Posts Tagged ‘Galls’

A Variety Package

August 15, 2023

Similar to the Sonchus arvensis story, I spotted Eupatorium cannabinum (Hemp-agrimony) on the roadside south of Sligachan. Again, this is almost exclusively coastal locally and this is a new hectad (10 km) record.

Eupatorium cannabinum by the road

Recently, Joanna found the glabrous form of Heath Pearlwort (Sagina subulata var. glabrata), not something I have checked for. Then on Friday, out with Seth, Neil and Wilma, I took a specimen of Sagina subulata for Mike which turns out to be var. glabrata too. I wonder if we have the standard version?!

Even more interestingly, Mike noticed a swelling in the stem below a flower that contained a small worm, probably a nematode. This does not seem to be a known gall.

We also saw galls on Rhodiola rosea (Roseroot) caused by the mite Aceria rhodiolae. There are very few records for this on NBN and within the last week or two this made the third local record, previous finds being by Neil and Nick H.

A Michaelmas Daisy near the road at the Fiskavaig croft we visited a few weeks ago has caused a certain amount of confusion and debate, not least in the taxonomic nomenclature, but I think we are settled on Symphyotrichum x salignum (Common Michaelmas Daisy).

Symphyotrichum x salignum

Some confusing Schoenoplectus in Loch Cill Chriosd has been pinned down as S. lacustris (Common Club-rush) mostly on the grounds that the glumes are not papillose even at 40x.

Schoenoplectus glume

At Fiskavaig, moth finds included the following:

whilst at home my latest trap yielded three species new to my home list, two of which were completely new to me.

Raasay Again

August 3, 2023

A return to the Beinn na’ Leac area yesterday with Joanna allowed us to re-find my Saussurea alpina (Alpine Saw-wort) record from twenty years ago. At least, we found one rather sickly-looking plant on a ledge very close to, but not exactly at, my earlier grid reference.

The last Alpine Saw-wort on Raasay?

It looks in danger of being lost as the rock around it erodes and falls. Back in 2003, there were seven plants and I am not certain that we got to exactly the right section of this vertical crumbly cliff as we found it by approaching from above, whereas I am pretty sure that in 2003 I approached from below. Time and energy prevented us from undertaking the considerable drop and re-climb for further investigation, but sometime I will have another go from below.

We were pleased with the limestone flora here, one of my favourite places on the island:

Plants included Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens), Polystichum lonchitis (Holly-fern), Epipactis atrorubens (Dark-red Helleborine), Bistorta vivipara (Viviparous Bistort), and Draba incana (Hoary Whitlowgrass). We took a couple of Hieracium (Hawkweed) specimens for expert determination.

Some interesting things were growing on the plants, too. Two fungi that I have seen once before (on Skye rather than Raasay) were Melampsora lini (Flax Rust) on Linum catharticum (Fairy Flax) and Isothea rhytismoides growing on Dryas octopetala. I also spotted “Little Black Pudding Galls” on bracken caused by the gall midge Dasineura pteridis and a fungus in a boggy part of the moor that I haven’t managed to identify.

A good day with various moths and butterflies as well, notably a lot of Dark-green Fritillaries and Scotch Argus.

Family Finds

July 19, 2023

We have had several members of the family visiting recently and both young and old made interesting finds. On the shore near home we identified Anurida maritima, seashore springtail – a common enough species but never recorded on Raasay before. There were also some tiny crustaceans, probably copepods, but that is as far as I am going.

Anurida maritima from Raasay

On the way to Inbhir we captured Argyresthia brockeella, sometimes called Gold-ribbon Argent, a micromoth with few records in the vice-county. Meanwhile, a moth trap at home produced Birch Mocha, another locally uncommon moth and a first for the home list.

The Inbhir trip also yielded, amongst other things, the large beetle Carabus glabratus and galls on Aspen caused by the mite Phyllocoptes populi.

A good time was had by all.

Despite the Dry Weather…

June 12, 2023

Yesterday we had some rain, the first for over a month apart from a day or two with brief light mist. The results are obvious out in the field:

Despite that, I have found what seems to be Iris setosa (Bristle-pointed Iris) growing with the locally common Iris pseudacorus (Yellow Iris) not far from the MacAlister Tomb at Drinan where a number of alien plants were planted in the past, most of which have since disappeared. This find is in a small marshy area about 60m from the tomb. The nearest house is about 300m away. Neither of these places appears to have this Iris now.

This does not appear in Clive Stace’s Flora, nor on the BSBI Database, so if correct it will be the first record in the wild in the British Isles. I have used the European Garden Flora key for 93 species of Iris. The Flora of North America key to Iris also comes out at I. setosa.

Other recent plant records include a new site for Carex pauciflora (Few-flowered Sedge) and a plant list for Eilean Mòr in Loch Dunvegan, the latter thanks to Neil & Debbie taking me in a canoe.

Carex pauciflora

Day-flying moths have included Silver Hook, Peacock Moth and Clouded Buff – I had forgotten how different the sexes are. My moth trap yielded my first record for Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet.

I found the rust Puccinia festucae on Honeysuckle last Wednesday in the south of Skye and then, on Eilean Mòr the next day, there it was again, so it is probably commoner locally than it appears on NBN. Neil spotted a smut on the anthers of Silene uniflora Microbotryum silenes-inflatae.

This gall on Sorbus aucuparia (Rowan) is caused by a mite, Eriophyes sorbi:

Eriophyes sorbi galls on Sorbus aucuparia

Otherwise, Roe Deer, a fox, micromoths…….

Plants and Inverts Again

May 27, 2023

Dave has found a single flowering plant of the Nationally Scarce Cephalanthera longifolia (Narrow-leaved Helleborine) near Rigg on Skye in a new tetrad (2 x 2 km square of the British National Grid). Well done him!

Update: he has found four more.

Cephalanthera longifolia Image: D. Patfield

Last October Neil found galls on the box hedges in Raasay House walled garden. We were pretty sure that they are caused by the psyllid Psylla buxi, but in the absence of any bugs we were not minded to make an official record. Today I went back and found both early instar larvae covered in ‘flocculent wax’ and an adult.

This is only the fourth record in Scotland by NBN reckoning.

A walk along the estuary of the Varragill River and the south side of Loch Portree produced several interesting sightings, such as a Dance Fly (Empis sp.) a Caddis that I think is either Limnephilus elegans or L. vittatus and some lilies that I think are Lilium pyrenaicum (Pyrenean Lily) that have grown unusually tall in the shade of trees. I am seeking help with the insects.

L. pyrenaicum is the only species of Lilium known to be naturalised on Skye, though this site is in a new 10 km square.

Back home, a rose bush is covered in aphids that I have struggled to identify (maybe Metopolophium dirhodum?) and so I have asked for help again. There are a couple of brown immobilsed ones that I suspect have been parasitised. Also on the same bush there is a small fungal infection that looks like a Phragmidium but is beyond my abilities to identify precisely.

A Day in Sleat

May 26, 2022

Tuesday was primarily Bird Cherry day for me. I was hoping to find caterpillars of the bird-cherry ermine moth (Yponomeuta evonymella) and failed, but I did find various things on the Bird Cherry:

When I stopped to inspect my first Bird Cherry of the day, I was delighted to find four fine specimens of Neottia nidus-avis (Bird’s-nest Orchid) – a long way from any previously known site for this locally rare plant.

Neottia nidus-avis (Bird’s-nest Orchid)

I caught three micro-moths, one of which (the smallest and least distinctive) turns out to be new to the vice-county.


May 23, 2021

It is still cold so plants are late in flowering and insects on the wing are few in number much of the time. However, it has still been possible to find interesting things…..

A single leaf of Dryas octopetala (Mountain Avens) from Gualann na Leac on Raasay had a gall and leaf spots.

Dryas gall and leafspot

The leafspots are caused by the fungus Isothea rhytismoides but the gall causer is less certain. Following the key on Plant Parasites of Europe leads one to the chytrid Synchytrium cupulatum but a paper on nematode infections of Dryas in Perthshire has some similar looking galls caused by nematodes:

Nematode galls on Dryas

I shall have to go and get the leaf and dig into the gall.

New 10 km square records have been made for Hedera hibernica (Atlantic Ivy), Hyacinthoides x massartiana (Hybrid Bluebell), Prunus avium (Wild Cherry or Gean) and, by David H, Scutellaria galericulata (Skullcap).

I seem to have an aphids day yesterday. Following a lead from Murdo of HBRG I went to check for aphids on Viburnum opulus (Guelder-rose). He had found the aphid Ceruraphis eriophor at Strathpeffer and noticed that there was only one dot on the NBN Atlas for this species. I have often registered that on Skye V. opulus is infested with aphids and indeed the first plant I looked at had these on it (awaiting final confirmation). Later: Confirmed

Ceruraphis eriophor on Viburnum opulus

Meanwhile, Neil had spotted some clumping of leaves on Acer platanoides (Norway Maple) in a garden at Dunan.

I suspect that this is caused by maple leaf-nest aphid Mimeuria ulmiphila, a taxon that appears on NBN but with no records. Someone is going to have to knock on the door and say “Please can we get a ladder to look at your rare aphids?”. Hope that goes well.

Elsewhere, this leaf spot on Epilobium montanum (Broad-leaved Willowherb) appears to be Venturia maculiformis which is probably common but if so, very under-recorded.

Venturia maculiformis on Epilobium montanum

I have converted my moth trap so that it can be battery-operated.

Moth trap at Brae, Raasay

Its first outing at Brae produced several moths I haven’t seen yet this year at home such as Early Thorn:

Early Thorn

Without the aid of a trap, I found a nice Scalloped Hook-tip at Fearns:

Scalloped Hook=tip

Early April

April 8, 2021

This sort of weather is not very conducive to field work.

However, some things are afoot. Through the Skye Naturalists’ Network on Facebook and with the help of Skye Gardening Society, I have had a number of people locating and inspecting Quercus ilex (Evergreen/Holm/Holly Oak) and Pyracantha coccinea in the hope of finding leaf mines caused by moth larvae.

