Temminck's Stint

Calidris temminckii (Leisler, 1812)

Белохвостый песочник
Flying bird


On head and fore-mantle the Temminck's Stint has feathers with black-brownish centers and broad gray-brownish edges. Rear part of mantle and uppertail coverts are grey-brownish; outer uppertail coverts are white. Head-flanks are grayish brown-mottled. Underparts are white; but craw and adjoined parts of neck and breast are grey-buff with dark streaks. Primaries are gray-brownish, secondaries are with white tips; core of first primary is white; other are brownish. Axillaries are white. Central pair of tail feathers is black-brown; next tail feathers are lightened from center to end; and outer pair is all-white. Bill is blackish, slightly paler on base. Legs are greenish-brownish. Eyes are dark-brown. Winter adults are brownish-grey above. Upperwing coverts are dark-grey white-tipped. Flanks of head and neck are paler and greyer than upperparts. Craw and fore-breast are grayish; other underparts are white. Juveniles are similar on winter adults, but its upperparts feathers are with narrow dark edge and pale-whitish border. Sizes: wing 80-105, tarsus 17-20, bill 15-20 mm. Weight 23-29 gr.


Temminck's Stint is common, in places numerous passage migrant. Occurs on muddy, sandy or saline soil shores of lakes, pounds and wet meadows. Spring records from middle May until end May - early June in small groups or flocks. In autumn adults appear in early - mid-July, juveniles begin migrate later, most of them in August - early September. Latest birds observed in mid - end September in northern areas and in end September - first decade of October in southern ones.


В.К.Рябицев. "Птицы Сибири". Москва-Екатеринбург, Изд-во "Кабинетный ученый", 2014.