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Added by Captain Blubber • Updated about a year ago by Brad
Added by Captain Blubber • Updated about a year ago by Brad


Category: Meme Status: confirmed Year: 2006 Origin: Kevin Federline single Region:
Tags: k-fed lame song rap exploitables pop-culture music remix pop icon mtv tv youtube celebrity hip hop exploitable

Additional References: Wikipedia

Kevin Federline is not the most well liked man on Earth -- check out his definitions. He seems to get on people's nerves. So when he makes a fool of himself (and there have been several cases of this) people like to make fun of him. In 2006 another opportunity appeared! Oh, exploitable…

It's called PopoZão, which is Portuguese for 'big ass'. "It's a Brazilian ass-shaker" or so we're led to believe. The song was released on New Year's Day 2006. It was supposed to be on his album "Playing with Fire" but was first released as a single. The actual video was first shown on MTV news RAW in March 2006.

The most popular remix: it's peanut butter Federline!

k-fed is a witch doctor?

For some reason this seems to work

k-fed loves theme songs

So much annoying…

Good vibrations? Whatever you say…

k-fed just loves instrumentals

k-fed will dance to anything

I wouldn't be surprised if this was the original video


My personal favourite

What makes this video so parodiable is as follows.

  1. k-fed is very annoying
  2. The song sucks by anyone with a brain stem's standards
  3. The "hand dance" he does
  4. It's funny seeing grown men dancing to silly tunes
  5. Did I mention k-fed is annoying?
  6. k-fed is really passionate about the song
  7. k-fed is really annoying

This video was also used in Weezer's song "Pork and Beans", their tribute to viral videos.

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