

How to use the word SHREWD?


Shrewd is used as an adjective to describe a person as intelligent, sharp and clever.

It is used as an adverb.

It is used as a noun to indicate sharpness and knowledge.

And finally, as an adjective again to describe someone. 

Lets see in detail.

shrewd meaning, synonym, antonym, frame sentences

SHREWD - adjective.

Shrewd is used as an adjective to describe a person as intelligent, sharp and clever.

The captain of the ship was shrewd.

Means he has sharp powers of judgement.

shrewd meaning, synonym, antonym, opposite, frame sentences.

SHREWDLY - adverb

Shrewdly is used as an adverb.

She did the essay shrewdly means she has done it smartly, cleverly and wisely.

shrewd meaning, synonym, antonym, opposite, frame sentences.


Shrewdness is a noun.

Due to his shrewdness he won the match means he won because of his intelligence, sharpness and knowledge.

shrewd meaning, synonym, antonym, opposite, frame sentences.

SHREWISH - adjective

Shrewish is an adjective.

I have a shrewish friend means the friend is quarrelsome, complaining and fault – finding.

shrewd meaning, synonym, antonym, opposite, frame sentences.

Happy learning!
