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A scrumptious dessert: omelette soufflée à la confiture


A French recipe: omelette soufflée à la confiture, a French word: confiture.

Eggs are such good value. And so versatile. And sometimes the only thing one can find in the fridge. Just on their own they can become boiled eggs with soldiers, scrambled eggs on toast;  with maybe a little bacon found in another corner of the fridge, fried eggs and bacon,  a crispy bacon omelette; with a bit of cheese, a cheese soufflé; with a little milk and sugar, crème caramel. I could go on and on. For my recipe today I have chosen eggs with a little bit of jam (or jelly) literally to whip up a spectacularly good dessert.

The French bit: Confiture, feminine noun (la confiture, une confiture, des confitures) = jam, preserve. Isn’t there an old English word “comfit” meaning a sweetmeat? The verb is confire = to preserve

  • Conjugated in the present: je confis, tu confis, il/elle confit, nous confisons, vous confisez, ils/elles confisent (I preserve, you preserve etc.))
  • Past participle : confit (m.), confite (f.), confits (, confites ( Example: du canard confit (preserved duck), une cuisse de canard confite (a preserved duck thigh), des fruits confits (candied fruits), des violettes confites (candied violets).
  • Un confiseur is someone who makes sweets, une confiserie is a sweetmeat.

Main ingredients

Main ingredients

For today’s recipe you will need for 2 people:

  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 tbs sugar
  • a shaker of icing sugar
  • butter for greasing the pan
  • a pot of fig or apricot jam, or quince or crab apple jelly, or anything really, even marmalade
  • a  tbs or two of brandy, rum or other alcohol (optional)
  • a pinch of salt

 CIMG6226 Preparation:

  1. Melt a tbs butter a non stick frying pan. 20cm-30cm diameter should do the trick.
  2. Break the eggs, separating the yolks from the whites into two separate bowls (make sure there is absolutely no yolk (or shell) in the whites and that your bowl is very, very clean, or the whites won’t whisk up firm).
  3. Whisk the yolks with the sugar until they form a ribbon (un ruban)  (i.e. until they pale and thicken).
  4. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt until they are very firm. Half way through the process, add 10gr sugar.
  5. Gently fold the whites into the yolk mixture.
  6. Heat the frying pan and pour the egg in slowly, letting the base sizzle to prevent it spreading. Pat the whites down gently with a spoon, so that they reach the edge of the pan.
  7. Cook slowly for about 4 minutes, shaking gently to prevent sticking. If it does, loosen with a palette knife.
  8. During this time, warm 1-2tbs jam in a small saucepan with the alcohol if you are using it.
  9. Place a large plate over the pan and turn, to deposit the omelette on the plate. Melt a little more butter in the pan and slip the omelette back into the frying pan. Cook the second side for about 2 or 3 minutes. Spread the heated jam over half the soufflé omelette.
  10. Slip it onto a heated serving plate, fold in two, sprinkle with a little icing sugar and serve.


If you use alcohol, you can actually do without the jam (add the alcohol to the egg mixture instead).  You can also use a small quantity of alcohol pour flamber (to set alight to) your omelette just before you serve. But don’t hang around, the soufflé will start to sink quite rapidly.


This is an excellent dessert to do when you have unexpected guests, because it uses nothing that you don’t usually have in your cupboards. But it does become complicated when you are cooking it for several people. Four is about the limit.

Bon appétit!

About OneFrenchWord

I was a professional linguist and have been a life-long foodie. I am now lucky enough to be retired and free to roam the beaches around my home at the tip of the Finistère (Brittany, France). Writing is occupying a larger place in my life, with this blog and a children's book in preparation. I shall feel much happier calling myself a writer when I have published a book. And so posts on OneFrenchWord will be published first as an e-book, my ambition being to see a glossy volume on French language and cuisine in print some day. So keep reading, and snap up the book when it appears!

14 responses »

  1. Oh my this is such a lovely souffle dessert. I am trying out my variation of a recipe right now for Souris d’Agneau that I am hoping will work for a blog post.

    • Susan, so sorry not to have answered before, I have been in England, my dear Mother died on 18th January and it has been a very painful time. I should love to do your souris d’agneau when you have it ready!

  2. That looks absolutely delicious–and as you say so easy to rustle up.
    As for the word ‘comfit’
    I remember eating liquorice comfits as a child -they were small torpedo shaped sugar coated liquorice.
    Thankyou for the pudding idea-I am always at a loss for good easy recipes.

  3. Wow, and I am thinking Sunday breakfast…… a very special breakfast maybe!
    From a finally very cold and snowy North

  4. This looks divine. Whenever I read the word egg, I already know I will like what follows, but I never think of all the sweet possibilities with eggs. I have never eaten anything like this dessert!

  5. I used to make a mean chocolate soufflé omelette. But making it for two is my limit. I didn’t realise you’d started up again – found out via Francesays. I thought I was following but there must have been a glitch. So I’m definitely back following and looking forward to more delicious morsels!

    • Lovely to see you following me, Vanessa. I’m back, but not functioning properly at the moment, Mummy died on 18th January, so I’ve been back in England, and it has been very difficult. But I hope to post again soon.

  6. OH, thanks for coming back. I just love cooking and I love your blog, with the photos, and the way you write, just wonderful.


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