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Gross Register Tonnage

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1 Gross Register Tonnage
Ship measurement Displacement Gross Register Tonnage Net Tonnage Deadweight Tonnage Length and Breadth Height and Draft mu

2 “A ship displaces a weight of water that is equal to its own weight.”
Archimedes' principle “A ship displaces a weight of water that is equal to its own weight.” sound

3 Archimedes' principle Therefore …...
a vessel will experience an upthrust that is equal to the weight of the displaced water. Displacement

4 Buoyancy and gravity B = G
When Buoyancy (B) is equal to Gravity (G) the vessel will float. B = G sound

5 Displacement The weight of a vessel and her contents, or
the weight of the displaced watermass. sound

6 Gross tonnage Gross tonnage equals the entire volume of the enclosed spaces of the ship. sound

7 Net tonnage Net tonnage can be calculated by deducting the spaces that are not used for cargo from the gross tonnage. sound

8 Harbour Dues Harbour dues are usually calculated according to the gross tonnage, but some ports use the vessel’s net tonnage. sound

9 Deadweight By deadweight is understood the weight of the vessel’s contents: cargo bunkers - ( fuel / lubricating oil / ballast water / fresh water/ potable water) equipment stores. sound

10 Cargo Carrying Capacity
soun By bale space is meant the volume of the cargo holds that can be used for general cargo.

11 Cargo Carrying Capacity
By grain space is meantthe volume of the cargo holds that can be used for bulk cargo. S

12 Cargo Carrying Capacity
Ullage – the free space above the liquid in a tank, which is measured in metres or feet. By Oil Space is understood 98% of the total volume of the wet bulk tanks.

13 “Length over all” (L.O.A.) is the total length of the vessel.
cwl sound Ship dimensions

14 Length Between Perpendiculars
Length Between Perpendiculars (LPP) is measured between the fore perpendicular (fpp) and the aft perpendicular (app). app fpp cwl sound Ship dimensions

15 Construction waterline
The Construction Waterline (CWL) or Summer Loadline is the line to which the ship may be loaded in summer. cwl sound Ship dimensions

16 Fore perpendicular fpp cwl intersection Ship dimensions
The fore perpendicular is the vertical line through the intersection of the CWL and the stem. fpp cwl sound intersection Ship dimensions

17 The aft perpendicular goes through the rudderstock.
app sound Ship dimensions

18 LPP app fpp intersection Ship dimensions
sound intersection Ship dimensions

19 Moulded breadth Ship dimensions
A B Horizontal distance between the insides of the moulds (A-B). Ship dimensions

20 Moulded depth Ship dimensions
A B Vertical distance between the insides of the moulds (A-B). A B Ship dimensions

21 Beam A B By beam is meant the extreme breadth of the vessel (A-B). Ship dimensions

22 Draft Ship dimensions Distance from the bottom
A B Distance from the bottom of the keel to the surface of the water (WL - K). WL K Ship dimensions

23 Air draft Ship dimensions
A B H Distance from the waterline to the highest point of the vessel (WL - H). WL Ship dimensions

24 Freeboard Ship dimensions
A B Distance between deckline and waterline (DL - WL). DL WL Ship dimensions

25 Underkeel clearance (UKC)
sound K B Distance between keel and sea-bed (K - B). Ship dimensions

26 International Maritime Language Programme – IMLP
C P.C. van Kluijven The IMLP is an IMO-standard. The International Maritime Language Programme – IMLP FINISHED

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