Tag Archives: Jiba Molei Anderson

The Final Rant, Part Two: Dispelling the Myth


Now, I love comics and comics are much more than DC and Marvel. Furthermore, I love a GOOD comic with an engaging story, dazzling artwork and an attractive package. If it is a book featuring a character of color, so much the better. When I read a comic, I want to be entertained. If any of these elements are missing from a book, I will not be entertained. Therefore, I will not purchase the product.

Krazy Kat by George Herrimann
Krazy Kat by George Herrimann

Of all the “minorities” in comics, African Americans, by the numbers, are the most represented in “Mainstream” comics. In fact, the African American presence in the medium of sequential art is not only prevalent, it is also culturally influential. From George Herriman’s Krazy Kat to Negro Comics from the 40s to Milestone Media in the 90s, We have set trends and flipped the script.

As professionals working for the Big Two, we are everywhere. We hide in plain sight. Ken Lahsley, Sanford Greene, Olivier Copiel, Doug Brathwaite, Khary Randolph, Brain Stelfreeze, ChrisCross, Jamal Igle and many, many more (I haven’t touched the “Old School” pioneers) have been consistently killing it throughout their careers, creating resonant works that we still talk about to this day. We are definitely more prevalent as artists than writers currently when it comes to DC and Marvel, but the writers who have worked it raised the bar (i.e. Christopher Priest, Brandon Thomas, Kevin Grievoux and Dwayne McDuffie) for EVERY writer working for the “Mouse” or the “Rabbit.”

Martha Washington by Frank Miller & Dave Gibbons
Martha Washington by Frank Miller & Dave Gibbons

In terms of characters? We’ve got plenty in both the “Mainstream” and Indie rivers. Black Panther, Blade, the Falcon, Storm, Shadowman, Martha Washington, Spawn, Black Lightning, Vixen, Blackjack, Chocolate Thunder, Brotherman… The list goes on and on.

Yet, we’re the ones who bitch about DC and Marvel not doing enough. You don’t hear the same rumblings from the Latino, Asian and other cultures. Why? Because they ain’t waiting for DC or Marvel… They’re making they’re OWN books for their OWN communities and the communities are supporting their creators.

Chocolate Thunder by Gettosake Entertainment
Chocolate Thunder by Gettosake Entertainment

The “mainstream” entertainment industry is an industry of followers, not innovators. It becomes aware of the “fringe” when the “fringe” starts making noise.

In the case of the Asian comic book community, they own US. Hell, we’ve been trying to mimic them for the past 20 years. They got over by taking what works in American comics and Animation and applying Asian sensibilities, exporting it back to us as Manga and Anime.

A huge problem with some independent comics of color (and most of the creators in the Big Two) is that they focus on the color of the character as the core of the concept and content rather than focusing on making good comics period. Culture should be used to enhance the character or concept rather than being the sole focus. And yes, some creators of color’s world view is as limited as the suburban mind set.

Shadowman published by Valiant Entertainment
Shadowman published by Valiant Entertainment

When I created Griot Enterprises and, in particular, The Horsemen, I knew the challenges that this industry presented. I knew that my product had to exceed the standards DC and Marvel set in order to gain notice. Otherwise, my efforts would have been for naught. I wanted to create a book that could stand toe to toe with properties like The Avengers or the Justice League. I wanted to create iconic characters that everyone could relate to…

…That just happened to be African and African American.

Using African culture and mythology as a root, I also used mythologies from other cultures, which expanded that universe to reflect the entire world.

As a result, The Horsemen Universe truly represents the world. Because of that, I have a truly global fan base interested in what I am going to produce next.

The Horsemen in 2013
The Horsemen in 2013

That, ladies and gentlemen, is cross-cultural marketing.

Next Step? Marketing the hell out out of my property.

Support the Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers – Round Two campaign at Indiegogo happening now… Only 27 days left!


