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Schoenoplectus mucronatus

Plant name: Scirpus club rush

Plant type: sedges / rushes / wetland plants

Plant pdf: Download the product detail sheet

Origin: NSW, WA, QLD, ACT

Cultural notes: Full sun, boggy conditions, in water plantings up to 50cm depth long lived, very hardy.

Maintenance Prune to remove dead material and to promote new growth.

Tolerates: Inundations, frosts and short dry periods.

Flowering season: Inundations, frosts and short dry periods.

Flower colour: Brownish spikelets appearing near top of stem.

Foliage colour: Blue-green, triangular shaped tubes.

Height: Up to 1m

Water depth: Aquatic to 0.5m

Plant spacing: 50cm apart

Recommended uses: Used in water plantings and helps with stabilisation near dams and waterways. Also provides habitat for water birds. Is excellent in mass plantings or as an ornamental plant to decorate ponds.

Description: Tough reed, great for large pond/creek plantings.