Note- National Core Indicator Adult Family Survey is Open

National Core Indicator Adult Family Survey is Open

The National Core Indicators (NCI) Survey is used by the California Department of Developmental Disabilities to assess performance in services and supports provided to people with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD). California has used the NCI surveys for the last 10 and each year they rotate surveys to include; adults, children and families/guardian. The surveys are conducted by the State Council on Developmental Disabilities and are very important to understanding the needs of people with IDD, and their families, in the state.

The surveys ask questions about various aspects of life including, but not limited to; where you live, employment, relationships, involvement in the community, health, safety, respect, rights access to different services/supports and satisfaction related to the services and supports received. The Adult Family Survey (AFS) and the Family Guardian Survey (FGS) were sent out in November/December 2019 and will remain open and available to fill out until June 2020.

If you have a family member 18 year or older who is receiving at least one Regional Center Service, other than case management, you have the opportunity to let California know how you feel about the services as well as how they can be improved upon. Given all the mail and information we receive it is easy to overlook these surveys so if you have not seen one come n the mail or have not had the opportunity to take the survey online you can find out more information about how to take the survey at:

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