Recipe – Chateaubriand with Sauteed Mushrooms

For a special Christmas meal, I wanted to try to cook something I had never attempted before.  I went for Chateaubriand, a centre cut of filet, after a chat with the butchers at Provenance.  I recognise this is not a wild and crazy but was an exceptional option….though a bit nerve-wracking having not tested it before Christmas Day.



This dish was also good not to hog the oven space for hours so I was able to make other dishes before and just warm in the oven whilst the beef was resting.


800g, Chateaubriand

Salt & Pepper

7-8 dried shiitake mushrooms

150 ml, boiled water

400g, white mushrooms

1 garlic clove, diced

1 shallot, diced

5 thyme sprigs, leaves removed

100 ml, red wine

1/4 cup, chopped parsley

Ask the butcher to tie the beef filet so that the meat is the same width from end to end.  If the butcher is unable to do this, tie or use Cling Film to shape meat about 24 hours in advance.  About 12 hours before cooking, season with salt and pepper and return meat to refrigerator.  About 2 hours before cooking, remove beef from refrigerator and allow to come to room temperature.

Season meat well in advance

Season meat well in advance

Preheat oven to 220 degrees Celsius.

Rehydrate shiitake mushrooms by pouring boiling water into a bowl with the dried mushrooms.  Leave for 15 minutes.

Heat large pan on high on stove top.  Sear beef on all sides (about 2 minutes each side.)  There should be 3 turns so 8 minutes on the stovetop.

Put beef in oven for 16 minutes for medium rare. (I would suggest 3 minutes more or less for medium or rare, respectively though I did not try this.)

Cut the rehydrated shiitake mushrooms, reserving the mushroom liquid.

Move beef to a separate plate, preferably warm, and cover with foil to allow beef to rest for 20 minutes before carving.  Whilst the beef is resting, in the pan used to cook it, heat on stove top with a small bit of butter, add garlic and shallots and cook for 3 minutes.  Add sliced mushrooms, chopped shiitake mushrooms, parsley and thyme.  Saute for 15 minutes, adding red wine and mushroom liquid at intervals, allowing it to cook down.  (All liquid may not be needed.)

Slice beef to desired thickness and serve with sautéed mushrooms.  Another good side is Gratin Dauphinois.

Chateaubriand with Sauteed Mushrooms

Chateaubriand with sautéed Mushrooms

We served with a Brunello we had purchased from the vineyard and were not disappointed.

If there are leftovers, warm gently in the oven.

What was your Christmas Day meal?

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