Robert C. Greving

Robert C. Greving

Former Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Actuary at Unum Group

Robert C. Greving

Former Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Actuary at Unum Group

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Example: Robert C. Greving

Robert C. Greving's Executive Work History

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Robert C. Greving's Biography

Mr. Greving is the retired Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Actuary for Unum Group, having held those positions from 2005 to 2009. Mr. Greving also served as President of Unum International Ltd., Bermuda. Before becoming Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Unum Group in 2003, he held Senior Vice President, Finance, and Chief Actuary positions with Unum Group and with The Provident Companies, Inc., which merged with Unum Group. His duties prior to retirement included directing all aspects of the finance and actuarial responsibilities for the corporate and nine subsidiary insurance companies of Unum Group. He previously held senior positions with PennCorp Dallas Operations, Southwestern Life Insurance Company, American Founders Insurance Company, Aegon USA and Horace Mann Life Insurance Company during his 35 years in the insurance industry. Qualifications: Extensive experience with the management of companies in the life, health, disability and annuity lines of business and in particular with the actuarial, financial, risk management, cybersecurity and investment disciplines Other Experience: Earned the CERT Certification in Cybersecurity Oversight from Carnegie Mellon University; Fellow of the Society of Actuaries.

Source: CNO Financial Group, Inc. on 03/26/2021


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Example: Robert C. Greving

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Robert C. Greving's Connections (59)

Joel H. Schwartz
Former President, Colonial Penn, CNO Financial Group, Inc.
Michael B Byers
Former Co-President, Worksite Division, DirectPath
Matthew J. Zimpfer
Executive Vice President and General Counsel, CNO Financial Group, Inc.
Joseph M. Zubretsky
President, Chief Executive Officer and Director, Molina Healthcare, Inc.
Peter C. Madeja
Advisor, Grant Avenue Capital LLC
Eric R. Johnson
Chief Investment Officer, CNO Financial Group, Inc.
Roger Keith Long
Former Board Member, CNO Financial Group, Inc.
E. Michael Caulfield
Former Board Member, Unum Group
Pamela H. Godwin
Former Board Member, Unum Group
Frederick James Sievert
Former Board Member, Reinsurance Group of America, Incorporated