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An order of insects, the beetles, characterized by the possession of a pair of hard, horny wing covers overlying a pair of delicate membranous flying wings; it is the largest of the insect orders with the largest number of species of any animal or plant order.
[G. koleos, sheath + pteron, wing]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
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Fig. 114 Coleoptera . Generalised structure.


an order of insects, including beetles and weevils. The forewing is thick, leathery and veinless, and is called an elytrum. When closed, elytra meet along the midline and protect the membranous hindwings, which fold forward. Some of the approximately 280 000 species of Coleoptera are wingless, however. There is a complete METAMORPHOSIS.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Vernon 1864: Catalogue of the Coleopterous Insects of the Canaries in the Collection of the British Museum.
A Survey of resistance to phosphine in some coleopterous pests of stored wheat and rice grain in Pakistan.
-Descriptions of new North American coleopterous insects, and observations on some already described.
Descriptions of new species of Coleopterous insects inhabiting the United States.
Descriptions of new North American coleopterous insectes, and Observations on some already described.
Defoliator insects such as lepidopterous, coleopterous and leaf-cutting ants can cause significant losses to forest productivity in Brazilian reforested areas but very little is known about natural factors that regulate their populations (Braganca et al.