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Grape ‘Suffolk’ Seedless

The ‘Suffolk’ Red seedless grape is one of the tastiest seedless grape varieties. Suffolk Seedless grapes are an American red dessert variety with very tender skin and taste delicious eaten fresh. From the same breeding program as ‘Lakemont’, ‘Suffolk Red’ produces open bunches of bright red fruits. The soft skins of this variety make the fruits almost melt in the mouth. With a gorgeously sweet and fruity flavor, the fruits are literally bursting with juice – making them not only perfect for eating but also for winemaking and juicing. As a side benefit, they also produce a good Autumn show as the foliage colors to rich oranges and reds.

‘Suffolk’ grapes are round, firm and meaty with a pure non-foxy flavor. Medium sized on long, loose clusters, their color varies from bright red to grayish pink. Suffolk grape vines need direct sun to develop maximum red color. This grape is moderately winter hardy and is a good choice for a garden or commercial production. Self-pollinating. Early to mid-season harvest: mid-September, about 14 to 20 days before Concord.

Plant Details +

Botanical Vitis labrusca 'Suffolk'
Height Varies
Spacing 8-15'
Hardiness Zones 4-8
Exposure Full sun
Foliage Large, green
Fruit Red
Harvest Mid-August

Planting/Care Instructions +

Planting Instructions: May be planted in any well-drained soil. Dig a hole large enough to encompass the roots without bending or circling. Set the plant in place so the crown (part of the plant where the roots meet the stem) is about 1-2" below the soil surface. Cover with soil to the original soil surface and water thoroughly. Fertilize when planting. Best grown in deep, loamy, medium wet, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, including average garden soils, but must have good drainage. Best sited in a location sheltered from winter winds (preferably a southern facing slope) and well removed from frost pockets. Self-pollinating. Grapes need a support system, training, regular spraying and regular pruning to maximize fruit production.

Pests or Diseases: Grape plants require a fair amount of maintenance and pruning. If given the proper amount of care, these wonderful fruits will provide you and your family with years of pleasure.