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Identification Guide for Eel-Loaches

I’ve had a few people ask me to I.D their Pangio spp., so I cobbled together this neat little visual guide on identifying specific eel-loaches!


NOTE: There are many species of Pangio that have been described but no photographs exist. Inversely, there are many images of as of yet un-described eel-loaches. I will not be covering them as they are virtually nonexistent in the pet trade.

Pangio alternans


Easily distinguished from other striped kuhlis by the lateral dappling.

Pangio anguillaris


These slender loaches are discernible by their thin build and silver-brown color. Males have unique hump-like nasal growths. Easily confused with Pangio doria, but distinguishable in the fact that they lack nasal barbels whereas P. doriae has them

Pangio cuneovirgata


The smallest of the eel-loaches, they are easily identified by their small size, small bars, and light color. Can be confused with Pangio malayana. P. cuneovirgata has nasal barbels and a truncated caudal fin whereas P. malayana lacks nasal barbels and has an emarginate caudal fin.

Pangio doriae


Almost identical to Pangio anguillaris but are differentiated by their possession of nasal barbels. Also similar to Pangio lidi but P. lidi lacks pelvic fins.

Pangio filinaris


Appear as a slightly more pink, deep bodied Pangio oblonga, Basically unheard of in the trade.

Pangio malayana


Similar to P. cuneovirgata but distinguished by lack of nasal barbels and emarginate caudal fin.

Pangio myersi


The beefy beasts of the genus. Deep bodied and thick, they are identified by their dense quadrilateral bars that envelope their bodies. Thickness of bars seem to be determined by age.
(top adult female belongs to @immersive-lore-friendly-cheese, other source)

Pangio oblonga


The most common eel-loach in the hobby. Visually similar to Pangio pangia but can be discerned by being slimmer and longer than P. pangia.

Pangio pangia


Visually similar to Pangio oblonga but can be discerned by its stockier and deeper body shape. Pangio pangia is the type species for Pangio.

Pangio piperata


These diminutive eel-loaches look like they have been speckled in a fine layer of coal dust. Somewhat similar to Pangio shelfordii but they are much more plain in color.

Pangio semicincta


Total wildcards. They are commonly mislabeled as Pangio kuhli due to the high variation of their stripes. Some populations have bars that will split and dapple with age. Some populations are more orange than yellow. Some sources indicate Pangio semicincta is larger than Pangio kuhli but this is unconfirmed.They are the most common eel-loach besides Pangio oblonga. Pangio kuhli is rare in the fish trade as they are endemic to Borneo, where collection is unheard of. Therefore it is plausible that most striped kuhli loaches in the trade are mislabeled Pangio semicincta.

Pangio shelfordii


Another highly variable eel-loach, their abundant dapples and reticulated bars appear to have geographical variations. Can sometimes be confused with Pangio alternans and Pangio piperata but distinguishable by their bold full-body dappling.


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