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Book 4 659- 705 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Book 4 659- 705 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Vocabulary

2 Haurio, haurire, hausi, haustus
Drain, drink it

3 Bacchor, Bacchari, Bacchatus
Rave, rush wildly

4 Conlabor, Conlapsus Fall in a heap, faint

5 Torus, Tori (m) Couch, bed

6 Fremo, fremere,frui, fritus
Shout, roar, groan

7 Culmen, culmenis (n) Roof, peak, summit, top

8 Evado, evadere, evasi, evasus
Go forth (from), pass over

9 Lympha, lymphae (f) water

10 Fraus, fraudis (f) Deceit, guile, fraud

11 Iste, ista, istud That (of yours)

12 Abluo, abluere, ablui, ablutus
Wash (off)

13 Crinis, crinis (m) Hair, locks, tresses

14 Obitus, obitus (m) Death, downfall, ruin

15 ter 3 times

16 Color, coloris (m) color

17 Croceus, crocea, croceum
Yellow, saffron, ruddy

18 Dilabor, dilabi, dilapsus
Glide away, depart

19 Roscidus, roscida, roscidum

20 Seco, secare,secui,secutus
Cut, cleave, slice

21 Together, at the same time
Una (adv) Together, at the same time

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