Synsepalum dulcificum 'Miracle Berry Plant'

Synsepalum dulcificum 'Miracle Berry Plant'

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The Miracle trees can be grown in indoors and survive inside for the winter months at room temperatures near a sunny window. Avoid placing your tree near a heat vent. The tree needs about 6 hours of full sun daily, add additional lighting indoors.

The Miracle berry plant s a fascinating tropical plant known for its extraordinary ability to alter taste perceptions. When you eat the berry, it temporarily modifies your taste buds, making sour or acidic foods taste incredibly sweet! The effect comes from a compound known as miraculin, which temporarily blocks the receptors that perceive sour, while binding protons on the tongue that activate the sweet receptors. The effect is only temporary. Once the protein is washed away with saliva the taste buds go back to normal. The effect can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. This unique phenomenon makes the Miracle Berry (or Miracle Fruit) popular among those seeking natural sugar alternatives.


Plant Care

  • Light: Full sun or very bright light
  • Water: Water thoroughly, allowing the surface of the soil to dry between waterings.
  • Additionally: Prefers acidic soil for berry production