
Veronica pectinata

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Veronica pectinata - wooly speedwell
Image: Meredith Yue
Common name: wooly speedwell
Family: Plantaginaceae (Plantain)
Distribution: Turkey, Bulgaria
Habitat: Montane
Hardiness: USDA Zone 3 (-40 to -30 °F)
Life form: Evergreen perennial
Occurrence in New Mexico: Exotic
Growing Conditions: Wooly speedwell is native to dry shady areas of arid mountains in Asia Minor and the eastern Balkans. It thrives in any well-drained soil and grows in full sun to part shade. It grows in dry to medium moist soils and is drought tolerant when established. It can be clipped or mowed after blooming to maintain low, dense growth. It can easily be propagated from root cuttings or by dividing plants in autumn or spring. It is a good choice for rock gardens, growing on walls, growing with spring bulbs, or as a groundcover for a small area.
Description: Wooly speedwell grows 1-4 inches tall and 12-18 inches wide, producing a carpet of evergreen foliage from a slightly woody base. The grey-green, toothed, oblong leaves are densely covered with crisp hairs. In spring, the plant is covered with tiny, saucer-shaped, blue (occasionally lavender or pink), densely glandular-hairy flowers with white centers. It blooms for about 6 weeks, then sporadically throughout the rest of summer.
Links: SFBG Plant of the MonthSFBG Santa Fe Gardening articleGermplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN-Taxonomy)


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