
Chinchweed (2)

Chinchweeds are usually inconspicuous but when summer rains come at just the right time this fast-growing annual can produce mats of yellow in deserts, grasslands, woodlands, and along roadsides. Both species have a series of bristles, like a comb, at the base of the leaf.

Pectis angustifolia

Pectis angustifolia

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
AKA: Lemonweed
Photo taken on: September 24, 2011
Location: White Rock, NM
Life Zones: Plains to foothills
Habitat: Sandy, dry areas

A tiny, low growing compact plant giving off a strong smell of lemons when the leaves are crushed.

Flora of North America reference.

Pectis papposa

Manybristle Chinchweed
Pectis papposa

Family: Sunflower (Asteraceae)
AKA: Limoncillo
Photo taken on: September 24, 2011
Location: White Rock, NM
Life Zones: Plains to foothills
Habitat: Sandy, dry areas

Grows to over 1ft, more spread out than Lemonscent but with the same strong aroma of lemons. The flowers are also much larger but similar in form; compare with the dime.

Flora of North America reference.

Yellow Round Clusters