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Large Numbers 1,000 X 1 thousand = 1 million (106)  1,000 X 1 million = 1 billion (109)  1,000 X 1 billion = 1 trillion (1012)  1,000 X 1 trillion = 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Large Numbers 1,000 X 1 thousand = 1 million (106)  1,000 X 1 million = 1 billion (109)  1,000 X 1 billion = 1 trillion (1012)  1,000 X 1 trillion = 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large Numbers 1,000 X 1 thousand = 1 million (106)  1,000 X 1 million = 1 billion (109)  1,000 X 1 billion = 1 trillion (1012)  1,000 X 1 trillion = 1 quadrillion (1015)  1,000 X 1 quadrillion =1 quintillion(1018)  1,000 X 1 quintillion = 1 sextillion (1021) 

2 Large Numbers 1,000 X 1 sextillion =1 septillion (1024)  1,000 X 1 septillion =1 octillion (1027)  1,000 X 1 octillion = 1 nonillion (1030)  1,000 X 1 nonillion = 1 decillion (1033)  1,000 X 1 decillion = 1 undecillion (1036) 1,000 X 1 undecillion =1 duodecillion (1039) 

3 One googol = 10100  One googolplex = 10googol  One googolplexian = 10googolplex 

4 EXIT Ticket People in the US eat approximately 1,120,000,000 pounds of popcorn a year. Write this number in Scientific Notation.

5 Scientific Notation

6 VOCABULARY scientific notation exponential notation standard form base
Factor power Exponent decimal place value positive number negative number

7 rational numbers= whole numbers and decimal numbers
OBJECTIVE The students will be able to represent rational numbers by using scientific notation. rational numbers= whole numbers and decimal numbers

8 Powers of 10 105 = 104 = 103 = 102 = 101 = 100 =

9 Powers of 10 10-5 = 10-4 = 10-3 = 10-2 = 10-1 =

10 -used to represent large and small numbers
Scientific Notation -used to represent large and small numbers -it is made up of two factors: the first is greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10; and the second is a power of ten. .

11 The Distance From the Sun to the Earth

12 Step 1 93,000,000 = 9.3000000 Move decimal left
Leave only one number in front of decimal 93,000,000 =

13 Step 2 Write number without zeros 93,000,000 = 9.3

14 Step 3 7 93,000,000 = 9.3 x 10 Count how many places you moved decimal
Make that your power of ten 93,000,000 = 9.3 x 10 7

15 The power of ten is 7 because the decimal moved 7 places. 7
93,000,000 = 9.3 x 10 7

16 93,000, Standard Form 9.3 x Scientific Notation

17 Practice Problem -----> -----> -----> ----->
Write in scientific notation. Decide the power of ten. 98,500,000 = 9.85 x 10? 64,100,000,000 = 6.41 x 10? 279,000,000 = 2.79 x 10? 4,200,000 = 4.2 x 10? 9.85 x 107 -----> 6.41 x 1010 -----> 2.79 x 108 -----> -----> 4.2 x 106

18 Scientific Notation in Word Problems
1. There are over 300,000,000,000 stars in the Andromeda Galaxy. Write the number of stars in scientific notation.

19 Scientific Notation in Word Problems
2. There are approximately 306,000,000 people in United States of America. Write the population in the US in scientific notation.

20 Scientific Notation in Word Problems
3. The current population in the world is about 6.9 billion. Write the population in scientific notation.

21 Scientific Notation in Word Problems
4. The thickness of a soap bubble is about meter. What is the thickness of the soap bubble written in scientific notation?

22 More Practice Problems
On these, decide where the decimal will be moved. 734,000,000 = ______ x 108 870,000,000,000 = ______x 1011 90,000,000,000 = _____ x 1010 Answers 3) 9 x 1010 7.34 x 108 2) 8.7 x 1011

23 Answers Practice Problems Write in scientific notation. 50,000
7,200,000 802,000,000,000 Answers 1) 5 x 104 2) 7.2 x 106 3) 8.02 x 1011

24 Scientific Notation to Standard Form
Move the decimal to the right 3.4 x 105 in scientific notation move the decimal ---> 340,000 in standard form

25 Move the decimal to the right.
Write in Standard Form Move the decimal to the right. 6.27 x 106 9.01 x 104 =6,270,000 =90,100

26 When using Scientific Notation, there are two kinds of exponents: positive and negative
Positive Exponent: 2.35 x 108 Negative Exponent: 3.97 x 10-7

27 With a positive exponent, move the decimal to the right:
When changing scientific notation to standard notation, the exponent tells you if you should move the decimal: With a positive exponent, move the decimal to the right: 4.08 x 103 = 4 0 8 Don’t forget to fill in your zeroes!

28 When changing scientific notation to standard notation, the exponent tells you if you should move the decimal: With a negative exponent, move the decimal to the left: 4.08 x 10-3 = Don’t forget to fill in your zeroes!

29 An easy way to remember this is:
If an exponent is positive, the number gets larger, so move the decimal to the right. If an exponent is negative, the number gets smaller, so move the decimal to the left.

30 The exponent also tells how many spaces to move the decimal:
In this problem, the exponent is +3, so the decimal moves 3 spaces to the right.

31 The exponent also tells how many spaces to move the decimal:
In this problem, the exponent is -3, so the decimal moves 3 spaces to the left.

32 Try changing these numbers from Scientific Notation to Standard Notation:
9.678 x 104 x 10-3 x 107 x 10-5 96780

33 When changing from Standard Notation to Scientific Notation:
1) First, move the decimal after the first whole number: 2) Second, add your multiplication sign and your base (10). x 10 3) Count how many spaces the decimal moved and this is the exponent. x 10 3 3 2 1

34 When changing from Standard Notation to Scientific Notation:
4) See if the original number is greater than or less than one. If the number is greater than one, the exponent will be positive. = x 105 If the number is less than one, the exponent will be negative. = 6.72 x 10-8

35 Try changing these numbers from Standard Notation to Scientific Notation:
.08376 5673 x 106 3.45 x 10-5 8.376 x 102 5.673 x 103

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