How to Write Policy to Control Dropbox: Access or Deny
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How to Write Policy to Control Dropbox: Access or Deny


Article ID: 166540


Updated On:


ProxySG Software - SGOS


Follow these instructions to deny the upload and download options of Dropbox.



Please note that SSL Interception is required for, and the BlueCoat Web Content Filtering must be enabled.

  1. To deny upload, create a new rule in Web Access Layer, and add a new Combined Destination Object.
  2. In the Combined Destination Object, create a new Request URL Application, and choose DropBox.

Web Application Control


  1. Create a new Request URL Operation

Filter list


4. Create a Combined Destination Object.

Destination Object


  1. The next figure shows an overview of a Web Access Layer configured to deny upload to Dropbox. You must add a second rule set to deny request category for File Storage/Sharing, as the Dropbox web page was classifiled in this URL category.

VPM rule


6. Example policy trace result:

start transaction -------------------
  CPL Evaluation Trace: transaction ID=614895
    miss :     condition=CombinedDestination1
    MATCH:         DENY category="File Storage/Sharing" 
    MATCH:         server.certificate.validate(no) 
    MATCH:         trace.request(yes) trace.rules(all) trace.destination(Dropbox) 
  connection: HTTP client.address= proxy.port=8080
  time: 2013-12-10 05:57:26 UTC
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/31.0.1650.63 Safari/537.36
  user: unauthenticated
  authentication status='not_attempted' authorization status='not_attempted'
  DENIED: Either 'deny' or 'exception' was matched in policy -> Policy denied upload to DropBox
    url.category: File Storage/Sharing@Blue Coat
    server.certficate.hostname.category: File Storage/Sharing@Blue Coat Dropbox
  application.operation: Upload Files  -> DropBox Upload Option
  DSCP client outbound: 65
  DSCP server outbound: 65

stop transaction --------------------