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Sophora tonkinensis Gapnep.

English Name Subprostrate Sophora, Subprostrate Pagodatree, Tonkin Sophora, Vietnam Pagodatree
Latin name Sophora tonkinensis Gapnep.
Family & Genus Fabaceae, Sophora
Description Small shrub, 1-2m high; root cylindrical, yellowish brown; old stem bald, branchlet cylindrical, pilose. Odd-pinnate compound leaves alternate, with leaflet blades 11-17; leaflets oblong or long ovate, entire, 1-4cm long, 5-15mm wide, leaflets on apex larger, dark green above, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, below greyish white or greyish yellow, densely grey-white silky pubescence. Flowers light yellow, arranged as terminal panicles in length of 8-13cm; calyx campanulate, calyx teeth 5, short triangular, different in size; corolla butterfly, 10-12mm long, vexil orbicular, apex concave, clawed; petals and keel with pointed long ears; stamens 10, one group, distinct; ovary cylindric, densely villous, with short stalk, styles bent, stigma capitate, clustered long villous. Pod length 3.5-4cm, with pod nodes 1-3, dehiscent when mature; seeds black, bright. Flowering: May to June, fruiting: July to August.
Distribution Growing in stone crevices of hill slopes, forest edges or thickets. Distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and etc. Mainly produced in Guangxi.
Part Used Medical part: roots and rhizome. Chinese name: Shandougen.
Harvest & Processing Excavated root and rhizome in autumn, removed cauline leaves, fibrous root and foreign matters, well washed, and sun-dried.
Chemistry Mainly contains flavonoids and alkaloids, etc.
Pharmacology Hypertension-increasing and anti-tumor and anti-ulcer, etc.
Properties & Actions Bitter, cold; toxic.Dispersing swelling, benefiting throat, clearing heat and detoxifying.
Indications & Usage Swelling pain in the throat, swelling pain in gums, accumulation of fire toxins.Oral administration: decocting, 3-6g. Not use in case of deficiency-cold of spleen and stomach.
Examples 1. Odontia: root of straight Sophora 1 piece, hold in painful site.
2. Five acute jaundices: root of straight Sophora powder, take 2 qian and swallow on empty stomach.
3. Dysentery with red and white feces: root of straight Sophora, pestle to powder and prepare honey pills. Decoct in water, and swallow 20 on empty stomach, 3 times in total.

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