Is your God unleashed?


Last Sunday we introduced a new, 2 year initiative called, “Unleash: What God Can Do Through You.”  What does that mean?

First, it means unleashing each person, even you, to live a Spirit-empowered, purposeful life.  It means giving you the resources, encouragement, and opportunities to go through every moment of every day knowing that you’re connected to God.  It means being able to recognize God’s voice, and to respond with courageous faith.  It means putting your head on the pillow at the end of the day, or the end of the year, and knowing that you’ve been living the life you were actually designed to live.

Second, it means unleashing our church to ignite a movement of the gospel that will transform our world with the HOPE of Christ.  It means becoming an army of good that penetrates every cul-de-sac, classroom, and cubicle that we call ours.  And it means that as we learn to live a Spirit-empowered, purposeful life, our words and our actions consistently point people toward Christ and the life he offers.

Third, it means unleashing crucial ministry space to expand our impact for generations to come right here at 13 Firstfield.  It means finishing the construction project we began in 2010.  It means creating space for kids and students that says, “You matter to God, and you matter to us.”  It means using technology to create God-soaked experiences for every person who walks through the door, and even for those who participate online.

For the next five weekends we’ll explore HOW to unleash the power of God.  Don’t miss it.  I would also strongly urge you to get informed at one of our key events, which are listed here.  And be sure to visit the Unleashed website, at  Finally, join us in the journey of unleashing the power of Scripture by participating in the 30 Day Devotional, available at our facility, or by email.

Together, we’ll unleash what God can do through you!

-Pastor Mark

P.S. If you missed last weekend, check out what we revealed by tuning in to the podcast.

Posted on September 19, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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