Xeranthemum annuum L.

First published in Sp. Pl.: 857 (1753)
This species is accepted
The native range of this species is Central & SE. Europe to Central Asia and Iran. It is an annual and grows primarily in the temperate biome.


Native to:

Albania, Bulgaria, Central European Rus, Czechoslovakia, East European Russia, France, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Krym, Lebanon-Syria, North Caucasus, Palestine, Romania, South European Russi, Transcaucasus, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Yugoslavia

Introduced into:

Austria, Germany, Kirgizstan, Norway, Poland, Spain, Switzerland


Heterotypic Synonyms


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POWO follows these authorities in accepting this name:

  • Danin, A. & Fragman- Sapir, O. (2019). Flora of Israel Online http://flora.org.il/en/plants/.
  • Ghazanfar, S.A., Edmondson, J.R. & Hind, D.J.N. (eds.) (2019). Flora of Iraq 6: 1-458. Ministry of Agriculture & Agrarian Reform, Baghdad.
  • Litvinskaya, S.A. & Murtazaliev, R.A. (2013). Flora of the Northern Caucasus: An Atlas and Identification Book: 1-688. Fiton XXI.
  • Mirek, Z., Piękoś-Mirkowa, H., Zając, A. & Zając, M (2020). Vascular plants of Poland an annotated checklist: 1-526. W. Szafer institute of botany, Polish academy of sciences, Krakow, Poland.
  • Roskov Y. & al. (eds.) (2018). Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands.

Kew Backbone Distributions

  • Danin, A. & Fragman- Sapir, O. (2019). Flora of Israel Online http://flora.org.il/en/plants/.

Other Data

Other Kew resources that provide information on this taxon:

