Request a Review!

Please note that due to current workload, reviews may take up to a maximum of four days to be published

You can request a review for a dance performance, musical, play, performance, showcase or rehearsed reading. If it is a live performance of any sort, a review can be requested from The Theatre Reviewer.

To request a review, send the details of and poster for your performance(s) to:

When you request a review, you are entitled to free publicity on The Theatre Reviewer’s main site and Twitter. So, be sure to send over a picture that can be used for your publicity. However, this site must not be seen as a platform for publicity; this is simply complimentary to having requested a review.

Reviews are posted no longer than three days after the performance date, though large/multiple performances, or performances requiring longer reviews, may take at most five days. (Contact via email in the unlikely case that the requested review has not been published within this timeframe).

It must be noted that reviews offered are analytical reviews and not creative ones. This means that rather than focusing on the creative and rehearsal processes, on cast lists or previous actor/company success, reviews will consider the efficacy of the performance itself: what went well; what didn’t; what could have been done, instead; etc. Very occasionally, reviews may compare performances with previous productions of the same dramatic text to do this. More information about this can be found on The Theatre Reviewer’s home page or in this publication.

To get an idea of what your review will look like, click here to see other reviews, or to see an index of all past reviews, click here.

Make sure you’re also following The Theatre Reviewer on Twitter to keep up-to-date with posts and reviews: @T_Reviewer

Thank You, and Happy Requesting!!!!

NB: The Theatre Reviewer only accepts review requests. Please do not send in publicity or advertisements, as this will be ignored. Thank you.

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