Paradis Improvisé


Paris, France

Paradis Improvisé is a French music label renowned for its collection of 14 piano solo albums, each featuring distinct artists.

Packaged in two sets of 7 albums, like a celestial Pleiad, this collection pays homage to the constellation that inspired its design—a constellation of 14 pianists represented by star elements, their delicate lines and gold touches evoking the strings of a piano.

The album covers and backs give a sense of minimalism and elegance, emphasizing photographs reminiscent of classic jazz portraits. Maintaining a consistent design throughout, these visuals unify the collection, making it instantly recognizable.

Recorded in the intimacy of a Marseille apartment in France, each album invites listeners into the artist’s private world. Opening the album reveals a return to the colours of the box packaging, fostering a deeper connection as readers peruse handwritten texts penned by the pianists.

Finally, as the CD is lifted to begin the auditory journey, a glimpse of the apartment is revealed behind it, allowing listeners to immerse themselves fully in the experience.

Art direction, Photography and Graphic design: Laetitia Dumez
Blue and red boxes co-created with: Léna Douani


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