
What is the appropriate time for me to come: "What time can I come?" or "What time should I come?"

When asking about the appropriate time for you to come, both "What time can I come?" and "What time should I come?" are acceptable ways to phrase the question. However, there may be subtle differences in meaning between the two.

"What time can I come?" [1] implies that you are seeking permission or availability to come at a specific time. It suggests that you are asking for the person's schedule or availability to determine when it would be suitable for you to come.

On the other hand, "What time should I come?" [1] implies that you are seeking guidance or a recommendation on the best time for you to come. It suggests that you are asking for the person's opinion or preference on when it would be most appropriate for you to come.

In both cases, you are asking for information about the appropriate time to come, but the emphasis is slightly different. "What time can I come?" focuses on the other person's availability, while "What time should I come?" focuses on their recommendation.

Ultimately, the choice between the two phrases depends on the context and your relationship with the person you are asking. If you are seeking permission or availability, "What time can I come?" would be more suitable. If you are seeking guidance or a recommendation, "What time should I come?" would be more appropriate.

Learn more:

  1. american english - "When would be the best time" vs. "what would be the best time" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
  2. sentence construction - Should I ask "At what time I should come" or "At what time should I come"? - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
  3. A Simple Trick for Knowing When to Use ‘and Me’ or ‘and I’ | by Sarah Begley | Creators Hub | Medium

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