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LinkedIn Connection Requests: All-in-One Guide for Effective Networking

March 12, 2024 LinkedIn, Prospect, Sales
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With so many networking platforms to choose from, LinkedIn stands out as a leader, uniquely bridging the gap between professionals across the globe. Unlike other platforms, LinkedIn’s connection feature isn’t just about adding friends; it’s about creating professional bonds.

This distinct attribute has made LinkedIn connections a favorite for many, offering a tailored approach to networking. These connection requests aren’t just a formality anymore; they’re essential in today’s world.

They open doors to opportunities, collaborations, and insights that are pivotal in the modern workspace. So, let’s explore together the details and best practices of LinkedIn connection requests, ensuring you maximize its full potential.

How Should You Write a LinkedIn Connection Request Message?

It’s tempting to quickly send a request without adding a personal touch, but taking a moment to personalize it can make a big difference. In fact, LinkedIn research indicates that messages on their platform have an 85% reply rate, tripling the response of conventional emails.

So, a custom message not only increases your chances of acceptance but also sets the stage for genuine interactions. If you skip the note, the recipient simply sees, “I’d like to join your network.” It lacks context about who you are or your reason for reaching out, potentially reducing your successful connections.

Remember, personal touches open the way for genuine conversations and leave lasting impressions. When writing your message, especially if it’s a LinkedIn connection message to an unknown person, be concise; you have a 300-character limit.

In fact, LaGrowthMachine did some research on LinkedIn connection messages. They found out that messages without any text had a 31% acceptance rate. But if you added a short introduction, the rate went up slightly to 32%.

So, be thoughtful and give them a compelling reason to connect. Whether you’re looking for job opportunities or just expanding your network, a sample LinkedIn connection request that’s well-thought-out can make all the difference.

How to Connect with Someone on LinkedIn

Connecting on LinkedIn is straightforward. Here’s how —

On Desktop

  1. Visit the LinkedIn profile of the person you’d like to connect with.
  2. Click the ‘Connect’ button near their photo.
  3. An option will pop up for you to add a personal note. While this step is optional, sending a short message about why you want to connect can be helpful.

  1. Hit Send.

On Mobile App

  1. Navigate to the person’s LinkedIn profile.
  2. Instead of directly clicking ‘Connect’, tap the three dots (ellipsis) below their details.
  3. Choose ‘Personalize Invite’ and type in your message.
  4. Click Send.

After sending, the recipient can either accept or decline your request. If they accept, they’ll be a first-degree connection. If declined, you’ll have to wait a while before sending another request to that person.

Remember, LinkedIn limits the number of daily connection requests, though we’ve solved the LinkedIn limit issue. So, be thoughtful about who you connect with, aiming for genuine professional relationships.

Note: Have a look at Linkedin Sales Navigator Cost.

Types of LinkedIn Connections

LinkedIn has three main connection categories —

First-degree Connections

These are individuals you’re directly linked with. You can message them, endorse their skills, and view their full activity, like posts, reactions, and comments.

Second-degree Connections

Your direct connections are these people. While you can’t view their full profiles, you can reach out via a mutual contact.

Third-degree Connections

They’re two steps away from you, so they know someone you know. You can only see their basic profile and can invite them to connect.

Once someone accepts your connection invite, both of you become first-degree connections and can fully see each other’s LinkedIn actions.

How to Personalize Your LinkedIn Connection Request Messages?

Here are some simple guidelines to make your LinkedIn introduction note stand out —

Say Hello!

Begin with a brief intro about yourself and your role.

Share How You Found Them

Did you meet at an event or find them while browsing? Letting them know can pique their interest.

Find Shared Interests

While sending a linkedin connection message to an unknown person, skim through their profile. Look for common hobbies, schools, mutual friends, or past workplaces. Use these as conversation starters.

State Your Purpose

Did you know that each week, 61 million individuals turn to LinkedIn for job searches? So, you must clearly express why you’re reaching out.

Are you looking for advice, curious about their job, or exploring job openings at their company?

Being upfront with your LinkedIn connection request message for a job helps both parties understand the connection’s purpose.

Follow Up

Once they accept your request, send a thank-you message. If it feels right, suggest a casual coffee chat. Engaging with more people can offer insights into local work culture and industry know-how.

Remember the Five P’s

When creating your message —

  • Be Polite
  • Stay Relevant (Pertinent)
  • Make it Personal
  • Keep it Professional
  • Offer Compliments (Praiseful)

3 Common LinkedIn Connection Mistakes That Limit Network Growth

Let’s dive right into some frequent mistakes we’ve noticed many make on LinkedIn. While having a good approach is key, it’s just as crucial to know what pitfalls to sidestep to genuinely connect and expand your LinkedIn circle.

From our extensive experience of sending and getting countless connection requests, here are the top 3 missteps —

Mistake #1: Missing the Personal Touch

One of the most common mistakes people make when reaching out on LinkedIn is sending generic or templated connection requests. While it might save time in the short run, it often results in a lower acceptance rate.

Personalizing your message shows the recipient that you’ve taken the time to understand their profile and have a genuine interest in connecting.

A simple mention of a shared interest, mutual connection, or a recent post they made can make all the difference. Remember, the goal is to build meaningful relationships, and that starts with a thoughtful introduction.

So, to increase your connection acceptance rate, it’s essential to share why you’re reaching out.

Mistake #2: Making It All About Yourself or Using a Dull Reason

Here’s a reality check: People are naturally more interested in their own concerns than in those of a stranger reaching out. To increase the chances of your request being accepted, you should focus on the recipient, not just on you.