The firethorn leaf miner Phyllonorycter leucographella invaded the UK 30 or so years ago and has spread north rapidly. It is found up to the Highlands but there are still vice-counties where it hasn’t reached or hasn’t been noticed, such as ours.  It makes rather silvery blister mines on the upperside of Pyracantha (Firethorn) leaves and no other species is known to use this foodplant.

The European oak leaf-miner or Zeller’s midget Phyllonorycter messaniella makes blister mines on oak leaves (and also on beech).  Unfortunately, on our native oaks, there are a number of other Phyllonorycter species that can be confusing, but P. messaniella is a specialist species on the evergreen oak, Quercus ilex.  On Q. ilex in Scotland, this is the only Phyllonorycter mine to be found. 

It turns out that both host species are pretty rare on Skye/Raasay and so far no mines have been found.

Gall on gall:

This is Salix cinerea subsp. oleifolia (Rusty Sallow/Willow). I think the rosette, which is a common gall locally, is caused by a dipteran of the Rabdophaga strobilina/rosaria agg. However, there is another gall on the leaf midrib, upper surface, which is probably caused by a sawfly – Euura pedunculi or similar. The divisions shown are millimetres.

I have sent away a couple of stoneflies and Seth is kindly looking at a scuttle fly for me using a new key to the genus Triphleba provided by Henry Disney at Cambridge who is “King of Scuttle Flies”. Henry says this is the right genus and sent the key. Even then, quite a few of the outcomes are “possibly the unknown (fe)male of…..” so Good Luck Seth.

Scuttle Fly

I will write a separate entry about spiders.

On the plant side, I have found a large colony of Tussilago farfara (Colt’s-foot) on disturbed ground not very far from home. There really isn’t very much of this on Raasay:

The resin glands on Abies alba (European Silver-fir) are apparent at the moment and contain a rich red resin.

Mines, Galls and Microfungi

October 13, 2020

By the front gate there is a small Hawthorn tree (Crataegus monogyna). Yesterday I spotted a small moth larva that turns out to be a young Light Emerald.

Light Emerald larva

Apparently this species overwinters as small larvae lying flat along stems of the food plant. As you can see the larva has a fringe of hair-like projections hanging down from the sides.

Also on the Hawthorn a couple of leaves had been spun together with silk and inside was another moth larva. The identity of this one has not yet been resolved.

Spun leaves

Before I left the premises I noticed a fungus on Solanum dulcamara (Bittersweet) which Bruce tells me is Alternaria solani.

Alternaria solani on Solanum dulcamara

This is not entirely good news as this fungus causes Early Potato Blight and we grow quite a lot of potatoes.

Moving on a couple of hundred metres to a strip of woodland by the Arish Burn, I noticed some leaf mines on Stachys sylvatica (Hedge Woundwort) caused by the true fly Amauromyza labiatarum.

Amauromyza labiatarum mines on Stachys sylvatica

and a little further on a Hazel (Corylus avellana) had leaf mines made by two different micro-moths.

Stigmella floslactella mine on Corylus avellana
Phyllonorycter nicellii mine on Corylus avellana
Phyllonorycter nicellii larva

Also there was a springtail, Entomobrya nivalis (sometimes called Cosmopolitan Springtail), though I almost missed it and have no worthwhile image to share.

A little further on there were galls on Ranunculus repens (Creeping Buttercup) caused by the fungus Urocystis ranunculi

Urocystis ranunculi galls on Ranunculus repens

I am grateful to various folks for identifying and confirming many of the species shown here: Bruce Ing, Roy Leverton, Murdo Macdonald, Stephen Moran, Nigel Richards and Mark Young.

A Day Out

June 14, 2020

I drove less than three miles to Fearns and walked to Hallaig a few days ago. It felt strange that the season had got so far on without me. I collected seven Hieracium (Hawkweed) specimens for expert determination, though I am not sure that I achieved much variety, nor anything scarce. Time will tell.

It was a cracking day for inverts, especially moths. Speckled Yellow had only been recorded on Raasay once before, in 1969. Had I realised that at the time I would have spent time getting a decent picture that wasn’t bleached like this one:

Speckled Yellow

Speckled Yellow

I also saw two Satyr Pugs. These are not common locally and I had not recorded one before.

Satyr Pug

Satyr Pug

This little chap is Pammene rhediella (sometimes called Fruitlet Mining Tortrix) and has few records locally according to NBN.

Curiously, the northern one on Rona in NG65 is by Stephen Moran in 2015 – I was there! And the one in the north of the island was found by Neil Roberts and myself on a kayaking trip last year.

Otherwise, there were beetles (Thanks, Ralph)


Rhagio notatus

Rhagio notatus Large Fleck-winged Snipefly


butterflies (Common Blue, Red Admiral and many Small Heath) and various other things like this planthopper (Thanks to Stephen M).

Anoscopus albifrons

Anoscopus albifrons

All in all, an excellent day.