The Final Rant: Part One

The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead

The following is a response to a post about the lack of “minority” characters from DC and Marvel Comics. This will be the only time you’ll hear me respond to this, as I am tired of the question. No disrespect to the one that posed the question, I’m just tired of wasting any more time on the question…



Yes, DC and Marvel have both been around since nearly this medium’s inception. Yes, their stable of properties have got decades of traction in the marketplace, and yes, the marketplace see only one color: GREEN, which is their primary concern…


The people who make the money are extremely short-sighted, and a part of that short-sightedness is in the idea of what is “marketable.”

Peep game, do you want to know which property, translated into film, brought Marvel out of the doledrums of bankruptcy thereby putting them on the path to be attractive for their eventual acquistion by Disney? Not, Spider-Man, not The X-Men, but Blade. The financial success of Blade in 1997 made it possible for those other movies to happen.

John Stewart
John Stewart

Who is the most recognizable Green Lantern for a whole new generation? John Stewart. Yet, they used Hal Jordan as the Green Lantern for the film and it was not a success in part because of a younger generation not knowing or caring about Hal… And that’s just not Black folks, either.

Yes, Green Lantern was a horrible film, for many reasons, and it would have done poorly whether or not Ryan Reynolds was Hal or Common was John Stewart. However, most kids today, who don’t read comics, the only Green Lantern they know is African American.

Static Shock
Static Shock

Blade was a great film all-around… Which illustrates the fact that the argument of African American superheroes not doing well financially is false. In fact, other examples of the initial vampire craze is further proof that cultural diversity adds to the value of entertainment (i.e. Rodriguez’s From Dusk ‘Til Dawn Latin-tinged appropriation of the vampire myth to Joss Whedon’s Buffy: The Vampire Slayer’s introduction of such characters as Gunn, Principal Wood, the First Slayer, etc.).


Characters of color from the Big Two have done better in other media rather than in comics because the audience for film, television and video games is bigger and more diverse than the suburban White male demographic that the Big Two consider their core audience. In short, they are marketing to their own tribe… A “passive” bigotry, if you will, using “marketing” to justify their limited world-view. To wait for that kind of narrow-minded thinking to seriously consider female voices, GBLT readers or fans of color, is a useless exercise. Instead of waiting for “Massa” to come around, we marginalized consumer base need to be made aware of, and support, the more than viable alternatives that address our needs. When that happens, when you start taking dollars out of the Big Two’s coffers that way, that’s when they’ll stand up and pay attention.

Love & Rockets
Love & Rockets

Don’t depend on the Big Two for some kind of cultural lip-service. All of your dollars don’t have to go to DC and Marvel. That’s like eating McDonalds or Burger King every day. If you want sushi, they are not the place to get it. Instead, seek out material that is going to speak to you. If that gets you off the reservation, so be it. There’s a whole world out there to explore. Who knows? You might find what you’re looking for.

What examples to support that argument? Love and Rockets. Brotherman. T.R.I.B.E. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Nexus. Hellboy. Grendel. Men In Black. The Walking Dead. Image Comics. Milestone Media.

To have a really satisfying and unique meal, you have to go to an Italian, Latin, Asian, African or Indian restaurant…

…That’s the experience only an Indie Comic can provide.

The Griot walks The Path

STLCC Intercultural Arst Festival Flyer
STLCC Intercultural Arst Festival Flyer

For my St. Louis people, I’ll be speaking at the St. Louis Community College Intercultural Arts Festival! I’ll have a solo presentation Thursday, March 21 from 1-3pm and a round table discussion with co-author of Black Comix Damian Duffy Friday, March 22 from 11-2pm. Hope to see you there!


The Grand Hustle Continues… This Week in Griot Enterprises

What up, fam!

Two things happening this week so, here’s a quick post to let you know the biz…

JBD: The Devil’s Due #3 on sale March 13, 2013!

Written and Created by: LaMorris Richmond
Pencils and Cover by: Jiba Molei Anderson
Inks by: Seitu Hayden

JBD: The Devil's Due #3
JBD: The Devil’s Due #3

JBD comes face to face with the family he left years ago as the spark of revolution becomes a raging inferno!

If you haven’t checked out JBD yet, this is the issue to buy as it was very FIRST comic book work. Cop the book at DriveThruComics.com

JBD #3 Preview
JBD #3 Preview



Support the Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers – Round Two campaign on Indiegogo!

Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers second promotional poster
Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers second promotional poster

I thought I told you that we won’t stop! I’ve re-launched the Indiegogo campaign for Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers… For those of you who missed out the first round, here’s your chance to support This great new title! I’ve got over 30 pages in the can and this bad boy will be coming out in May. Get on the ground floor and grab some very cool incentives for pledging!

Just click on the link below for more details:

The deadline for the campaign is April 25, 2013. Thanks for the love and continue to support Griot Enterprises, Indie Comics & Black Sci-Fi… Cheers!


JBD is © 2013 LaMorris Richmond Holdings
Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers and all related characters are © 2013 Jiba Molei Anderson & Griot Enterprises

End of the Road… Support Outworld on Indiegogo NOW!

Wanna see some pages? Here you go:

Outworld Preview
Outworld Preview Pg.01










$351.00 out of our $5000.00 funding goal with 8 hours to go… Support Indie Comics and Outworld at Indiegogo NOW!


Last and Tired Legs… Support the Outworld by 3/8/2013!

Outworld Indiegogo promotional poster
Outworld Indiegogo promotional poster

It’s the final five days and we’re only at the $125.00 of our $5000.00 goal. Help make this a Cinderella story and support the Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers fundraising campaign on Indiegogo today.

As an extra incentive, a $5.00 donation gets you a FREE PDF of the poster above… A $10.00 donation gets you the poster as a FREE and SIGNED 11″X17″ print!

The deadline is March 8, 2013… Cheers!

Click here to visit our Indiegogo page today!

You Can’t Stop The Mad Prophet

Phoebus, the Mad Prophet
Phoebus, the Mad Prophet

Of all the worlds, all the sentients and races that call themselves one with the Diaspora, the people of Helios are among the oldest. Like the Mwari, the Helians are a peaceful race devoted to the exploration of the mind, body and soul. They are also a people with a passion that runs deep and hot, so hot that their natural abilities of energy manipulation could destroy if left unchecked. As a result, the Helians forbade themselves to use their power and to avoid conflict at all costs…

…This is to protect not themselves, but to spare others their full wrath.

However, energy cannot be contained. It must be allowed to dissipate, to flow naturally, lest it be released in a more… dynamic fashion. Because of this, the Canonicate was established. Following the teachings of the Definite, the Canonicates are allowed to use their abilities only to heal. It is said that to become a Canonicate is to sit at the right hand of the Definite, a very high honor indeed.

He was a priest, one of the chosen few that were allowed to use the immense gifts bestowed upon his ancient race. He used his Definite-given abilities to heal the broken body or sooth the troubled mind. As he offered guidance and provided comfort to other sentients in need, he too found solace with them. Still, Phoebus’ heart burned. As he saw the Diaspora descend into the fascism of the Utopian Collective, he became displeased with Helios’ stance of non-intervention.

“We cannot stand by any longer while our brethren suffer,” Phoebus said to the Canonicate. “We do not have the luxury of non-intervention while millions suffer. We must resist… We must fight!”

His pleas fell upon deaf ears. The Canonicate forbade Phoebus to speak any further about the matter publicly. Failure to follow the orders of the Canonicate would mean expulsion from the priesthood, forbidden to use the Definite’s gift forever. When faced with the choice, Phoebus did the only thing he could…

…He left the Canonicate… But did not leave his calling.

When news came that not only did Phoebus continue to heal, but also was an outspoken critic of the Utopia’s policies, the insult to the Canonicate was too much to bear. Labeled as a dissident to the Collective and disavowed by the Canonicate, He was arrested by the Beret Sheri, rewarded for his personal rebellion by being sent to the labor camps. The scientists salivated upon his arrival. Finally, they had a Helian in their midst, to study, to dissect and corrupt the gift of the Definite. Phoebus was the subject of brutal eugenics experiments. He was poked and prodded and cut. His mind and body were violated, driven mad by the vicious science of the Utopia. He was a healer who was taught and forced to become a killer. He became one of the broken… And that ignited his true potential.

