Right Steps & Poui Trees


Flower: The Reproductive Portion of Any Plant in the Division Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae)…

“Flower,…Poor Man's orchid 4-19.PNG

…the reproductive portion of any plant in the division Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae),…IMG_20190414_084851_resized_20190417_110827952 flowers

…a group commonly called flowering plants…IMG_20190414_110020_resized_20190417_110248398 flowers

…or angiosperms….IMG_20190416_154246_resized_20190417_110207045 orchid blooms

As popularly used, the term “flower” especially applies…IMG_20190415_140254_resized_20190417_110348517 flowers

…when part or all of the reproductive structure is distinctive in colour…flowers - crown of thorns

and form.”IMG_20190417_110701_resized_20190417_110724825 flowers jade vine
