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Varsity Club April 1, 2001 Simon Says, Boy Hits Car, and Unloco

Unloco played half of Naive in their sound check. After the sound check my friend Dan and I talked to Joey (vocals) for a while. There weren't very many people there, so they decided to start the show at 9 instead of 8. The show finally started at about 9 to an audience of only about 40 people. They opened up with one of my favorite songs, bystander. Then I think they did No one then clean, naive, and face down (Joey had his eyes shut through almost all of face down). Then they went right into nothing witch was awesome. Then during their next song, whimper Brian (guitar) jumped off of the speaker on stage right. Their last song was less of witch is a great song, but I wanted to hear Useless. Brian said that they would have played it if I would have asked, though. After the show I passed out singles and posters to everyone. I accidentally tried to give Matt (vocals) from Simon Says a sampler; he said he already had one though. I talked to Matt for a while and then went to meat the rest of the band, and got them to sign my poster. I asked them if I could get a picture with the band, but they were going to eat and said they would when they got back.

Boy Hits Car opened up with their current single, "I'm A Cloud." The song was nuts, Cregg (vocals) didn't have any shoes on and went nuts in the middle of the song and knocked the mic over and Scott (bass) jumped off of the stage and played in the mosh pit while moshing. Their next song was As I Watched the Sun Fuck the Ocean, every one loved it. The next song was Love core (Welcome To), which was great. I hadn't heard any of the other songs they played, but the rest of the show was great. They're full of so much energy.

I guess it was kind of getting late by the time Simon Says took the stage, because some of the people there had left and we were down to only about 15 people. This was my second time seeing Simon Says, my first time was when they opened for Staind at Metropol in Pittsburgh. I had no idea who they where when I saw them that time, so I was very excited to see them again. I think a lot of the songs were from their new CD, because I hadn't heard a lot of them. During the first song all their movements seemed to be in sync, I don't know if they did it on purpose or not but it looked really cool. The guys from Boy Hits Car were watching the show with us and they were really into the music, so that was cool. I didn't know the first couple of songs, but I think the 3rd or 4th songs was their single off of Jump Start. A couple of songs later they played Blister they did a jump in unison during the song witch looked really cool. After they played Blister they debuted a song that they had never played before, it sounded awesome. I asked Louis (guitar) f rom Boy Hits Car if he had ever heard them play the song before, and he said they had played it in sound check before, but he had never heard them do it live. After that they played Silk Moth. During their last song the guys from Boy Hits Car took me to their RV to get a picture with them, because they had to leave. So, I missed most of the last song. I got the see the very end of it though.

After the Simon Says show they came back and I got a picture with the guys from Unloco. I took it to get developed today, and I should have it up on my radio show website soon. I told the band that I played Face Down on my radio show and they where pretty happy about that. I also gave Joey the address to my show's website and he said he'd check it out the next time he could get to a computer. I got Matt (vocals) Zac (guitar), and Michael (bass) to sign a Simon Says single that I had left over. I talked to Zac for a while about his guitar playing style. I told him he looked kind of like Mike (guitar) from Staind when he played. He said that he actually picked that up from one of the guys from Far (I think) though. We got to talking about Napster and stuff like that. He had a lot of interesting stories about touring with Staind, Limp Bizkit and Filter. Had some really funny stories about how the guys from Creed are assholes. I tried to get a picture with the band, but my camera fucked up, so I couldn't. Oh, well… it was a great show anyway.