Variable Leaf Snailseed; Correhuela

Cocculus diversifolius

Family: Meliaceae

Plant Description: Evergreen twining woody vine to 3 m or higher with mostly oblong or ovate leaves 1.5-8 cm long, alternate, with 3 or more obvious veins arising from the base. Flowers radial, usually in panicled racemes, the male and female on separate plants. Tepals 1-2 mm long, white. Fruit blue-black; roundish drupes. Seeds snail shaped.

Plant Trivia: When growing in nature the stems may grow to 2 or more inches in diameter.

Field Identification:

Occurrence: Frequent in pastures and woods on various soils.

Bloom Period: April-August.

Plant Use:

Key to species of Cocculus:

  1. Leaves with soft hairs beneath……………………………………….C. carolinus

Leaves glabrous……………………………………………………………C. diversifolius