Public Library of Science
pone.0231132.g002.tif (1.47 MB)

Flow cytometry light scattering (forward scatter, FSC, size vs. side scatter, SSC, granularity) demonstrating a typical profile from a representative experiment.

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posted on 2020-04-09, 17:49 authored by Thaize Quiroga Chometon, Mariana da Silva Siqueira, Julie Carmo Sant´anna, Matheus Rogério Almeida, Mariana Gandini, Ana Cristina Martins de Almeida Nogueira, Paulo Renato Zuquim Antas

A, C, and E = Dotplots after PBMC isolation, and the respective subsequent dot plots; B = two consecutive steps of in house cold aggregation (n = 3), D = in house cold aggregation plus self-generating discontinuous Percoll gradient (n = 6), and F = magnetic beads cell-enrichment (n = 10). Percentage of cells as follows: (A) Monocytes 11.7% and lymphocytes 43.9%; (B) Monocytes 4.67% and lymphocytes 44.1%; (C) Monocytes 8.94% and lymphocytes 63.7%; (D) Monocytes 20.6% and lymphocytes 23.6%; (E) Monocytes 14.9% and lymphocytes 26.7%; (F) Monocytes 27.7% and lymphocytes 0.6%.