In his delirium and despair, the stars spoke to Phoebus, welcoming him to the celestial firmament. From the swirling solar gas, a figure emerged. It was the Avatar of the Orijah that whispered in his ear, that told him to be strong and fight and spread her doctrine for she would return to shine the light of truth. The Avatar became Phoebus’ savior and he would be her prophet.

His anger burned bright as he ignited the prison engulfing the facility with righteous incandescence. Phoebus raged against his captors, Canonicate scripture of harmony and peace spat viciously with contempt from hips lips as he set the guards aflame. Escaping to the Ridge, Phoebus hid among the lost denizens of the Outworld, preaching his doctrine with a wild and desperate urgency to any who would listen…

Chavin, the Ronin listened, and told Phoebus another tale of the Avatar and the Orijah. This would be the beginning of a new scripture and Phoebus would shine the light of truth on a galaxy shrouded in the shadow of lies and deception.

Woe to those who do not heed the words of the Mad Prophet.

There’s only 20 days left and we are well behind our goal. Please support Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers at Indiegogo… Cheers!


Claws of Justice: Freya’s Tale

Freya, The Rebel
Freya, The Rebel

She decided that she would live her life in service to the Aerie. “The Aerie are the hunters of the wicked and the defenders peace. The Aerie are just and fair. I am Aerie… I will be just… I will be fair.”

The Aerie are a proud people. Born on the wind from the craggy and unforgiving mountains of Aesir, the Aerie own the skies. Generations of evolution had taken their wings, but not the need to fly. They build the warships and there are no better pilots than the Aerie in the entire galaxy.

Freya, daughter of career military parents, was a proud daughter of Aesir. A gifted pilot and strategist, even by Aerie standards, Freya was the youngest applicant to join the Aesiran Guard. Her record was exemplary, culminating in earning the Talon Star for her service during the Day of Claws and was given the title of Protector by the Aesiran Command.

When Aesir denied the Nos Nation secession to build their own government, when Aesir joined the Utopian Collective, it was of little concern. She did not question the politics. After all, the Aerie built the ships that defended the Collective and served the people. She was the Protector.

“I am Aerie. I will be just. I will be fair.”

Reports from the Skein relayed that the Nos have developed Incursion-grade ordinance and were plotting attacks against Aesiran outposts along the Ridge. With tensions escalating between the Aesir and the Nos resistance, Freya was assigned by Command to eliminate a key Nos insurgent cell and destroy their encampments. Her squad rained righteous fire upon the compound, neutralizing the cell and eliminating the “threat” with little resistance. While sweeping the area for any lingering opposition, Freya came face to face with her handy work.

The ram shackled and cramped shanties, already rusted and crumbling, hastily built for a semblance of warmth and shelter cratered by Aerie ordinance… The mangled bodies of the lumbering dead and dying, attempting to fly away tragically, almost comically, with bloodied and shredded wings to safety, torn by the claws of Aerie… These “insurgents” were little more than a crumbling medical village filled with starving, helpless, war-orphaned Nos children taking care of the sick, the parentless and starving young, the crippled elders… This was her introduction to the Nos Nation.

“We have done this,” Freya thought. “We are not just, we are not fair. We are not protectors… We’re conquerors.”

Disillusioned and broken, Freya left the Aesiran Guard, sacrificing her career in the Aesiran Command and shaming her family. With no purpose, Freya drifted from planet to planet in the Collective and beyond the Ridge selling her services as a mercenary for hire when Chavin found her and gave her direction…

“I am Aerie. I must be just. I must be fair.”

The Rebel has once again become the Protector. Freya now protects an entire galaxy from injustice flying as a Master Teacher.

Please support Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers on Indiegogo and stay woke… Cheers!


Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers and all related characters © 2013 Jiba Molei Anderson & Griot Enterprises

JBD: The Devil’s Due #2 on sale 2/6/2013

JBD: The Devils' Due #2 cover
JBD: The Devils’ Due #2 cover

Support Black Sci-Fi for Black History Month… JBD: The Devil’s Due #2, written by La Morris Richmond with a cover by Jiba Molei Anderson on sale at DriveThruComics.com TOMORROW!