Many flawed connection requests can be categorized into two types: those that are self-centered and those that are vague and unexciting. For instance —

Mistake #3: Vagueness in Your Request

Clarity is key. Generic statements like “I look forward to connecting” or “connecting seems to benefit us” don’t provide a clear reason for the recipient to accept the request.

Instead, aim for specificity while keeping the recipient’s interests at the forefront. Some examples include —

  • “I noticed your shift from healthcare to tech, which must have been challenging. How did you adapt your skills for this change?”
  • “I noticed you’re launching a new novel. Would you be interested in featuring on a podcast I know to promote it?”
  • “Your latest post about hiring caught my eye. I know someone who has such a business and could share insights on their hiring experiences.”

These examples are concise yet specific, highlighting the value for the recipient. That’s the goal!

LinkedIn Connection Message Templates for Connecting

It’s all about writing the right LinkedIn message. Take a look at these templates for real, impactful connection requests.

1. After Meeting at an Event

“Hi [first name],

I enjoyed our chat at the ESRI User Conference in San Diego. Your work on mapping for airports really caught my attention! I’d love to keep in touch and hear more about your projects.


[Your first name]”

2. For Fellow Group Members

“Hello [first name],

Being part of the Society of Professional Journalists, I’ve come across your insightful posts. Your recent article on data journalism’s future was especially intriguing. Let’s connect and discuss more!

Best wishes,

[Your first name]”

3. For Mutual Connections

“Hi [first name],

Thanks to [mutual connection name] for introducing us. I’m eager to learn more about your role at [company] the next time we chat. The [industry name] field has always piqued my curiosity.

Take care,

[Your first name]”

4. For Those Who Share Content

“Hello [first name],

I’ve been following your posts and particularly enjoyed your piece on Challenger selling. I’ve got the book based on your suggestion and can’t wait to start. Let’s connect to keep the conversation going!


[Your first name]”

5. Connecting with a New Team Member

“Hi [first name],

I’m thrilled to be part of the product development team. I’ve always admired the team’s innovative approach and dedication to top-notch testing methods. That’s a big reason I chose to join Jones Wheeler. Eager to contribute!


[Your first name]”

6. Reconnecting with a Former Colleague

“Hello [Name],

Working alongside you at [company name] was a pleasure. I’ve been following your updates on LinkedIn, and your journey truly motivates me. Let’s stay connected!


[Your Name]”

7. Cold LinkedIn Connection Request

“Hi [Name],

While exploring LinkedIn, I noticed your impressive background and accomplishments. Given that we’re both active in the [name of the field/industry], I thought it’d be great to connect and share insights.


[Your Name]”

8. Approaching a Recruiter

“Hi [first name],

I noticed you’re associated with [company]. As a professional in [your industry], I’ve gained significant experience over the years. If possible, I’d appreciate a conversation to explore any job opportunities that align with my expertise.

Thank you,

[Your first name]”

9. Reaching Out to a Potential Client

“Hi [Name],

I’ve been following your contributions in [field] and think I might have a solution to [solve a problem] for you. My collaboration with [company 1] & [company 2] yielded positive outcomes (you can check out their feedback on my profile). How about a conversation to explore how we might work together?


[Your Name]”

10. Connecting with a Fellow Graduate

“Hello [Name],

It’s great to see another [university name] graduate here! I’m curious about your journey post-graduation and your role at [company]. After graduation, I ventured into [field] and am now part of the [industry] sector. Let’s connect!


[Your Name]”

Swordfish AI: Your LinkedIn Connection Maker

Swordfish AI is a cutting-edge tool designed to help you in your networking tasks on platforms like LinkedIn. At its core, it’s a data intelligence solution that helps you in getting accurate contact information, ensuring that no LinkedIn connection request goes unnoticed.

Key Features for Accurate LinkedIn Information

Below are some notable features that can increase your LinkedIn connection process —

Chrome Extension

With our Chrome Extension, you can instantly pull up contact details right from LinkedIn profiles. With real-time access to accurate contact information, switching between platforms is unnecessary, simplifying networking.

Precision Data Retrieval

Our company prides itself on providing accurate information on LinkedIn profiles, thanks to its proprietary cell phone verification system and 3.5 billion data profiles..

Multi-Platform Integration

Beyond LinkedIn, it can extract contact details from other platforms, increasing the chances of successful connections.

Efficient Contact Management

With Swordfish AI, you can quickly obtain home phone numbers or emails of potential connections, making the outreach process more efficient.

So, why waste your connection? Try Swordfish AI to get your connection request accepted.

Try Swordfish Prospector


LinkedIn connection requests serve as a pivotal tool for professional networking and growth. The essence of a successful connection lies not just in reaching out, but in how one reaches out. Different types of connections require different messages, pitfalls, and understandings.

As we look ahead, digital networking will keep changing. However, the core principle remains: genuine, thoughtful outreach is key. If you’re seeking to expand their professional horizons, mastering this area, backed by our insights will be instrumental.

If you want to reach out to someone on LinkedIn, make sure you have the right tools. Swordfish AI offers accurate contact details, including emails and phone numbers, for business professionals and decision-makers.

Give Swordfish AI a try!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I view my LinkedIn connection requests?

To see your connections and invites, click the “My Network” icon on LinkedIn’s main page. A number on this icon shows any waiting invites.

What’s a connection request message?

It’s a message on LinkedIn to catch the interest of someone you’d like to connect with.

How long does a LinkedIn invite stay valid?

Invites to both LinkedIn members and non-members last six months. LinkedIn sometimes deletes old invites for inactive email addresses.’

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