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ponerse me puse nos pusimos te pusiste os pusisteis

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Presentation on theme: "ponerse me puse nos pusimos te pusiste os pusisteis"— Presentation transcript:

1 ponerse me puse nos pusimos te pusiste os pusisteis
se puso se pusieron in the preterite used to describe reactions and mental or emotional states that occurred at a specific point in the past I became/got furious when the team lost. Me puse furioso cuando el equipo perdió.

2 sentirse me sentí nos sentimos te sentiste os sentisteis
se sintió se sintieron in the preterite used to describe reactions and mental or emotional states that occurred at a specific point in the past How did you feel when you went to the hospital? ¿Cómo te sentiste cuando fuiste al hospital?

3 preterite querer saber
quise quisimos supe supimos quisiste quisisteis supiste supisteis quiso quisieron supo supieron in the preterite used to describe reactions at a specific point in the past querer--having the urge to do something even, following through with it querer--(with “no”) refusing to do something saber—someone found something out I wanted (had the urge) to cry when I found out the news. Quise llorar cuando supe la noticia. They didn’t want to (refused to) learn to play the bagpipe (gaita). No quisieron aprender a tocar la gaita.

4 estar estuve estuvimos estuviste estuvisteis estuvo estuvieron
use the preterite when talking about being or feeling a certain way for a given period of time Raúl was very nervous during his visit to the doctor. Raúl estuvo muy nervioso durante su visita al médico. The children were tired all afternoon. Los niños estuvieron cansados toda la tarde.

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