Rachel Jackson blesses us with flowers most First Days. She comes to Meeting with these gifts from her garden. Once their color and fragrance has been enjoyed during and after worship in the Meeting House they come over to Friends Centre to be enjoyed throughout the rest of the week by guests and the Resident Friends. This week we have been enjoying a bunch of Quaker Star roses. The pictures don’t really do them justice, they are amazing.

Quaker Peace and Social Witness (BYM) and the American Friends Service Committee use the red and black Quaker Star as their symbol. The rose was developed in 1991 in Northern Ireland and named in recognition of their work.

Observant folks who were at Meeting might note that the number of flowers have diminished. The missing flowers went to brighten the rooms of Friends at Selwyn Village.

There are lots of reasons to look forward to our gathering on First Day mornings here at Mt Eden the flowers are one of those.