Begonia 'Torch Red' (Cane Begonia)

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Plant Specifications

Plant Name Begonia 'Torch Red' (Cane Begonia)
Mature Height 3-4 feet
Mature Width 2-3 feet
Spacing 2-3 feet apart
Sunlight Partial Sun/Shade
Temperature Tolerance 60-85°F
Watering Needs Moderate (once a week)
Growth Rate Slow
Difficulty Level Easy
Grows Well Indoors Yes
Flowering Time Summer to Fall
Origin Hybrid

Introducing the Striking Begonia 'Torch Red'

Illuminate your space with the vibrant charm of Begonia 'Torch Red', a stunning Cane Begonia variety. With its fiery red blooms and elegant foliage, this begonia stands as a beacon of natural beauty. Embrace the captivating allure of 'Torch Red' and infuse your surroundings with its radiant presence.

Cultivation of Begonia 'Torch Red' with Precision

Caring for Begonia 'Torch Red' is a rewarding experience. Place it in bright, indirect light to enhance its flowering potential, but protect it from intense midday sun. Keep the soil consistently moist, allowing the top inch to slightly dry between waterings. This begonia thrives in well-draining soil and appreciates a humid environment.

Care Tips for Blossoming Brilliance

To maintain the brilliance of your 'Torch Red' Begonia, ensure a stable indoor temperature and avoid cold drafts. During its active growth period, which is typically spring and summer, fertilize every 4-6 weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer to support its lush foliage and vibrant blooms. Regularly pinch back spent flowers to encourage continuous flowering.

Versatility in Decoration and Placement

The Begonia 'Torch Red' is a versatile adornment for various settings. Grace your living spaces, patios, or balconies with its stunning presence. Its eye-catching red flowers against rich green foliage make it a standout choice for adding a pop of color and elegance to any environment.

Planting and Display Considerations

When potting or repotting, choose a container with drainage holes and use a well-draining potting mix. Allow sufficient space for its growth, as the 'Torch Red' Begonia can develop into a substantial plant. To maximize its visual impact, consider placing it in a decorative container that complements its vibrant blooms.

Effortless Maintenance for Long-Lasting Beauty

Maintaining the Begonia 'Torch Red' is remarkably simple. Water consistently while avoiding waterlogged soil, which can lead to root issues. Ensure good air circulation around the plant and inspect it regularly for common pests like aphids. Swiftly address any concerns to preserve its captivating appearance.

Troubleshooting and Maintaining Brilliance

While the 'Torch Red' Begonia is generally robust, watch for potential issues like powdery mildew or spider mites. Address problems promptly by adjusting your care routine and utilizing suitable treatments. Your commitment to its well-being ensures that Begonia 'Torch Red' remains a symbol of striking beauty.



Estimated Shipping Time: Most orders ship immediately. As noted on the website, some items are seasonal, and may only ship in spring or fall. Once your order is shipped, you'll receive an email with a tracking number.

Shipping Cost:
Orders less than $199 have a standard $29.95 shipping cost. Orders over $199 SHIP FREE

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