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Moon Scat
Genus: Selenotoca
Species: S. papuensis

See below for care details

Maximum Size: 4″
Aggression: Low, Social
Temperature: 74-80 F
pH: 7.5-8.5
Hardness: 15-25 dH
Brackish Tolerance: 1.005-1.025
Minimum Tank Size: 55 gallons
Feeding: Can and will eat basically any food offered. Flakes and pellets, frozen brine and Mysis shrimp, pieces of earthworms, vegetable matter (cucumber, peas, etc), chopped shellfish and fish
Notes: Of the four Scat species, the Moon Scat is likely the rarest in the trade and does not seem to be purposefully traded. Those found in stores are most likely traded under the Silver Scat moniker. The differences between the two species are not readily apparent except when compared side by side, but the Moon Scat has fewer vertical bands and has larger spots about the size of its’ eyes.

Moon Scats, like their relatives, are often boisterous fish bordering on nippy but are not especially aggressive. They can be pushy when it comes to feeding and so should not be kept with timid fish they can out-compete for food. Moon Scats are best kept either singly or in groups of 3 or more as pairs often result in one fish bullying the other. Dissimilar fish like African Monos, Sailfin Mollies, and Stripeys are some of the many species which will work well as tankmates.

It’s worth noting that Moon Scats, like many fish in the family Scatophagidae, are mildly venomous fish. While not nearly as potent as lionfish or Eel Catfish, wounds caused by Scat stings are still painful and may result in some swelling. Those who are especially allergic to animal stings may do well to take extra caution.


Scats, Family Scatophagidae, Aquatic Vacuum Cleaners, Bob Fenner

Scats (Family Scatophagidae), Neale Monks

Selenotoca multifasciata, The Aquarium Wiki

The first report on some toxic effects of green scat, Scatophagus argus an Iranian Persian Gulf venomous fish

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