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Globba racemosa Smith

English Name GlobbbatacemosaSmith,
Latin name Globba racemosa Smith
Family & Genus Zingiberaceae, Globba
Description Perennial herb, up to 1m tall. Stem base slightly expanding, lower part covered by scale like sheath. Leaf alternate, sessile or with short stipe; ligule and leaf sheath orifice with tricholoma; lamina long circular to ovate lanceolate, 12-20cm long, 4-5cm wide, upper part of margin and tail tine in the tip with eyelashes, veins on both surfaces sparsely covered by long soft hairs, others hairless. Panicle basidixed, 15-20cm long, flower yellow, each part with orange glandular spots, usually 1-3 flower grown on the apex of the branches 1-15cm long; calyx tube funnel shaped, 4-5mm long; corolla tube about 1cm long, lobe reflexed, about 5mm long, adnate staminodium lanceolate, equal to corolla lobe in length; labellum invert wedge shaped, about 7mm long, tip 2 lobed, reflexed, grown in filament base; filament 10-12mm long, anther about 4mm long, bilaterally without wing like attachment. Capsule oval, about 1cm in diameter. Flowering: June to September; fruiting: August to November.
Distribution Growing in dank places of forests at altitude 400-1,300m. Distributed in provinces in the southern and southwestern parts of China. The medicinal materials are produced in the parts from the southeast to southwest, west, Suijiang in the northeast and Lijiang and Weixi in Northwest.
Part Used Medical paet: fruits. Chinese name: Yunnan Xiaocaokou.
Harvest & Processing Collected in autumn and winter when fruits become mature, and sun-dried.
Chemistry Contains cycloeucalenol.
Properties & Actions Taste pungent, warm in nature.Benefiting stomach and promoting digestion.
Indications & Usage Distending pain in the stomach, poor appetite, dyspepsia.Oral administration: decocting, 3-6g; or made as pills or powders.

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