Brachychiton viscidulus (Kurrajong)

It was a glorious day to wake up at King Leopold Ranges. It would have been nice to wake up a few hours later (when the sun was more than just a memory from the day before). But as Phil and Dave would have it, we needed to get moving if we were going to get to THE CRACK before it got too hot.  “The crack” was a green wedge in the sandstone ridges far off into the distance, that Phil had spied the day before. After a few hours we got there and after climbing up through a patch of vine thicket species that surrounded the trickle of water fed by a natural spring, we got to the top.

On top of the ridge, was this beautiful Kurrajong whose leaves were in the midst of turning yellow/orange/brown and preparing to descend. The beautiful red flowers were very striking, particularly since we were also surrounded by Kapok trees and their brilliant yellow flowers.

Kurrajong flower from August to November.

Kurrajong trees are deciduous and typically grow in rocky country where there is high to medium rainfall.

The wonderful view from the top of THE CRACK in the King Leopold Ranges.

Kurrajong occur across the Kimberley (see florabase map)


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