Countries of Oram

On Kish


The northernmost country of Oram, Alalngar is home to the hardiest of creatures. It’s full of snow for the much of the year. Kasaandra is from Alalngar.


Babum is the northernmost of the two landlocked countries. It is the only country that has both the Biennora and Abfil mountain ranges. Between those is the Middlequet Valley where Kasaandra and Akin meet for the first time. Llani’s hidden home and Bell’s home are in Babum.


This country looks like the head of a dragon. The coastlines are rocky with very high cliff faces.


This landlocked country is south of Babum and the original home of the Karatolii.


Kudurru is the west coast’s most populated country. Even so, it doesn’t compare to those countries found east of the Bien’fil mountains.


Lagash is the southernmost country on Kish. Merchants seldom sail as far west as the Sudver Sea located on the southern border of Lagash and Uruk.


This country is south of Zedana in the southeastern corner of Kish. It has a few prominent coastal cities, the largest of which is Alonard. To the north, its tropical climate gives way to grasslands and rolling hills while snow blankets the southern border for much of the year.


Kish’s northern desert is located mostly within Ubarra’s borders. The country is hot with little rainfall. After the World Burn War, few umanids chose to repopulate this country.


Uruk is very hot and dry, filled with arid deserts, hot steppes, and to the very south, permafrost. Akin–from Catching Qat–was born in Uruk.


Zedana is on the east coast of Kish. It hosts the largest cities on Oram including Craguesport and Riversmeet. Its capital is Toolium, snuggled safely in the Manntar mountains.

The country has various climates, from grassland to coastal to swampland to the tropics. Read Catching Qat to learn more about the history of this country.


If you live on Kish, you don’t even know that there’s another continent. Alulim is a mystery to all but a few, very special creatures.