Eccoptocera Walsingham, 1907 (Tortricidae: Olethreutinae: Eucosmini)

The Hawaiian endemic genus, Eccoptocera, can be distinguished from other Hawaii Tortricidae by the fusion of forewing veins 7 and 8 (R5 and R4) (also true for Spheterista), and a lack of forewing vein 6 (M1). It is one of five genera (Spheterista, Epiphyas, Eccoptocera, Strepsicrates, Epinotia) where the males have a costal fold along the forewing.

Eccoptocera foetorivorans (Butler, 1881)
Eccoptocera osteomelesana (Swezey, 1946)
Eccoptocera sp. 1 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 2 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 3 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 4 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 5 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 6 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 7 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 8 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Eccoptocera sp. 9 [Zimmerman, 1978]

Eccoptocera foetorivorans (Butler, 1881)
Islands: Oahu, Hawaii
Hostplants: Cheirodendron, Metrosideros, Psidium, Sysygium (though some of these hosts may refer to other Eccoptocera species).
Status: endemic
Comments: none




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Eccoptocera osteomelesana (Swezey, 1946)
Islands: Oahu
Hostplants: unknown
Status: endemic
Comments: none




Image here

Eccoptocera spp. 1-9 [Zimmerman, 1978]
Islands: all islands
Hostplants: unknown
Status: endemic
Comments: probably more species awaiting description.




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Source(s): Zimmerman EC. 1978. Insects of Hawaii, Vol.9.1 Microlepidoptera. The University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu.