Akshay Vasa
4 min readJul 9, 2021


“Jainism:The Gift From Our Ancestors”

Jainism is the history of Humanity.Our Ancestors Taught us Many Things with their Experience.Jainism is one of the three ancient religions of India, with a value system that puts nonviolence above all else.Jainism is a religion that promotes a path to spiritual purity and enlightenment through a model of life rooted in the tradition of ahimsa, nonviolence to all living creatures.We Jains Belive In Humanity and whole World is Our Universe.All Lives Matters for Us.Jainism is one of the three most ancient religions of India, with roots that go back to at least the mid-first century B.C.E. Today, it is an integral part of Indian culture. Jainism teaches that the path to enlightenment is through nonviolence and reducing harm to living things (including plants and animals) as much as possible.Jains believe in reincarnation. This cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is determined by one’s karma. Jains believe bad karma is caused by harming living things. To avoid bad karma, Jains must practice ahimsa, a strict code of nonviolence. Jains believe plants, animals, and even some nonliving things (like air and water) have souls, just as humans do. The principle of nonviolence includes doing no harm to humans, plants, animals, and nature. For that reason, Jains are strict vegetarians—so strict, in fact, that eating root vegetables is not allowed because removing the root would kill the plant.Our Ancestors Taught us that We have respect everything, accept everything without any comfort ,I.e to leave whole life in an Simple Manner with Pure Intentions and Pure Ideology.Our Learnings had inspired World for living whole life in an simple and good Manners.Jain Religion Teaches us about Discipline and Behavior of an Human Being.To be an Human Being in Life You must act as an Human.Even Single Pain To Anyone becomes Our pain.We Belive in the visions of our ancestors and have full faith in their learnings to live whole life proudly as an Jains .Jainism is the Religion where we Belive In Rules and Theories and Principles of life.We Understand the Value of Life ,on which way we had to take our life by keeping faith in Jain Religion and it’s Principles. We Belive In Peace and Harmony,Culture and Honesty which we Accept in Our life to live whole life Happily.We believe in Helping Everyone, We never cheat others,We never see bad of others ,We Belive In Learning New ,We believe in Struggles and Handwork ,We believe in Honesty and Truth.Jainism’s teachings have influenced many all over the world. Though born a Hindu, Mahatma Gandhi admired the Jains' commitment to complete nonviolence, and he incorporated that belief into his movement for Indian independence. 
• Ahimsa (non-violence)

• Satya (speaking the truth)

• Asteya (non-stealing)

• Brahmacharya (chastity or faithfulness to a spouse)

• Aparigraha (non-attachment)

The Five Vows direct one's thoughts and behavior since it is believed that, as one thinks, so will one do. It is not enough, therefore, to simply abstain from violence or lying or stealing; one must not even think of such things. If one adheres to this discipline, one will escape the cycle of samsara and achieve liberation. Once one has accomplished this, one becomes a tirthankara, a “ford builder” (as in, one who builds a ford or bridge over a river) who can show others how to securely cross the currents of life by shedding desire, freeing one's self from ignorance, and refusing the temptations of the world. In Jainism, suffering is caused by ignorance of the true nature of reality, and liberation is achieved through spiritual awakening and then living the truth one has realized.Jainism Makes us understand the Value of Everything, like Value of Learning ,Value of Humanity,Value of Every Lives etc.We Never Belive In hate or harm of anyone but we believe in living together with good relationships. We never Belive In Expectations but we Belive the Mantra of Vashudhaiva Kutumbakam .Can you hold a red-hot iron rod in your hand merely because some one wants you to do so? Then, will it be right on your part to ask others to do the same thing just to satisfy your desires? If you cannot tolerate infliction of pain on your body or mind by others' words and actions, what right have you to do the same to others through your words and deeds?

Do unto others as you would like to be done by. Injury or violence done by you to any life in any form, animal or human, is as harmful as it would e if caused to your own self.eptance and Bear Each and Every Struggles Easily.Jainology has taught us to think in an positive way like never think bad of others,Keep faith in your Ideology and Mentality,Understand Every Situations of Everyone.Like the Tirthankaras, Stage 14 is reached long before death (when they attain nirvana, release) and they are recognized as Spiritual Conquerors (they have completely mastered themselves) and “ford builders” who then teach others how to do as they have done. The key to this mastery is the combination of faith, knowledge, and action known as the Ratnatraya or Three Jewels:

• True Faith

• Right Knowledge

• Pure Conduct

True Faith, of course, is belief in the validity of the Jain vision; Right Knowledge is the understanding of the actual nature of the soul and reality; Pure Conduct is acting faithfully on the first two. This includes a respect for all living things and the natural world, which informs Jain vegetarianism.For Attaining Moksh Jainism has its importance, Many Tirthankaras have attained Moksh with the Beliefs of Jainism .Jainism Makes the Human Perfect with it's Ideology.
According to the Tattvarthasutra, the means to achieve liberation is three fold (this is known as the three jewels):

Right vision, right knowledge, and right conduct (together) constitute the path to liberation.

— Tattvarthasutra

