict

Environmental impact and national park -1st level of conflict Water management - 2nd level conflict Water diversion - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors

The Lengarica and Energy shpk is owned by EnsoHydro GmbH, Austria (100%) which was bought by the Albanian Hasi Energy shpk in 2012.

Project area Level of investment

Eco Albania, local activists, local media, Mayors, Center for Justice and Solidarity (Ilia Kondi), International NGOs (Bank watch, River Watch, Euronatur)

The conflict and mobilization

Petitions; complain letters; press articles; reports; street protest; lawsuit.

Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, thermal water threat, biodiversity loss, water diversion. Potential Social –economic impact: tourism decrease.

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Constructed; No institutional changes; Not successful as the project was constructed and prosecution dismissed the case. ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐

http://balkanrivers.net/en/key-areas/vjosa-river IFC Project Database http://ifcextapps.ifc.org/ Hydropower Plant financed by World Bank threatens Lengarica Canyon; http://www.reporter.al/hidrocentrali-financuar-nga-banka-boterore-kercenonkanionin-e-lengarices http://www.balkaninsight.com/en/article/albania-greens-rally-against-world-bankfinanced-power-plant Sikorova. K. and Gallop. Pippa. 2015, “Financing for hydropower in protected areas in Southeast Europe” Euronatur and Bankwatch, December 2015. E.Mazreku (2016), - Dismissal of the Lengarica case”, District Prosecution Tirana Office, filed on 24 June 2016

Assessment Study 61

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 15: HPP Bença & Tepelena: Cultural and environmental heritage threatened Description

On 6 June 2009, the Ministry of Energy signed a concessionary contract with Ferar shpk company for the construction of Hydro Power Plant (HPP) Benca and Hydro Power Plant Tepelena. Both HPPs make 7 MW (3+4) and will be built using a derivation tunnel as run-off river projects. Indeed, the Government has licensed the construction of 8 hydropower plants given to 4 different concessionary companies: HPP Meshanik, HPP Guva, HPP Driza 1 & 2, HPP Lekdush/Progonat, HPP Upper Bença, HPP Bença, HPP Tepelena. All the HPPs are located in Bença Valley, Progonat and Nivica Canyons, which are part of the Vjosa Valley. The Bença valley, with a length of 26 km is stretched between Trushnica and Buza e Bredhit. It is a magnificent river valley which is formed from the Progonat Brook and Nivice Stream. The local habitants are very proud and self-esteemed from the nature they have and heritage they got. The Bença valley as such is actually not a protected site but eventually it does provide a natural riverine ecosystem combined with an amazing landscape that can potentially be a core area of a future Vjosa National Park. On the other hand there are some protected sites along the valley and especially closed to the intake of the HPP in Bença. The Nivica canyon which is Nature Monument status, Progonat Waterfalls, Erosive Tarace of Bença, cultural monument the Aqueduct of Ali Pasha. Specifically, the construction of HPP Bença & Tepelena owned by Ferrar Energy shpk has started the works in April 2013 without an environmental permit which they received only in September 2013. The consultation process was done in August 2013, (after the construction works have started) in an unclear situation presenting a different project with a dam and reservoirs which would create employment, a small lake , fishing industry and sports recreation and other attractions. However, the project was then changed from 2 HPPs to only one, without any information and consultation. The new project would take the water through channels, pipes and a derivation tunnel back to powerhouse by drying and changing completely more than 5 km of river line. The local habitants have stand against the construction of this HPP and several times they have protested close to the construction site. On the other hand they have raised their voice even to the high level of the Albanian decision makers since they have been laid in regard to this project. Their main concern is related to the change of their cultural identity connected with the river and the valley, nature and the landscape. The take of water through pipes and tunnels will change completely their tourism potential.

Basic data

Ferar Energy Shpk Installed capacity 5,405 KW and expected production about 41.669 million kWh. Project water flow to be exploited is 7.71 m3/s and will be used all year around by respecting the ecological water flow during dry periods. The project consists of (side intake channel using the former irrigation channel, a forebay (concrete basin to collect the water coming from the channel), a derivation tunnel, penstock, a power house, and transmission line to Tepelena substation. The power house is located in the downskirts of Tepelena city.

62 Assessment Study

Factsheet 15: HPP Bença & Tepelena: Cultural and environmental heritage threatened Source of conflict

Environmental impact -1st level of conflict Water diversion - 2nd level conflict Water management - 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

Ferar Energy shpk. is owned by Ferid Sukaj 100%. The total project costs is 675.221.200 All (around 5 Million EUR)

The conflict and mobilization

Street protest, complain letters, declarations, media appearances. EIA review. Conflict chronology: ‐ During 2014 several complaint letters were sent by the local people of Bença to the government; ‐ On 29 April 2015, a protest at the construction site of HPP Bënça. Was organized from residents from Përmet, Selenicë and local people from Bënça against the construction of HPP-s in Bënça and Vjosa rivers. ‐ In March 2015 a petition was signed by the residents of the Vjosa Valley from Përmet to Selenicë and local people from Bënçë addressed to PM Rama. ‐ In July 2015 a declaration was signed by 13 NGO-s asking cancellation of HPP construction in Bença and Vjosa and delivered to PM office. ‐ On 6 June 2015 a concert protest was organized in Tirana against the HPP-s in the Vjosa valley. Bënça Iso-polyphonic group participated. ‐ On 17 May 2016 kayakers as part of the Balkan Rivers Tour paddled the Bença River.

Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, natural values threatened, biodiversity loss, water diversion,

Eco Albania and 13 other national NGOs (REC, EDEN, Milieukontakt, Ajmi, INCA, Ecolevizja, SHBO, EPER, ACERC, etcetera); Local habitants, scientists, River Watch, Euronatur.

Potential Social –economic impact: Threat to tourism and cultural identity and pride. Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Construction stopped temporarily. No institutional changes Not sure, as the project has been pending for more than a year. o o o o o

http://balkanrivers.net/en/key-areas/vjosa-river National Business Centre, historical extract of Ferrar shpk, accessed on 22 December 2016; Ferar Shpk, - Environmental Impact Assessment report, prepared by Invictus shpk, 2013. Environmental description of natural environment of “Bença valley”, and the impact of construction works ad functioning of HPP in the river bed. MoE, Environmental Permit, Type B, issued on 6.09.2013 No.1449

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Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

Factsheet 16: Nivica Canyons and tourism potential threatened from unplanned development Description

On 6 September 2013, the Ministry of Energy and Industry signed the concessionary agreement for the construction of hydropower plant Driza-1. The hydropower project is planned as a derivation project situated in the Nivica canyons, Tepelena district. The HPP Driza-1 is still in the process of receiving licenses based on a letter request sent to MEI, on 12.12.2016 by Lex Ferenda NGO. (prot. No.6807) The local authorities in Tepelena municipality are against the construction of the HPP based on the negative impacts it has on the tourism potential of the area. The mayor has submitted various requests to GoA to cancel the concession contract however, there has been no support. The HPP is still waiting to receive permission from the municipality of Tepelena for the change of pasture and forest territories where the project will start operations works, which has sparkled contestation from both sides. The National Coastal Agency has initiated a sustainable programme for eco-tourism development in Nivica village based on the natural beauties, untouched eco-system and traditional way of life and focusing on the values of Nivica Canyon, Castle of Nivica, Illyrian archaeological sites (Pagan sacral place). The local intellectuals have raise many concerns with Members of Parliament which have declared they will cancel the HPP, however the MEI has not taken any procedure towards that solution.

Basic data

Kendrevic Energy shpk Installed capacity is 4,208 kW. The Project water flow is 4.5 m3/s. The project will take the water at the height quotes of +388 m.a.s.l (meters above sea level) after the waters are released from HPP Guva. It will collect the water of Nivica brook at +382.9 m.a.s.l, Salaria brook at 390.36 m.a.s.l. The project will have derivation channels 4.6 km long, a forbay, a penstock long 2605.5 ml, a power house at quotes +255 m.a.s.l. The penstock height H =119.55m. The transmission lines which will be constructed will be connected with Kuc substation system and the southern ring power line at 35 kW.

64 Assessment Study

Factsheet 16: Nivica Canyons and tourism potential threatened from unplanned development Source of conflict

Environmental impact and natural beauty -1st level of conflict Tourism and landscape- 2nd level conflict Archaeological- 3rd level of conflict

Project details and actors Project area Level of investment

Kendrevic Energy shpk Gerti-Metal shpk & Everest shpk are the original owner but later changed where Gert-Metal bought the full shares. 349,864,5021 All (2.5 Million EUR)

The conflict and mobilization

Complaint letters, NGO declarations, protests.

Conflict impact

Potential Environmental impact: landscape loss, biodiversity loss, water diversion, Potential Social –economic impact: tourism decrease

Conflict outcome

Sources and materials/References

Not constructed No institutional changes The project is still in the licensing phase. o

http://newsbomb.al/index.php/aktualitet/item/29563-nje-hec-ne-nivicekundershton-termet-peci-por-ministria-e-kultures-jep-ok-pavaresishttrashegimnise http://rtsh.al/lajme/hec-et-ne-kurvelesh/ Cancelation of HEC Driza 1 informed by MP Fatmir Toci at Media Parliamentary Committee, 9 February 2016; http://rtsh.al/lajme/anullohetndertimi-i-nje-hec-i-mbi-kanionet-e-nivices/ B.Tare, “A hydropower in Nivica”, Dita Newspaper, 6 March 2016; http://www.gazetadita.al/nivica-e-kurveleshit-mes-historise-bukurisenatyrore-dhemarrezise-shteterore/

Assessment Study 65

Water related conflicts linked to hydropower development in Albania

66 Assessment Study



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