It’s Chiggers Time!

One of the most annoying pests of the summer is chiggers. Chiggers are the immature stage of a parasitic mite that feeds on other arthropods when it becomes an adult. Chigger bites are often the result of working or spending time in brushy areas. Chiggers can be common in shady, humid areas with dense overgrown areas. The immature chiggers that get on your skin are too small to see and the reaction to their bite occurs after they attach; some may drop off before a reaction begins. They generally attach where clothing is tight, such as around waistbands, or near folding of the skin. The bites tend to be to areas where the skin is thin and with high humidity. The result is a red welt with intense itching that can last for days.

Figure 1. Reactions to chiggers can last for days. (Photo: Ric Bessin, UK)


Reducing Chigger Bites

One of the first steps in reducing chigger bites is to recognize when you may be entering areas where they can be common.  Walking in overgrown or unmowed fields, hiking off trails, camping in chigger-infested areas, or even picking wild blackberries are situations where you may encounter chiggers.  In these situations there are some preventive tactics you can take to reduce chigger bites. Many of these will also help to reduce tick bites as well.

  • Before entering these areas, tuck your pant legs into your socks and wear long-sleeved shirts.
  • Apply an insect or tick repellent to your clothing or skin according to the label. Some products can only be applied to clothing. 
  • When returning home, shower immediately to help to remove chiggers that have yet to attach.

Habitat Modifications

HHaIf chiggers are common around the home or farm, you might consider modifying the vegetation to reduce the suitability for chiggers. Habitat management may take a bit of time to reduce chigger numbers and bites, but can have long-term benefits and greatly reduce chigger numbers and bites. This begins with the following:

  • Regularly mow grassy areas
  • Remove brushy areas near sites people spend time
  • Prune shrubs and trees to allow more sunlight and lower the humidity
  • Eliminate or reduce areas that provide cover or habitat for other rodents as these are alternative hosts for chiggers.


If rapid reduction of chiggers is needed, an insecticide can be used to reduce their numbers. Insecticides provide effective reduction in chigger numbers, but this is only a temporary solution. Insecticides containing befenthrin (Ortho Home Defense MAX), carbaryl (Sevin), and permethrin can be applied late spring/early summer according to label instructions.

By Ric Bessin, Entomology Extension Specialist

Posted in Human Pests