The Legend of Nos Olu’Mollus

Nos Olu'Mollus
Nos Olu’Mollus

They are a reclusive race only to be seen when the sun sets on Aesir. It is said that they came from the southern hemisphere in swarms. They are the aerial gypsies. They are the Night People. They are the Nos.

Unlike the Aerie, the Nos retained the gift of wings, the ability to fly unaided. This made the Aerie resentful and jealous. The culture turned this insecurity into a false sense of racial pride. “Only savages fly with wings,” was the consensus of the day. The Aesiran Command made this prejudice a cornerstone of public policy. As a result, Aesiran society treated the Nos as their racial and cultural inferiors, using the Nos for menial labor, forcing them onto reservations and indentured servitude, denying them the skies and the right to fly.

His parents were killed during the Riots of Secession. Relatives who lived in Noctili Provence, which was close to the city and to work, took in him and his sister, Tyla. The young Mollus was an angry child, often getting into trouble with the Aesiran constables. When he became of age, Mollus was recruited by the Macrotus, a radical faction of the Nos Nation movement, and quickly became one their most devoted, almost fanatical and charismatic soldiers. His sister, however, did not celebrate this achievement.

Mollus was very protective of his little sister. Tyla was his treasure and the only bright light that saved Mollus from the darkness in his soul. Tyla was beautiful, intelligent and kind; traits that even the most discriminatory of Aerie could not deny. She found work in the city and was growing accustomed to city ways.

“They are too arrogant, too unreasonable, too violent,” Tyla would tell her brother. “But, we must conquer their hearts with understanding and compassion, not hate.”

Nos females had been found on the edge of the reservation. They were raped, mutilated with their wings cut and blunted. The Nos Nation condemned Aesiran Command for their casual handling of the matter. For the Macrotus however, words would not be enough. It was said that these violations were the work of a high-ranking Aesiran Noble’s son with a penchant for pretty Nos girls. They vowed to mete out their own brand of justice. Mollus was only too ready to be the Macrotus’ instrument.

He waited patiently that night, on the ledge of the high-rise Aesiran apartments, for his target. He tuned his natural echolocation; concentrating on the moment as the young Aerie entered the darkened, curtain drawn room with his companion, a Nos female. He was disgusted at the sounds of laughter and the stirrings of passion coming from the young couple.


Mollus swooped towards the window, crashing through the glass, ready to put an end to this madness… He was not prepared for what he saw.

Tyla was wrapped in the arms of this man, this murderer, this Aerie.

“No, Mollus!” Tyla shouted. “It’s not him! It’s not him! He loves me! We are in love! Please, Mollus, please listen to me!”

His world turned a deep violet hue as the darkness engulfed him completely. He heard nothing. He saw nothing. He felt… nothing. He swam in the darkness for what seemed like and eternity. Only a tone, small at first, steadily growing louder eventually becoming a piercing wail, brought him out of his womb of fury.

The Aerie was dead, his body pierced with wounds from a Nos blade, his blood mixing with the Aesiran nectar spilled from the broken glass table in the now destroyed bedroom. The Aerie put up a fight, a good fight, but his death was an ugly one. Tyla was holding her lover’s body in her arms, keening for her lost mate. Mollus looked down at the blood on his hands.

“It wasn’t him… He was the constable assigned to the case… They caught the killer earlier tonight… He was Nos… He was Macrotus!”

Mollus’ mind swooned, overwhelmed by the level of betrayal he felt. Betrayed by his sister, the Macrotus, the Nos, Mollus barely had time to register the Constabulary’s arrival. It was too much for him to bear as he narrowly escaped capture their weapons fire diving out of the broken window and soaring into the night sky.

“He does not speak unless it is necessary. He is swift justice on leathern wings. He is a hero for some and a villain to others. He is Nos Olu’Mollus.”

Labeled a terrorist and murderer, Mollus has a price on his head throughout the galaxy. The Nos have their symbol political and social rights… And, through Chavin, the Master Teachers gained a new warrior in their ranks.

Please support Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers on Indiegogo and stay woke… Cheers!


Outworld: Return of the Master Teachers and all related characters © 2013 Jiba Molei Anderson & Griot Enterprises