The benefits of Strobilanthes crispus leaves for health

in #health7 years ago

Strobilanthes crispa or Javanese people call it by the name "sambang geteh", while in the land pasundan known as "meat remek", "reundeu beureum", and the ternate call it by the name "lire".

Keji Beling: (Stachytarpheta mutabilis, Vahl.) Synonym: Strobilantes crispus, Bl. Sericocalyx crispus, (Linn.), Bremek.Familia: Acanthaceae

Keji Beling (Stachytarpheta mutabilis) is a type of wet-trunked plant and cursoryly resembles a straight-stemmed grass. In Java this plant is widely found in rural areas that grow as shrubs. The belly belt with the Latin name Strobilanthes crispus Bl or Sericocalyx crispus (L.) is easy to breed in fertile and rather sheltered soil and in open spaces that have a height of 1 - 1,000 m above sea level.

Plants Strobilanthes crispus pertained bushes, usually live bunch but because I take at home intentionally planted it grows regularly or can be said not clustering, height of 1-2 meters in adult plants. The morphology of the Strobilanthes crispus plant is to have a circular stem, round rod shape with diameter between 0.12 - 0.7 cm, coarse hair, monopodial branching. Purple stem bark with green spots at a young age and turns brown after age. Classified single leaf species, opposite, leaf shape oval to oval, leaf surface has fine fur, edges of beringgit leaves, tapered leaf tip, leaf base, long leaf blade ranges ± 5 - 8 cm, width ± 2 - 5 cm, stemmed Short, pinnate leaves bone, and the color of the upper leaf surface is dark green while the bottom is light green. The flowers are compound interest, grain shape, flower funnel shape, four stamens, and yellowish white flower color. Strobilanthes crispus has a round fruit, the fruit if young is green and after old or ripe black. For the seeds are round, and the size is small. Root system riding, root shape like a spear, and white.

Evil crops (Strobilanthes crispus) is a plant terna commonly planted by the community as a fence plant, can grow almost throughout the territory of Indonesia. This plant is also a wild herbaceous plants chronic life that many benefits for health in the healing of some diseases. In the vicious local language known as: ngokilo, enyah kilo, keci beling (Java), picah shard (Sunda). From various studies known vile plants contain chemicals, among others: potassium, sodium, calcium, silicic acid, alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, and polilenoi. Potassium works to urinate and destroy stones in bile, kidneys and bladder. Sodium serves to increase the extracellular fluid that causes an increase in blood volume. Calcium helps the blood clotting process, as well as a catalyst for various biological processes in the body and maintains cell membrane function. While silicic acid serves to bind water, oil, and other non-polar compounds.
This plant has many minerals such as potassium, calcium, and sodium and other mineral elements. Besides, there are also silicic acid, tannins, and glycosides.

The concentrated potassium contained in the vermicelli can shed kidney stones and gallstones. The elements contained in diuretic leaf diuretic leaves can accelerate the secretion of sugar in the blood, destroying the clumps of cholesterol in the blood, helping to facilitate the process of stool removal so that it can function as a laxative. Besides the anti-toxic content that is allegedly contained in the leaf of shrunken can cure the pain of poisonous snake bites or black ants. It turns out the benefits of this plant is incredible. Should be preserved. Hopefully very useful

The characteristics of the herb cruel herbs / sambang getih:
Stem: wet stems lying high can reach 1/4 m. Leaf: The top is green and purple, including the bones of the leaves. Long leaf stalk, feathered on the base, egg-shaped width or heart-shaped, at the base of rounded or heart-shaped, leaf size 7 x 4 cm, jagged edges and rough. Flowers: Herb vermicelli flowers are small, singular or both diketiak Leaf protector.

Benefits and Efficacy Belly Duck as a drug dysentery, diarrhea (diarrhea) and kidney stone drugs and can also be lowering cholesterol. The leaves of this plant other than boiled for drinking water, can also be eaten as fresh vegetables every day and done regularly.

Criminous leaf is also often used to overcome the body that itchy caterpillars or black ants, how to apply direct vermicelli leaves on the itch. To overcome diarrhea, dysentery, all parts of this plant is boiled, for about half an hour, then drink water. The same process for treating kidney stones.

Often we hear, many people around our environment who suffer from acute illness should undergo surgery so that the illness can be lost and can lead a healthy life as usual. But that's not all people want and can run it because of several factors, such as, the advanced age factor, cost factors, health factors that do not allow, and other factors.

Leaves are also able to cope with diabetes melau sweet eaten as regularly every day. Similarly, to treat the disease liver (jaundice), ambient (hemorrhoids) and ulcers in a way eaten regularly.

