Saccha | adult | ace | non-binary | they/he | Ko-Fi I don't allow reposts
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  • Presenting: all of my “Rauru, Mineru and the Zonai are dragon people not goat/bunny people” evidence, neatly compiled into one image!

    Though the goat comparisons also work in favour of this evidence because of the following quote from concept artist Satomi Usui in the Creating A Champion book about designing the dragons from BotW:

    “[…] I played around with a number of ideas that would be recognizable as a dragon but also different from what you would expect. So I made the face and body mammalian, like a dog or a goat, and their arms contain elements of both birds and human hands.”

  • Presenting: all of my “Rauru, Mineru and the Zonai are dragon people not goat/bunny people” evidence, neatly compiled into one image!
Though the goat comparisons also work in favour of this evidence because of the following quote from concept artist...
  • 11:21 AM
  • June 8, 2023
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