Date Reference Identified As Barcode Type Status Has image?
Giuseppi [12] North Macedonia K002011318 No
Oksijuk, P. [196] Ukraine K002011367 Yes
Rix, E.M. [309] Turkey K001567248 Yes
{Petermann} [1454] Italy K002011307 Yes
Cretzoiu, P. [s.n.] K002011353 Yes
Filarszky, F.; Kümmerle, J.B. [s.n.] Hungary K002011299 Yes
Suza, J. [961] Slovakia K002011362 Yes
Kümmerle, J.B. [s.n.] Hungary K002011312 Yes
s.coll. [1839] North Macedonia K002011316 Yes
Falck, A. [s.n.] Romania K002011349 Yes
Domin, K.; Krajina, V.; Suza, J. [95] Slovakia K002011364 Yes
Cretzoiu, P. [s.n.] Romania K002011346 Yes
Brown, B.E. (Miss) [2] North Macedonia K002011359 Yes
Laven, L. [s.n.] Romania K002011348 Yes
Smith, A.R. [123] North Macedonia K002011319 Yes
Verdcourt, B. [4173] North Macedonia K002011317 Yes
Cretzoiu, P. [s.n.] Romania K002011347 Yes
Kümmerle, J.B. [s.n.] Hungary K002011311 Yes
Gay, J. [163] Russia K002011357 Yes
s.coll. [2840a] Russia K002011356 Yes
Cretzoiu, P. [s.n.] K002011351 Yes
[Aldun] [s.n.] Serbia K002011360 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Hungary K002011306 Yes
Thempson, H.P. [1036] North Macedonia K002011313 Yes
{Adamovic} [s.n.] North Macedonia K002011315 Yes
Verdcourt [5444] Hungary K002011305 Yes
[Aldun] [s.n.] Serbia K002011361 Yes
Borza, A. [827] Romania K002011354 Yes
Thompson, H.P. [932] North Macedonia K002011314 Yes
Untchj, K. [s.n.] Slovenia K002011365 Yes
{Sintenis} [378] Turkey K002011350 Yes
Lemperg, F. [351] K002011310 Yes
Cretzoiu, P. [s.n.] K002011352 Yes
Richter, L. [2123] Hungary K002011304 Yes
Borza, A. [827] Romania K002011345 Yes
Sleven [s.n.] Russia K002011358 Yes
Callier, A.; Dörfler, I. [642] Ukraine K002011368 Yes
Lemperg, F. [351] Kosovo K002011309 Yes
Vetter, E. [624] Russia K002011355 Yes
Filarszky, F. [s.n.] Hungary K002011300 Yes
Slonovschi, V. [3378] Romania K002011344 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Hungary K002011301 Yes
Filarszky, F.; Kümmerle, J.B. [s.n.] Hungary K002011298 Yes
Blonski, F. [s.n.] Ukraine K002011366 Yes
[K. Uusely] [s.n.] Italy K002011308 Yes
Richter, L. [s.n.] Hungary K002011303 Yes
Richter, L. [s.n.] Hungary K002011302 Yes
Strauss, T. [s.n.] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011669 Yes
Molloy, T.R. [20] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011709 Yes
Vašák, V. [s.n.] Armenia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011688 Yes
Townsend, C.C.; Mardalaischvili, T. [74/161] Georgia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011640 Yes
Archibald, J.C. [3174] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011651 Yes
Heldreich [s.n.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011681 Yes
Balansa, B. [635] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011718 Yes
Zorab, M. [275] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011686 Yes
Furse, P. [3544] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011714 Yes
Bornmüller, J. [546] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011724 Yes
Furse; Synge [711.] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011649 Yes
Gilliat-Smith, B. [1746] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011698 Yes
Pravitz, G.H. [170] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011667 Yes
Jacobs, M. [6970] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011646 Yes
Trott, A.C. [567] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011701 Yes
Heldreich, I. [s.n.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011672 Yes
Prescot [s.n.] Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011692 Yes
Bourgeau, E. [145] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011673 Yes
Danford, Mrs. A.E. [s.n.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011721 Yes
{Balansa} [633] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011716 Yes
{Balansa} [261] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011676 Yes
Vašák, V. [s.n.] Armenia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011639 Yes
Smith, P.B. [286] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011713 Yes
Gilliat-Smith, B. [1279] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011695 Yes
Haussknecht, C. [s.n.] Syria Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011706 Yes
Rix, E.M. [309] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011680 Yes
Gilliat-Smith, B. [2109] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011696 Yes
Mesxbemagze, D.; Kymameragze, W. [s.n.] Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011689 Yes
Rechinger, K.H. [53939] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011677 Yes
Bornmüller, J. [3391.] Armenia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011684 Yes
Pinard, C. [s.n.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K000768964 Type Yes
Cowan, J.M.; Darlington, C.D. [2291] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011660 Yes
Lindsay, N. [1300] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011665 Yes
Rechinger, K.H. [49141] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011658 Yes
Lindemann [s.n.] Bosnia and Herzegovina Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011536 Yes
Lindsay, N. [1300] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011664 Yes
Balls, E.K.; Gourlay, W.B. [B. 1178a.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011710 Yes
Trott, A.C. [143] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011661 Yes
Boissier, P.E. [s.n.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K000768963 Syntype Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011682 Yes
Huet du Pavillon [s.n.] Armenia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011685 Yes
[Nie] [s.n.] Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011723 Yes
s.coll. [2439] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011645 Yes
Bourgeau, E. [s.n.] Armenia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011683 Yes
s.coll. [107/1928] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011700 Yes
Gilliat-Smith, B. [s.n.] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011697 Yes
Gilliat-Smith, B. [2609] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011670 Yes
Edmondson, J.R. [693] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011652 Yes
Davidson, J.M. [51] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011671 Yes
Kotschy, C.G.T. [308.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011687 Yes
Karjaginet, I.; Safiev, B. [s.n.] Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011690 Yes
Rix, E.M. [203] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011679 Yes
Townsend, C.C. [74/125] Georgia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011641 Yes
Trott, A.C. [143] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011655 Yes
Balls, E.K.; Gourlay, W.B. [B. 1178] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011712 Yes
Noë [s.n.] Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011678 Yes
Balansa, B. [882] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011675 Yes
Pichler, T.; Polak, J.E. [s.n.] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011699 Yes
Cowan, J.M.; Darlington, C.D. [2291] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011654 Yes
Aucher-Éloy, P.M.R. [4777] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011668 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [0501] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011703 Yes
Sintenis, P. [4914] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011725 Yes
Kotte, W. [[560]] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011722 Yes
Lindsay, N. [1063] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011666 Yes
Brotherus, A.H.; Brotherus, V.F. [455] Georgia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011691 Yes
Furse, P. [3536] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011650 Yes
Trott, A.C. [143] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011662 Yes
Furse, P. [3109] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011647 Yes
Kotschy, C.G.T. [75.] Syria Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011708 Yes
Balansa, B. [269.] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011674 Yes
Haradjian, M. [1410.] Syria Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011707 Yes
Harrington, G.N. [213] Azerbaijan Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011648 Yes
Cowan, J.M.; Darlington, C.D. [2291] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011659 Yes
Holmberg, O.R. [1265.] Georgia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011693 Yes
Péronin, A. [50] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011720 Yes
Archibald, J.C. [2667] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011653 Yes
[A. Tsozoern.] [s.n.] Armenia Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011638 Yes
Balls, E.K.; Gourlay, W.B. [B1178] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011711 Yes
s.coll. [s.n.] Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011642 Yes
Trott, A.C. [143] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011663 Yes
Balansa, B. [635] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011717 Yes
Haradjian, M. [4536] Syria Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011705 Yes
Balansa, B. [269] Turkey Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011715 Yes
Gilliat-Smith, B. [1746] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011702 Yes
Rogers, F.A. [501] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011694 Yes
Haradjian, M. [684] Syria Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011704 Yes
Rechinger, K.H. [43602] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011657 Yes
Rechinger, K.H. [32596] Iran Xeranthemum squarrosum K002011656 Yes


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    • Angiosperm Threat Predictions
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  • Herbarium Catalogue Specimens

    • Digital Image © Board of Trustees, RBG Kew http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
  • Kew Backbone Distributions

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone

    • The International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants 2024. Published on the Internet at http://www.ipni.org and https://powo.science.kew.org/
    • © Copyright 2023 International Plant Names Index and World Checklist of Vascular Plants. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0
  • Kew Science Photographs

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