Traditional Elements of Whistle for treatment: image

Bladder stones: Leaves of 1 ounces of shard; 10-gram leafy leaves; 100ml of water, Made intravenously; brewed; Dipipis, Drunk 1 times daily 100 ml; When dipipis drunk 1 times a day 1/4 cupKencing substandard: 25 gram fresh leaves washed and then boiled with 2 cups water for 15 merit. After chilling filtered then drink at once. Do it in the morning or afternoon. Stool urine: Handful of cruel leaflets and 1 cob young corn washed, then boiled with 2 liters of clean water until the remaining 1 liter. After chilling filtered and drunk. Do the morning and evening, each I / 2 cup.Batu gall bladder: 5 pieces of fresh shredded fruits, fresh purple leaves 7 sheets, washed and then boiled with 3 cups water until the remaining 2 cups Drinking like teaLine: Leaves Fresh 20 - 50 grams, boiled with 6 cups water until the remaining 3 cups, chill, filtered. Drink 3 times 1 cup per day. Kidney stones: Leaves vile Shells 50 grams, meniran fresh 7 stems, purple leaf 7 sheets. Washed first boiled with 4 cups water to be 2 cups cold, strain, drink 3 times 2/3 glasses per day. Or 5 pieces of dried shredded leaves, fresh tempuyung leaves 5 pieces of 6 corn cobs, washed and then boiled with 5 cups of clean water until the remaining 2 ¼ cup. After chilling filtered, divided for 3 times drink, consumed in a day. Do it every day until the pain disappears. Constipation: Take 1/2 handful of fresh leaf shrub leaves, wash and then boiled with 2 cups water until the remaining 1 cup. After cold filtered then drinked.Wasir: Fresh leaves 20 - 50 grams, boiled with 6 cups water until the remaining 3 cups, chill, strain. Drink 3 times 1 cup per day.Tumor: Leaves of raw and fresh 3 pieces of raw sponges. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and done regularly. Abstinence: Salted fish, chili, bean sprouts, chicory, kale, pineapple, durian, lengkong, jackfruit, ice, alcohol and tape, lemonade and vitzin.Diabetes mellitus: How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and done regularly.Liver (jaundice): Leaves Keeji Beling raw and fresh 3 pieces. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and done regularly. Abstinence: foods that contain fat.Low cholesterol: 3 pieces of raw and fresh 3 tablespoons of raw and fresh shell. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and done regularly. Abstinence: fatty foods.Maag: Leaves of raw and fresh 3 pieces of raw sponges. How to use: eaten as fresh vegetables every day and done regularly. Abstinence: spicy or sour food. Can Caterpillars and Black Ant: Leaves of fresh and fresh 1 tablespoons of raw and green shell. How to use: rubbed on an itchy part of the body until it leaves water and crumbles. Conducted 2 times after 2 hours afterwards. Dysentery, diarrhea. Keji glass or Java people call it by the name "sambang geteh". This plant has many minerals such as potassium, calcium, and sodium and other mineral elements. Besides, there are also silicic acid, tannins, and glycosides. Usefulness as a drug dysentery, diarrhea (diarrhea) and kidney stone drugs and can also be lowering cholesterol. To overcome diarrhea, dysentery, all parts of this plant is boiled, for about half an hour, then drink water. The same process for treating kidney stones. Leaves also can cope with diabetes eaten as regular vegetables every day. To overcome the itching, the leaves of this plant other than boiled for drinking water, can also be eaten as fresh vegetables every day and done regularly. Criminous leaf is also often used to overcome the body that itchy caterpillars or black ants, how to apply direct vermicelli leaves on the itch.
The efficacy of leaf kejibeling that can "remove" Gallstone.

Hopefully this information can be a solution for you who are looking for solutions with traditional medicine.

With the following recipe composition:

Recipes 1

• 7 pieces of kejibeling leaves

• 25 sheets of cat's whiskers

• 3 sticks meniran

• 1/2 handheld corn hair

Recipes 2

• 11 sheets of leaves spoon (ki vein)

• 25 sheets of cat's whiskers

• 5 sheets of kejibeling leaves

• 5 wungu leaves

How to mix

After all the ingredients are washed, boil them in 4 glasses of clean water. Allow to boil and water remaining 3 cups. Boiled water is drunk every time after eating (3 times a day) each ½ cup for a month and then stop taking the traditional ingredients. Lapse 3 days later the recipe can you consume again.

From the herb it was vile to play an important role. Because, he was able to destroy gallstones. This stone is formed from biochemical processes between bile pigment, calcium, and cholesterol. All of it lies within the bladder or bile ducts. The causes include, among others, the resistance of the flow of bile fluid and the change of the bile formation of the bile and the change of the bile formation.

To speed up healing take 1 sheep leaf or betel leaf. After smearing coconut oil heat the leaf until it wither and stick on the affected part. image


The following types of foods are taboo for consumption. Alcoholic beverages, coffee and condensed teas, milk, ice water, fatty foods, edible, spicy, and sour dishes, and offal. Similarly, vegetables and fruits that cause gas (cabbage, durian, jackfruit). All types of sea fish and freshwater-besides without scales like catfish-you have to stay away.

In addition to both types of food, you also have to stretch the meat because it is difficult in the digest and food berbuka. Try to always wear warm clothes. Also avoid massage the liver.

Expand consume yellow corn is clear seeded, mustard greens, and cassava leaves. Vegetables that make it easier to defecate. Minimal ½ cup of pineapple water per day should you consume.

Especially for people with gallstones and diabetes mellitus, add some bay leaves. Besides as a flavoring, greeting also lowers blood sugar levels. Injuries that never heal, in people with diabetes mellitus, immediately treat with dripping honey and cover with betel leaf. Repeat that 3 times a day.

Good luck, hopefully the above recipe becomes an alternative medicine for you as a family.

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