Fundulopanchax gardneri clauseni Akure

Imported European Fish

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Amongst killifish enthusiasts, the gardneri group of these wonderful fish seems to appeal to the widest range of devotees. These fish we have available were tank-bred in Europe from wild-caught stock captured and imported from Akure, and are of the 'clauseni Akure' morph, although this is hotly contested amongst hobbyists and authors alike; some authors consider this fish to be its own species and not a morph of gardneri at all: Fundulopanchax clauseni

Because of their wide distribution, these fish are not too picky about water conditions, easily thriving in water ranging from a Ph of 6.0 to 7.5 but they do prefer cooler water in the vicinity of 67 to 73 degrees F. These fish appreciate clean water in their tank and will often do poorly if kept in aquariums with poor water conditions such as high waste levels.

These fish spawn readily in a clean, well-maintained aquarium with only a thin layer of gravel on the bottom but be aware that the males can be a bit eager with the females, so be sure to separate your male from your female after they have been breeding for a short while. Also take note that other killifish may sneak in and eat the eggs of laying pairs, so this is another thing to watch out for. Males only available at this time.

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Imported European Fish

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