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Sphaerophysa salsula (Pall.) DC.

English Name Salt Globepea, Saline Swainsona, Bitterhorsebean, Saline Swainsona
Latin name Sphaerophysa salsula (Pall.) DC.
Family & Genus Fabaceae, Sphaerophysa
Description Perennial herb or subshrub, 20-60cm high. Stems erect, with spreading branches, whole plant with sparse short appressed hair. Odd-pinnate compound leaves; petiolules very short, stipules lanceolate, ca. 3mm long, with white appressed hair; leaflet 13-21, obovate-oblong or elliptic, 5-15mm long, 3-6mm wide, apex obtuse or emarginated, base broadly cuneate, both surfaces with adnate short hair, sometimes surface has less hair or nearly glabrous. Racemes, axillary; bracts lanceolate, ca. 1mm long; calyx campanulate, calyx teeth 5, corolla light red, 12-13mm long, vexil suborbicular, extended, both sides reflexed outward, length about 10mm, width about 13mm, apex concave, base clawed, both sides revolute, petals slightly shorter than vexil, apex pointed, nearly equal in length to keel; stamens 10, diadelphous; ovary of pistil stipitate, nearly linear, dense white pilose, style slightly curved, medial side with longitudinal cirrus. Pod membranous, yellowish white, rectangular circular, with long stalk, smooth surface, dilated to be saccular, one chamber. Seeds numerous, reniform to nearly semicircular, ca. 2.5mm long, brown, hilum rounded and depressed. Flowering in May to August, fruiting in June to September.
Distribution Growing along riverbanks, ditch sides, field ridge, sandy soil and saline-alkali soil. Can be cultivated. Distributed in Northeast, North and Northwest China, Henan and etc. The medicinal materials are mainly produced in Hebei, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu and etc.
Part Used Medical part: fruits, branches and leaves. Chinese name: Kumadou.
Harvest & Processing Collected in autumn, and sun-dried.
Chemistry Aboveground part contains spherophysine and ergotine.
Pharmacology Hastening parturition, postpartum-hemorrhage-arresting, hypertension-reducing, having effect on hysteranesis.
Properties & Actions Little bitter, neutral; mild-toxic.Inducing urination and dispersing swelling.
Indications & Usage Used for abdominal dropsy due to cirrhosis, acute circumscribed edema, chronic hepatitis and edema.Oral administration, 9-12g.
Examples 1. Cardiac and renal edema: whole herb of salt globepea 1.5-9g, (fresh plant 15-60g). Decoct in water, swallow in 2 times, 1 dose a day.
2. Nephritis: whole herb (fresh) of salt globepea 30g, Artemisia leaf, catnip 12g each, decoct in water and swallow.

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